TISIl p.m.Ci %UOus TONIGIIT-MAY 19 CLAUDETTE'COLBERT and -MELVYN DOUGLAS Starts 4 00 FRIDAY &SATU RDAY. MAY 2Q-2 I --TWO FEATURES "DISORDERM CODUCT SPENCER TRACY, and SALLY EILERS Stîïrts Fr1. "7:14; 1O22--Starts Sut. 3:54; .7;1 e1: 12 "fBIG TMR BEN LYON and CONSTANCE. CUMMINGS start.s Fr1. 9:6&-'tartMsust. 2:11; à3.2; 8:40 "Retd N Qsels" >Pitt% &.Toodd Sports Reti......ews . . . Ognou SUNDAY & MONDAY. MAY '22-23-TWO FEATURES' "FEBH ISlaWEAK" IR0BERT MONTGO MERY and NORA GREGOR &&BROKEVN WING", ,LUPE VELEZ and LEO CARILLO MrsSuà:. 2:24; à3:4s; 80-Mtart mon. 8:17 "'Km grdom et ofSheba"-Travotgue .Torchiy fC0edy . -News TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MAY 24-25-26 HIS MASTE RPIECE -n on A uModera Draumàf rom Real Life THE* MAN WHO P LA Y ED : GOD Starts oach Eve. 7:-44;01 BO)- Frlend Conedy ... Colerful Jalpur"-Traveltalk FRIDAY-A SATURDAY. MAAY 27-28--TWO FEATUR On Open 810 i j I ...News G LA.. .Y.......... Clai .A " . ........C à 'ABADE" ........Dor P NIGHII....... 0F SIX MILLION"-.. Jamlta & rde Corte Douglas Fairbank4 ly. with the globe as 'Around the Worl( tes," at Community anîd Saturday, May and 21. I BEN LYON IS VERSATILE Ben Lyon slings hash and exchanges wallops ini the comedy drama. "The Big Timer," at the Teatro del Lago on Pridav and Saturday, May 20 and "Amteu Dady"wil lre atrnsto uciame, dJpVdibni a uew guise il, f~~~ "AaerDdy vl uePtfn The Man Who Played God, bis newý proeg r i ont buh r 's d ouble ay nd at estarring vehicle, at the Teatro dl Lago 1 01 T h rsd a , F id ay a nonat T u esd ay , W Ved n esd a y a n d T h u rsd ay . urday of hiayw2e, 25 anîd 26. 'rhere will be ili- Gerg Arlissgve , ie o.ryl oa reat- ianis a, bortray:lteresting short subjeets shown M iaddi- of a grat ianit wo leCQ en'e- tion to the Arliss inasterpiece. bittered in the drama,."'llie Manî Who;M.Als un i eist h PlayedGQ. Violet Fleming is also 1M.Als.trn i éist h splendid. And please savesomue laitrels'otaa fgnnsii"h ai~h for Bette Davis. In fact, the cast is ye o."l hi ituele'ly thought to be -the lest and most effec- terl fauitrainalj mu tive ever gathered for an. Arlis.s film. musician. whose ý wizardry Nvith melody it licuds, n:addtio t -Alis -ndplaces the world at bis feet. He li;s adorcd by wvoieui,. admired by i i. the Misses Heminig and Davis, .Ivaiinumeigeei ig mn hn Sinmpson, Louise. Closser Hale, Don- snsshett h odro i ald Cook, Oscar Apfel,' Andre, Luguetsnssbett h odro i Murrv. innliRayondMiland music. Those intimate with hirn. :oiç- Maulra i nd Wiliaymn Jan . ever. respect him more for bis huian .PaulPorcsi ad WiliamJàmiy. lualities and kiindincss. tian for his John G. Adolfi, -Who directcd- "The sica M\illioitaire . and "Alexander Ha:nil- 1shp ton,'* Arliss' two préeding pictures. 1- Arlis Has Worthy Role also wielded the mfegaphone on "Thie "lîe a, foPa>e od Ie Maui Who Played God.". selîts fulI opportunity for Mr.. Arliss Wtarer axte isthestar0ç îîito express humnanienotions. The drama Whmsical film, "Amteusr Daddv." is heightened hy the sudden dafess whinsiél ' ilm ý"Aater Dady.which takes, the'nmusic f rom the great Baxter is shown giving up his career as a Conistruction engineer to motherartist and comllteIy changes his life. Other roles. are ably îttr'ireteýl 1w a brood of orphaned children, the oid- getcs nldî iltfeig est of whorn is Marian Nixon. 'Tis Bette Da .vis, Louise Closser Hale, Os'- ai: ctertîmng how.càr Apfel and Ivan Simpson, Oni Friday and Saturday, Mv20. George Arliss 'Writes land 21 the Teatrodel Lago Pr, sents Script for Owvn Role filims, "Disordeu-l%, Coniiduct", and *The. George Arliss collaborated., %%itii Big T'imer." Juliani Josephson and Maude Howell W Milmette's owi: 'Ralph Bellaniv is a on the script of bis niew picture -The 1 star 'of 'Disordcrly conduct."-a. grip- Mani XVho Played God '" w hicil lthe n story with: characters taken f roni Teatro del Lago will preselnt Tie- i real ife. Practically hv etrepc dav, Wedniesday and Thursdavy. \la.\ !f ire ,hased ou real happeningS. it i~ 24, 25 and 26. He gave particilar ai- stated. Other stars are' Spencer Tracv' tention to the role of Royale. tt i -11iSalIy Eilers. musician, played by hiniself. Ac.- Ben Lyon Undergoes Change cording to persons closely associated Inl "The Big Tinier," Bei l.voiî is witb Mr. Arliss in the production l". 1sent as the sinall -town guy who climhs, the 'picture, hie practically wrote thej from sljnging hamburgérs inia, lunch entire part, which,. in the opinlion <l ý01wagon to-swiliging left hlooks and riglit. those who have had previews of the jahs in. the. hiîg-timc r inig..- Constance film, presents him in! a 'stri kîiglv .CurinmingksamTiem Todtw bau original and daring character. 'The tacsdith p eîî o ains dd tobaet M'an Who Played God" has two* lead- lthe fmnn itrs with lots of risantle. ing feminine roles, enacted by Violet heait throb. eitrstwt lto Hemilng and Bette Davis. jolini "u h ls sWa"ai"h Adolfi directed. «3u.teF9ls s-Wa ndTe ________________Broken Win" are the Teatro del Lago attractions Sunday and Monday, Mav NJora Gregor at Teatro. 22 and 23. Robert Montgomery is in First English Movie wtier than ever in the exciting pic- - ,.,Bu teFls Is Weak." C. Imj « un Start~