DOl 663 Vernon A IôÎcated, south and east front Ph. Wilmette 2399 or .2427. 56LTN37-tf F<)lt RENP-S ROOM FLAT AT 504ý Park Ave., second floo;r; reasonable. Ph., Wilýmette 90. '- 5BLTN2-ltc 4ROOM APT. FOR RENT AT 334 Park.Ave. For iniformnation calGlen- co 1. 56LT2--ltp ONE 2 RM.,.ALSO ONE 4 RM.' ITCH- enette apt. Humphrey buldIng. Win- netka 98 or 3328.' 56LTN-20-tfe 5ROOM APT. AT 909, LINDE N, HUB- bard Woods. Tel. Winnetka 1055. 56LTN48-tfc NEWLY REMODELED, APT. ON qluiet residential street In. Hubbard Woods. Phone Wlnnctka 1127. 56LTN48-tfc 57 FO)RRENT-FuitN. APTS. OE2 AND ONE 4 IRM. FUIZNISIIED apt., 1.5N8 Oak Ave. Attractive rental. See antor or STULTS REALTY CO. iiU'H Davis st. Uni. 8080 571,TN2-1t(c FOI1 l1ENT-BEA-UTIFUL FURLNISHI- cd3 in. kitchenette apartmnent, large i'pen poreh., gas, light, and electric r--frigeration fumn. $5--0 ronth. 1021 Cehtral Ave. Phb.,Wilmnette .291. 57LTN2-ltc FL7RNISHED AND -UNFURNISHEL) 2 and 3 rôom modern apts. Fine lora- tin IWinnetka. Reasona bIc. %in- n.tka "690. 57L'rN53-tfcý -.4 -%ND ýj IJN. APTS., FURZNISHIED adlieatel, $25 up. 1/ blocks to K..mivothstation. Phi. Kenilivorth. 1146. .571,TN2-Ite FURNISHED 1 AND 4 ROOM APTS., convýieniently located. Ph. W.Urette 2399 or Wllmette 2427. 57LTN. 0,-tfc 3 1~OMSAND BATHI, ENTIIRE 2ND t1oor. Also garage. Near lkeand *rasp. Winnetka, 1947. 571,TN2-1 [p P3 RM. FURIN. FLAT FOR 2 'ADULTS pj'i. bath, pri.pentrance, gas heat eec fu rn. Ph. Wilmettè 707-R. 57L2-ltp) 60 FOR RCNT-HkOUSES W 11L.- SACRIFICE My 8 RM. -.101 SE Iocuted: rt 625 Exrmoor Rd., Renil- wirth, -fôr $70 a month. Ph,. Kenil- ,worth 1.307. 6LTN-t Dr ta K. ROSS Glencoe 305 6OLTN2-ltc ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL H 0 M E near transp, and beach, 5 bedrms.,, slp. porch, 3 baths, den, sun rn., lav., oil heat. Greatly, reduced to $125 a non th. Frances J. Winscott M02 Spruce St. Winnetka, 1267 6OLTN2-ltc MODERN HOUSE., ON 21A-ACRES. .barn. chieken bouse. $50 per- imo. ù. room bouse, $45â. Frank .Relly 2202 Catherine St.. Northbrook. 111. 60LT2-ltp NEW 5 rMi. SHINGLIE, INSULATED home, basemient garage, large lot, onljy $50 month. .1552 Walters Ave., XoUh.>ro.Pli. North.brook 128. 6OLTNÉ-ltp) 4 ROOM COTTAGE, ALL 'MODERN. Tiled porch, screened. EIec. stove.* Porcelain ice box. 2 car garage. Lot 135x21.0. Fruit trees. Glencoe 1240. 60L2lttp EAST ILMEWE-7RbI. COLONIAL, 4 liedirmis.," 2 bathis, sun parlor and sleeping porch, 2-car garage.. Real valje ,ât $13,5 per inMrnth. Ca» Win- n etka 1800. 60L2-Itc 9 mi. bouse, 2 bat-li, ïwell located, 1408 Asbury., Winnetka. Call Wininetka: 3163 or Buckinghami 5828 6OLTN2-ltc NICEHOLJSE, ýS.ATHS, 3,PORCHES, good location. Pli. Wilmnette 1877. 60LT2-ltc. 3ROONU COTTAGE WITH BATH, 867 Grov, St., Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 294. 60LTN2-ltp 4 RoQm COTTAGE FOR R E NT. WI N - Aks o ilnfumu. homes. 2N Mrs. Lang. Winnetk-a 11M. 61LTN*-ltc IN WINNETKA sun roomi, open 'sleeping and living porches, six bedroonîs, 3 baths, 2-car gaa'.Largé yard. Near lake, beach. Winnetka, 2291. 61LýTN2-ltp JUNE 18 TO SEPT. 10, ATTRAC- r'eyfurnished 8 rni. houise, close ta be'ich and transp., reasona.ble, Ph. W liniette 2573. 61LPN2-ltè 902 Spruce St. Wlnnetka 1267 61LTN"2-ltc: 63 WTD. TO RENI-FURN. HZES. WANT. TO RENT SMALL FUR- nished house, surn-mer season. Near beach. P:ýh. Glencoe 1267.. 63LT2-ltp 64 0OR NENT-GARAGQEs GARAGE FOR RENT AT 142 CHCIRC}1 Rd., Winnetka. $8 month. Phone Win- netka 1619. 64L2-ltp 66 FOR RENT-S$TORES à OFFpICS 1114 DAVIS ST. WONDERFT-L LO- cation, -fruit and vegetable, barber shop and beauty. parlor or bakery. Reas. ta right party. STULTS. REALTY CO.- 1108 Davis St. Uni. 8080 66LTI%-ltc FINE, STORE ROOM, 501 CHESTNUT St., WinnetlMa, acros-s street fr-ôm pub- lic school. Winnetka 690. 66LTN53-tfc 72FOR SALLE-HOUSErS Fine Brick Colonial INVESTMENT $52,500 TODAY'S PRICE $37,500 In unusually fine Glenicoe loca- cation, '8 rooms, 3 baths,. $5,000- $10,000 cash recjulred. Subjeet to new first mortgage of $20,000, 5 yrs. WIII consider exchange. 1071 Skokie Ridge Drive. Glen- coe 1554, Hollycourt 1855. BAIRD & WARNER 72LTN24ltc MILST .SELL 8 RM.. BRICK COYLONIAL, 3 yrs. old, 5 bedrmns., 3 baths, ohl ht.. 2-car garage. Price reduced ta $16,500. -Call Wlnnetka 1800. 72LTN2-lto Attractive Colonial Reduced $18,500l to $13,500l 7 .rooins, 1 bath, sun parlor, large lot 60x150, in cholce Ev- anston location. Due to death'in farnily any reasonable offer or exebange consldered. 522 flavis 13t. Greenleaf 1855. BAIRD,& WARNER ne~ ae5I1UKratdL t You are welcome1 after 2 P. nM. Sunda BILLS RE 9,30 Spanish iCt. [ay., Wllmiette 374« 72L-ltr, UTnus'ual Artistic .Home On woaded, ravlne; ln beatRa-- vinia. section, beach privileges, attractive living rrn. and study. .4. bedrmis., 3 baths, oail heat, 2-car garage., 2 blks. east ot - Ravinla Opera ontrance. Trustep Must selI. 2231 Lake Side Place. Ph. Rexm- lngton, Glencoe 1554. BAIRD, & WARNER 72LTN2-ltc $2e«O WILL BUY equlty ln very attractive 6 roomn brick residence in lovely districtý on east side, near. sehools, lake and tranLsportation. An unusual ^oppartunlty ta secure a genuine bargain, Let us show t to you. 150NLMcGUIRE & ORR 1h05agoiAve., Evanston Gre. 1080- 72LTN2-ltc OVERLOOKINO GOLF CLUB 3 Miles west of Glencoe, 1Y acres wlth attractive, up-to-date 6 roomn cottage.. Fruittrees and fine soil. Large barnl. $1.0.Ternis. FRANK A. REID 954 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Phono Wlnnetka 1300 or 1680 72LTN2-ltc FOR SALE OR1i N bargain.. Address Box BE A e, III. F2-ltp 74 FOR ALE-VACANTl FOR SALE - GREATEST SACRIFICE, on Nôrthý Shore- "for c.ash," ' 0:k296 wooded lot, *S. E. Lake Forest Reas. taxes. Finest loc. $1,80,. No brokors., Wrýite>B-.e0), Box 40, Willmette, 111. 74LTN2-ItO Your, "..FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS THE HOME3 PAPER 0F THE COMMUNITY»