1.OMEE IRES are. burntngbrighte THgEY SANG Tin the Argonne, on Broadway and on every Main Street. Keepý the Home Fires Burning& was a war song with a universal appeal. It is sili being. ang today. Inu effect, it seems to have become a sort of "theme song" for our new habits of living. During the last decade homne fires have had their ups -and downs. For a white, in 1928 and, 1929, they smouldered.--when' families' seéemed bound to buy 'ail their entertainment in publict places. Not 80. today. Home fires have been rekindled. They are burning even brighter thian during the war'. It is a peacetiiue paradox. as, headquarters for fun, for entertaiument Probably this is true in your own case. Probably you're getting quite a kick out 6f the change., too., And we are Jikely to forget that alti new activity ini the home means burming more lights in the. evening-and longer evenings. That it means more. meals to b., cooked-more dishes to wash. Naturally if you're spending more time at home, you'ro. using More gas and electricity;ý But even if your bille for'these services are slightly higiier thau 'they' used to be,