* com vnage-wAii ini scope> ana li1f t 'the curtaîn of depression from the windôws of Wilmette homes.. The idea will soon be presented to leading Wilnîette organizations with the hippe that every needy faniily in the vil1lage*,ca.n have sufficient food- including the orange juice and fruit that children require' for their health- he. food, purchased -With money earned by useful work, will flot have that bitter "chaitty" taste,. Concerted Action Win&s Concerted action by the. resideiits of the "160WY anid "1700" blocks on :HighlanId avenue is already makinig tvo WVilmette homes brighter -pWces n whichi to live. Thîe Highland avenue residents, are cooperating incarrving ont the 'nman a block" plan in wvhich the homes of oneblock provide work for -the head of soine needy. anddeserving fauîiily. Ac"ording, to the. "Man a l)lIock" Pl I n. cachi home, in wh 'ich t.he head o? he famnily hias steady empl _-menît. ple(lges itself to, provide Nvork, for omie nour a-'ýveek at the rate of fortY cents- ;* j an our. 1 Resideuts 'of that block agree on s.o11eone to take charge of the plan *anîd to consult local relief workers ini deterniiniig the fauiilv hicad wh'lo neve.ds and deserv-es the enîiplovyment. 'rîîîs cac -bloc~k s;-steîniatîcaillv pro- 1.vides %.ork fur oiie fainlyý hicad \\ho c au go iroin homne to hoine ashi -ivcc rc requircd. Soine of the' homes tryîng thil, plan fiîîd that thîe - ý cau provide niore thani one houir s ellîplovulient a week. * . These Men in Charge F. Earl MlcDoNv. 1615 H-ighland ave- * nue. lias charge of the plani In .thle lW block: and Chiarles NV. 1erch. 17l,ý15 Hghhatnd avenue. ini the -I7flO" b)îock,. Both niecu havýe intervie-v cd. everv hiome Ini their respective blocks aud-have on îînmu approval of thle plan.' AI.wh ad the hinan- cial 'ileanis, sai(l the ver gla(l to, * co-operate. Others. . inabIe ýto pro-. vide wvork. said that they %would he glad to ïiurther the plan inu whalitever :Way they could. The "miani a block" plan is said to I>e rea(lilv acaptable to varyingcon- ditions. For exainple: If one block sLnem. ijeaiaeio.~ U.~*.Ltu 48infan in- teresting story ini this issue. -Memorial Day program plans have been coinpleted. Includes flag-rais- ing services at veterans' graves, street Procession and services ini Washing- ton Park. Cen. John V. Clinnin, speaker of the day. Kenilworth holds its Memiorial, Day observ,'ances ,Sunday, May 29. A splendid program is promised. Thursday,, May 26, is Poppy Day. The American Legionmposts and Aux- iliary unfits are sponsoring the. sale -of the, littie red flowers made by dis- abled Wa6.veterans. "XVbys and here fores of Poppy Salés"' told:iri this issue. \Vilxnette's total. contribution to the "Pioneer Meal" f und ils $2,163.25. Comiplete ten-weeks' camipaign. The Wilmette Health Center lias some interesting news ini its weeklx j coluinn in thîs issue. * ýVilnette fleaith departmnent ail-! niounices its programn of inumuniizationi againist diptheria. Read, what Dr. M,,a rti niH>., Seifert, health comm-iis- s.oiner, lias to say ab)out *it. Distribution of inconie nt X~ Trier Hligh sehool is outline(l ii tablec of figuires releascd this w.eek by Vthec 1-iîglisclîool lboard -o:f edtc'ationu. Slaslîi ii expend(itures ail along the uine is iiu(licate(l. EvSery tatxl)ay.er wýill w<at to rea(l this inforniationi catrefull. I Trififlg out chiampl-ionisij )swini- inig teanms is aIl iii the dav's wvork With Edgar B. jacI.çk ýsou ,%simi.nig in- struictor at -NeNv Trier Highi schoôl. But lie also does a big job liiintra- mural work withi the objectiv-e ii iiiuid -of teachiing everv boy, at Necw Trier to learu how- to smîinî. Read about it!1 Plhil J. ofan is inStallexl as president of the XV-ilnette Op)ttimis-t« club. Dr. Walter' F. Schutr, . newly eiected p)resident of the Wiliiiette Rn- tary club,. is clîosemn as deliegate, to the Convention of Rotary Interna- tional whicli conieenes iin SéattleI Mathew Francis Photo I)r. Martin FI. Seifert, recentlY a.PPotittedfViltnet te'heaith commnis- sioner, lias been a resident of -Wil- illeIte f or seocral years. He ttorked 11hiS -zwav flrougl the Univers ity of iInhois college of medicine by scr-- uap as a.p irrîtcist ùt? :11wSiider- Ca.v:clI)rug comnpany and enjoys a wz(ide acquain tance iii the village.. Il se,-ved bis ipiterneship at the Ez. usnahos pifai and csfabiishedl his practice in lfVi;etfe fimcdi- irtciv af cri-azi thfe los pitl. Board Committee at Work on Revising Code- Trustée Harry C. Kinne, 'chairmnaî of the judiciary conimittee of the Vil- lage board, reported at the regular meéeting of the board Tuesday night that his committee is now working on the new Wilmiette Village code. A meeting of aIl mneibéis of the Vil- lage board for the purpose of con- sidering the various provisions of the code lias been called 4 or 'Thursdav night of this week.- Mr. Kinne, stated that many evenings of work will be required befor'e the new code is coni-ý pleted and ready for adoption. aL.,gon auxiliaries Will couct theui yearly sale of the poppies made by disabled veterans and proceeds from the sale of which will go to help needy and disabled war veterans and tlîeir families. In a letter addressed to. Commiander' George Leal of Wilmette Post 46, Amnerican Legion, by. the chairnia n of Poppy sales for: 'the State' depar't- ment, Amnerican Legion, are set forth, in the "whys. and wherefor of the Poppy Sale." The letter, which Mr. Leal passes :along to the villagers, reads: "I really feel 'that 'not enough of- our members, :and certainly the geli- eral public doesý not, thoroughly un- derstand. the. program c arried on by the annual Poppy, sale. "In the hopes -of being able to give 3-ou a picture of the niecessity of the- largest poppy sale, I wish to remind vou -that thi s program was originallyý adopted *by the department because of the necessity of the department to carry on the program outlined in 1922 and to enlarge eaeh: year thereaf-ter. Show Distributioni "The total budget for the Service departmient in 1931. vas $53,629. The total rec-eived hy thedepartment for the 1931 Poppy sales was $38,23670. Thle deficit is made: up entirely from iiembnler.shîp dues. "The total appropriated for the Service dlêpartilient budget provides for the headquarters at, 209 North L-a Salle street, Chicago;- , the Claimis division at Hinles hospital, and six field nmen assigned to this departmnent, residing ouitside of Cook coity. The budget also provides for direct relief ; Nvhich provides. for ernierg-ency for straîîded veterans and their fanmilie.s; meals and lodgings for single veterans aund cigafets and other comforts for n1ien1 confinied to the hospitals. "Orpoppy program, as you recal, (Continued on page.7) Wilmette Boy Is Drowned in' River, James Mir 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 7, Meier, 2103 \\aFhitigton avenue, and a sophomore at the 'M'ilmette ,pubuic lnurary, wil' attend the 'animal meetinig and elec- tion of officers of graduates of the Western Reserve university School of Library Science Friday of this week at the College club in- Chicago. Dinner ivill be served at 6:30 o'clock. Letus Ih posing of -Mrs. Note: E ducted by wilmette., the pleasutire of dis- ýmfor you. I nry Cutier, chairman ony Shop is cor.- e Woman's Club of -ceeds go. to charity. j -J" passea a resoltion i uesaay autnoriz- ing Trustee Bennett to continue to serve as president pro tern pending President Dubbs' returu. 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