Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1932, p. 40

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Prlude: ."Dawn" ... ... Jenkins. Solo: «'0TJrualem" .... .Dudley Buck Offertory: d"Prayer'> .......Ferrari Solo: "Trust lu Hlm" .... Hamblem Mrs. Zdwards Postlude,: "Toccata ln D1>Miner' Neven. The Church achool according te the tollowing sehedule: *Beglnnerà department ages 4 and 5): *Prlmary department (ages 6, 7, and 9)., 9:55 to 12.. Junlior departmnent (ages 9, M.i and' 11), 9 :55- to 10 :55. Intermediate department .(ages 12 and 13): 9:55 te 10:55.< Righ School departrnent: 12 :15 to 1. The activities durlng the week for boys and girls are deflnitely included in Our program, and each group receiv%-esý guidance from experien4ced leaders' The week.eday-,sehedule follows: Tuesdayï-3 :15 P. m.-Btuebirds. Tuesday-4 :00 p. m.-Cgmp 'Pire Girl!., Girl Scouts. ... Tuesday-7 :30 P. m.- Roosevelt Troop No. 2, Boy Scouts. Trhursday-7 :30 p. m.-Treop No. 1, Boy Scouts. Saturday-9 :,30 a. m.-Cub Scouts. On Monday, May. g3,.thé Worth End Oiel. wil meet for luncheon at the borne of Mrs. Bruce P. Owens, 714 Elmi- *wood avenue. Mrs. C. D. Ewer, Ms C. 'R. Blxby, Mrs. E. M. Merrill, and Mrs. W. A., Mann will be the asost- I ng hostesses. Pollowlng th'e, luncheen, the annual meeting and éeéction of offM- cers *111l be held. Thé East End Circle wilI hav e a lunicheon meeting on Monday, May 23. nt the home of Mrs. Bertha G. Lutz, 827 Gréenwond avenue. Mrs.. J. C. Gapen and Mrs. n, C. Rolfing will he, the ass-Iqt- lng hostesses. * onle of thé meest interest-ing-events cof the yean will hé held noxt 'Wednesdayl evéning,', Mayv 25. At 6:30 a Féllowship dinner will hé served .by the Nothwest clircle. F~ollowing this, thé Freshmnen hlgh school girls wili présent a chil- drén's play, "Ciriderélla'se Slipper." 'A social périod wlth opportunity for viéw- lng exhibits of neligiotas éducaitioti aci- tivitiés will occupy the tidi0 froni 8 to 8 *30. At 8 4.30 the high school uppér, ci wmi lliprésent "Thé Confession- al," a oné-ract play by Percival Wilde-! Both plays are given -undér thé direction' of Miss Manian Ortseifen. Réerations for thé dinnér must hé made through thé church office beforé 5 p.,.-rn. on Tuesday. This Is thé losing social eéent of the ter and a large a«tteéndane,é is eec j nglish Lutheran, Greenléaf ,ivenue afld Sévéntir stret A House of Wor ship Rev. David R. Kabele, î>aistor a brraesmaia, a. ueauifu Japanese «cri and séveral articles of interest. We are béginning to announce and advértise our summer schedulé of serv- ices. Our church wifl not curtall its program for the Laminer mnnthe. Every Sýunday our choir will bé present .and favor us with beautiful and Inspiration- al musié and the pastorwill occupy the pulpit. A hearty linvitationý. le extendédý to everyoeéto attend o ur. services, to feliowship . with us, and te share, the in- ;piration that cornes through worship. Baptist. Chu13rch,ý Wiimetté and Forest avenues Gxeorge D Allison, minister -A Church That Cares" Our' Sunday prog 1rain bégins at fnine- ýthirty, A., M. In everyr departmnent ôf the Church' sehool. Theré is a class for evêerv member of the fainily, and the sehedule le -s arranged that'every one Is engaged. In Church schooU knd, mor- ing w-orship activities at the samé 'tirné. jThe néw quarters for'thé Béginners and Primary départménts In *Children's hall are- delightful indeéd. Boys and girls up to 8 years of agé are etirolled, in thesée depart.ments. Thé Junio r-Intermediate departrnent, is organizéd into a Pioncer society. Next Sýunday, May '22, we arc to have elec- tlon- of officérs for next year : an Ad-ý mirail Rar-AdmIral, an Ensign, ané1I a Pursér. Thesé officers guide thé "0- cety in thé Treaching of the varieus- portescheduled for thé year: the. '%is- slonary Reading port; the _Missionary giVing port, the Class Activities port:; thé Participation p)ort and thé Schular- s'hip port.. Néxt Saturday morning, thé menîbers of the Intermediate department, 7th anidf Sth grades, are having a sunrise break-' fast down at the beach. On Sunday mnorning, thé ..fourth grade elass of 1boys and .girls wil have a breakfast at thé beachi, returning at eight-thirty,,.giving ample thne to, prepare for church sýchool at 9 :30.. Sunday:, m6rning worship c f the church. and school le at Il o'clock ini thé chui'h sanctuar-y. Dr. Allison Will cntinue bis fine séries of jng With péirsonal nliglous exprience- next Sunday's toplic te hé: "Lifé Aliiund- The Young Peaple so ciéty lmeetigg will be held at 6 o'clock. Thé program this wéek les sponsonéd by thé x'ýtrious young péoplé's groups 3jn thé village. Miss Mary Wigléy of thé University cf Chicago will spéak on "F'orward Plan- ning." Thé meeting will bé héld ini this church. n the Asi 'wn chur art, and M1 whe a véral of our are taking .n store for The Mens class will have a Picnic Saturday, May 21. Cars w 1Ill. leave' the church at 2:30 te go to, the' Glenview Foret Préserve.* There will bé "Read" vs. I'Blue"I basebali, tug-o-war, a:nd many other Iintereting feature8 as well as a grand steak and fàh-ry supper. AIl men of thé church: are Invited. A spécial à.11-day,> meeting to sew for Lake Bluff Is calléd for Tuesday, May, 24. Women are asked te bringr théir own luncheon. Coffee will be served. Division Day la Thursday, May 28. The divisions will' meet as follows: First-1 :30 P. M.-Mrs. E. R. James, 1304 Forest avenue. Second-b :30 A. M.-Mrs. E. A.. Weg-u nér, 421 Eltnwood avenue. Third--1 :30 P. M.-MIrs. Carl F. Gep- perit, 2227, Lincolnwood avenue, Ev'ans- ton. Fourth-10 :30 A. M.-Mrs. Hope Ker- win, 2007 Wilmhetté avenue., Mrs. n. >. Fifth'10 :30 A.* M.-M.frs. Robert Bichi, 119Lake avenue.. The Sixth division wlvll méeet Tuesday, *May 11, at the ýhome of Mrs. Dec Stoker, 228 Myrtlé stréet, Wi.nnetka, at The Friendly Circle u-111 have' its -May. Party" In. honor cf néw mnibers 'Tué évening at 8 oeeloc k ln . theý Wornan's roomn..Thé election olf offirsërq will also také place, Loo ~ ng ahead te June 5 *nvra' Sunday, thé church is antlcipating the visit of Blshop K. R. Chîtamnbar, the first Indian .'op of thé Methodist FEpiscopal church. Hé will spéak at théý morning service, and a véspér s*rvice will be héld in thé aftcrnoon at which Miss Bni, our organist, will rendér several sélections and thé choir. will sing portions of "Thée Moly City." Thé Wednesday éevening FellowShip) service continués as usual with asmiall but- dééply intérested. group. AIl those cOnencée. ln the. vital, .scpiritual lifé of theébcurch are 'invited te attend. There isa nrsey for childreindur- ing thé, church heur with a trained kindergartner In chargé., Thé following rmémbers. of thé Junior dep)artmént wéeré received linte thé mémn- bership and féllowship of this chlurch last Sunday momfing: flarriett Jones, Mfardée Martin, Robent Fuéssie, Fred- erlck Leérnan, Robert Spiegelhauér. Kénnéth. Symoirs, William- Symions, and William Zumn*inl<l. Nlewcomens in thé community are cor- dilly invltéd te visit any or onh ý,1 ,,. -alo i<irst rresoytersan Woman's club roomes Trenth stréet at Gréenicaf avenue James T. Veneklasen, nilnister -Our worshlp service is héeld at il o'clock, .and. we cerdially Invité, thosé' who have ne church home, or who are strangérs here; to wership wlth uas. Theý paster wIll, preach on thé thème. "«ThFe TJnchangeablé God."' This:wil be a mes- ;age of comfort and encouragement. Miss Rounds, pianiàt, wili play, Thi- Préludé, '"Arabesque" (E Major) bvy Debussy, Postlude. "Marche Pontificale., Lemmens. Sir. Otis, solnist, :wll sing. "Hôw Lovély Are Thy Dwellitrgs' by Liddle, and "The Earth Is the Lor4d" Our Sunid.y school, which is ýtheý church -at study. mn1eets a&t, 9:30- o'clock, and we have claeses -for every age. Wt- wé%,lcomne you. Our Junior cburch, which meets dur- ing the church heur, cares for the younger chilldren' se that their parents- nia.y bé. free to attend church services. Thé ChristHan, Endeavor society wilt meet'with the othier Young People's so- eiette-s of the other rhu-rehes nt f6 o'clock at the Baptist church. 'issMary Wigýley, taking postgradtvite, university, work, will spéak on the subjet, "For- ward Plainning," AMl thé yQunig.people, are invited. Spoke No. il wil i meet Tuesday Nvith Mr.Fredý Simrnonds, .338 Woodstoc(k. Kenilworth. Our Prayer.imeeting, anr heur of sktudy and dlevotions, mets on Wednes;day ev~e- ning a)t R o'elock at the Womnan's dilub. Our study will hé The Pamrable of th,- Tvo Sons, one cof the practical tteach- ings of Jesus. Boy Scouts Troop No. 5, *will h(old i Father and Son banquet on Thursday,ý evening. On Tuesday evéning. Ma.11, a cocn- cert wtll be given by "ThéE.ightéeenth, Century Singers," 'four. pretty girls in the lovely hoopskirt coistumnes Of that period ' singing sré fthé 4elightful Music whiph ohartned our forefathers The prceeds aîre forithe Church Build- ing fund, and it is hoped 'that every, ,seat in the Woman'.s club auditoriuhi will1 be taken., SpokeNo ilpéeta"aat cf thé Bridés" on June 7 at thé Wo- an',; club rooms. -MOr e later. Our communion and ,réception cf mc-i- bers will hé held on Sunday, June 5 Pléase consult thé pastor. Children's Day exorcises wil be héid on 1Sunday, Juné 12, with bap'tismcof childrén and thé pageant,. "God's, Gar- den" W%%ednesday afternoon. at 2:30 le. Theo store.. dc. Mm.J .. -'Thée fficérs and teachérs of our r ' * -s sedigthswekl Walter Promotion a for tire Chijrch school Church school expeet te send a large D.Wletl pnigti ékI thé, as- will hé héld on June 12, thé second Sun- delégatien te Winnetka when, in thé.fSchesptaker f heNew York eeéistae day ln June. Plane are béing arranged Church .Parish Heuse, they will dine Conetff the Discrifr ptoesw oCri st.t for thé varieus graduaating classes ln together and hold a meeting afteé'ward.CnvtonethDicpscfirst o'clock each department A .Il teé.achers and officérs cf- nor th shore (More Cburch Néws on Page 50), i

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