Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 May 1932, p. 52

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erlmeflt and royaîlits Uyea,, wii human life as a cat with a n~Use. The cast of upper classmn has been rehearsing under the direction of Miss Elisabeth Stanwood and Mr. Gordon >Van'Kirk. The leading rote of'the adventurous Comte Armand de Trevieres is. playrec by Paul Husting. *The double players for the part of the charmning heroine, Laurette de Chateaubriand, are Heler Holton and.Lesley. Champlin. Clanior- gan, the leader of the royalists, is the man 'Who sends. Armand to certain death -for the good of bis cause; whicli involves the rescue of Laurette's father, the Duc de Chateaubriand. This plan brings about a, meeting of Armand -and Laurette, ,and there im- niediately ensues ope of those roman- tic affairs called love at first sight. Other royalist parts are taken'by Jack Broad, Bill:Sundloff, Leonard Krupnickt Margaret Cobb, Jane De- menty jack de Beers, Robert.Fietcher, Bill Doty, and Budt Howard. ýý Sydney Date WsFouché, the Paris prefect. Brisquet, bis agent, who. is dangerously close on the trail of the Purpie Mask, is played by Walter ýMerrili. Bob Sparks 18 a sergeant of police. Officers of the 7th Hussars.,are Bill Nordburg, Kenneth, Stilling, FredA Clerk, and Eugene Harper.. The rest of the cast is as follows: Germain, Roger Delander; Bernard, Don Cardy; First Dandy, Bob Sparks; Second Dandy, Eugene H-arper; Mme Anais, Frances Ellis and Mary Eliza-, beth Collier; Sabine, Nancy Harris and Mary Ellen Graham; a customer, Virginia Rich; another customer, Cai roi Laurence; Constance, Mary jane Ricb; Irene, Gertrude' Van Treuen. __________ Sears School to Hold Annual Exhibit June 10 Every -departmenit of the school will bc represented in the annual ex- hibit at the Joseph Sears Ischooi .in Renilworth Friday niighit, Ju ne 10. The pupils have been busy for sonie time preparing for the exhibit. Par- 1of a gay night at "Monte Carlo," clev- ,s erly' scratched' and marlced "Shawnee n Country Club." A anystery is planned for midnight. Ronald Feltman is in. charge of the evening. s Last Saturday pre sented the last art àexhibit for the season anid, as an- snounced, it was a'dispiay of "home talents. ":The work in applied arts was parficularly emphasized ini quilts. It was very. evident that this 'art has been, tboroughlly revived both ini the pieced and in the app lique. work. The results were very beautiful. Mrs. Robert Swaimn brought a very 1old quilt which ýwas a inasterpiece both in cohor, design,,as well as workma»ý- ship. It was vivid, strong and interest- ing. The quilting was most elaborately done. Mrs. C.. Ewer of' Wilmete has -become one of the well known de- signers of applique quilts in this sec- tion andh er work is 'always a joy to look upon. Hier "'Horn of Pleiity" which was ini the makiùg iast season, was com- pleted for this sbowing and made a beautiful quilt. There was an unusual one designed f rom the exotic "Japanese lantern"ý of our gardens. She carried out the'brilliant color of these orange flowers and softened it by using a beige background. She empliasized slightly the pale green of the plant bothi in the buds and ini the border and adding to the orange motif, a touch 'of brown. Thei design was informai and carried out. the eccentric growth of the plant itself. .I was very much admired. Mrs. Paul O. Dittmar of Evanston. broughit sonne lovely hooked rugs and a stunning pieced quilt wbich greeted you ini thé upper hallway. She also broughit a cross-stitch sanipher very beautifully. executed 'by Mrs. Elizabeth Knuass, also of Evanston. Mrs. W. L. We 1ttling was representted by.sevreral pieced quilts, one with the double ring design, and. :were nicely. placed in the hobby and m uchi admired. 'Mrs. Byron Knapp, hroughit somne lovely bandsmocked dresses for chiidren which are 5o niuch used now-a-days and these were dis- played between the hounize and bail- -4ancfle, womUCIIandJU ViIUUVII, The story is Hans Christian Anderson's "Snow Queen." Susan Wolfe wiIl play the part of Gerda, and Ralph Starr has the role of Kay. Other, characters include Betsy Davis, grandmotheér; Phylls' Whieelock, mother; Shirley Scariatt, snow queen; Jean Schrei,> witch; Tommyv Ellis, Bud Stillman. and .Benny Richard, ragnien; Bob Fair- çhild and Bobby. Anderson, robber' captains, and. Elaine Vaughit, robber girl. The mnusical' being presentecl under the directionof Miss Margaret Davenport, mi. usic supervisor at .joseph Sears. Sings on Programs Prior- to Trip West Mar jory Shermnan,. Mrs. -Ha rold R.. Shermlan of 714 WVashington avenue, Xilmiette, lis ha'Ving severai1 engage- mients during the. late spring season. On Juiei 2, she is singlng 'at a ieet- ing of the Young Pepole's society of the Xilmette 'Parish Methodîst chuirch in the Womian'S lounge, at 2 in the afteriloon, ber program inciud- ing "Oh Rest in the Lord" fromTthe The following afternoon Mrs. S herm- mian wilI give a music prograni at tlie district mneeting of the womani's s o- cieties of the Methodist Epiýjcopal: churches ait the Wilmette Parishi chiurcli at i1:30 o'clock. On Sunday, June. '5, she is singing at the morn- ing service at the Churcli of the Hoiy Spirit in Lake Forest.. On June 10, Mr. and Mrs. Slier- ipan and thieir two sons, Btil and Bob), are leaving on an automobile trip. Mr, Shcrinan and Bob wifl drive part way. to Caliiornia and then returu. to \Viimette. Mrs. ShIermrnîi and Bil, however, wiil proceeciHi rest of the wvay by. train t o spcnd- the sUrnmier 1with. the former s par- ents, M *r. and. Mr.s.ý P. D. Middlekauff of Palo Alto,'Cal., forïmerly residents of Wilmnette, MAXINE CHOATE DIES rewarded withi a book presented by the board of education. ln the lower grade room, which is taught by Mrs. Edith Cotnam, two pupils, Betty Auty and Pauline Hoff- pian, both in the third grade,. had perfect records., They reiceived copies of Robert- Louis. Stevýe!sonI's "A 'Child's Garden of VTerses." .lI the upper grade room, where Mrs. Glen CÇlinebeil is the teacher, the pupils, with perfect attendance records and no tardy marks were Ruth Grundstroin, Josephi Levernier, Marian .Kares, Leonard Lawrence and Robert Repke, ai lu the seventh grade, anîd Lloyd Repke, who is ini the fifth grade. Two Avoca pupils, Lillian Quirnl- bach and William Anhalt, wbo comn- pleted% their. eighth grade work this y Car, received cliplomas at the gradua- tion exercises Monday night. The diplomas werep re..sciited, by, Antop Thaimaiîn, pr esident of' the board of educationt of the. school. .The program for the exercises 'also included a ~play, "Hannah Henpeck's Vote," a miock trial written by F. Emerson Andrews, whichi was: pre- sented, by the p upils. Theschooi will close for. the year. Friday of this wéek,. when the pupils wvill receive their report. cards. Mrs. Gl'en Clinebell, upper ýgrade room, teacher, will return' next year as prin- cipal of thé s .chool; She. will. teach the lifthi, sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Mrs, Edith Cotniam, who bas been .eaching the lower grades this year, %vill not be back, but ber successor las flot yet 'been selected. Mrs. Cot- iam's husband, the Rev. F. G. Cot- nain, has accepted a caîl to a pas- orate ii New York State. Harriet Eddy Pomeroy Dies at Sister's Home Funeral. services for. Mrs.. Harriet- Eddy Pomneroyi who died Wednesday, Mfay, 18, at the homne'of ber sister, Mrs. M. F. Stevenîs, 530 Central ave- nue, were hieid hast Friday miorning at St. Francis-Xavier church ini Wil-. mette. Burial took place at El Paso, Ill., wliere Mrs. Pomneroy's husband and four of ber children are buried. Mrs. Pomecroy hiad miade lier home with lier sister. 'MArs. Stevens, for inaiy years , laving lived in Wilniette U.4u ma- .nrgau-rt charg farne Among those entertaining at. luncheoin ments. reo rag. 9 -organ, Wilmette architect wvere M'rs. Wallis Miller, Mrs. Charles The usual sniahh huncheons and fore- r,~ gave a talk Monday af- Dennis, Mrs. John Cook and Mrs. Fred somes are constantiy in progress iat the an assenibly in the joseph White. club and the Monday card games with o, Kenilworth. Mr. Mor- 'The "Pros Club"~ of Northwestern Mrs. Walter Farrar, 'chairnian, are en associated 'with Frank university were entertained at Shawnee. steadihy. popuhar.. The games wilh con- ght, well 'known ýarchitect. this Wednesda eeng with ýMiss tinue through thesw er . Mrs. George Anderson of Chicgois the guest of 'ber granchdaughterMs Kingsley B3. Colton,' 354 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth. On june 5, Mrs. Anderson will give a large family din- ner at the Orr "ington. hotel in Evans- ton, afterwards returin, to' Mrs. Coi- ton's for bridge and a buffet supper. i 'i I j Lloyd

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