For tht puirpose of calling té the attention of the north shore public the convenience of shopping at tht Evanston store, Marshall Field and co mpany will observe Suburban Store week there f roff Sat'urday,, Junie 4, through Saturday, June Il,. with a prograrn of- events including enter- tainiment, style shows and an offering *of more than 250 outstanding.values in every d epartrnent. A juggler, a ventriloquist, and fret *balloons are among the attractions to be offered during. tht seven .days for the Store's juvenile guestb. Beginning tht week's events, the formaI opening of the roof garden wvill bh'e held Sat'urday. Ont of theý features of this will be a..display of *garden aiid ,porch furniture.' Attrac- tive Iandscaping lias been complettd for the roof bv the Swain Nelson nurseri'es, With a model rock garden as ont of tht focal points. !For those interested in gardeniing. a represein t a- tîve of the nurseries wil-l be prefýent every afternoon froin 3 to 4 to give informa] talks and answer questionls. To Display Sportawear Marking tht optniîîg of tht suni- me r season, a colorful, parade of mannequins displayiiig, sportswear. and- outdoor .of, ail types wvill he held in the roof garden from ~3 to 4, and, there wiIl be incidentai musiè by' anl ens'emble ithrotighthe afternoon. For the benefit of the childrtn, the garden's r>av ipparatus including the, child:en. Net - He will also perform every after- noon the first haifof next week, his, prograra being set for 4 tu 5 o'clock, and lie wil l lase the balloons each afterrnoon at 4:30. In order to Iend variety tu the prograni the juggler will bereplaced by a ventriloquist the latter, haif of next week!' This en- tertainer will observe the sarnèehours as the juggler. In' fact. tht. second Saturday's Prograiwwill parallel that of tht',first Saturday thrbughout t he store except -that the ventriloquisi will be substituted for the juggler. Each morniuig of the seven days of suburbazi week a. rose will be pre- sented to everv wom'an entering thé store. as a token of appreciation to old 'customers -and -as a greeting ta those, who0 ,are visiting the 'store for the' finst tiue'or are unacquainted with, its facilities. At thte door the. visitors will also b e .given a directory of values. listing the more tàan 250 ýite-màS which will be offered at special prices. Special emphasis is being placed on the dis- play of styles' and on the prices in the dress departmnent. 'This section, of the store bas receutly been éon- iiderably enl.arged and subtirban wéek- will be mnade an occasion for intro- ducing its greater stock' an'd facili-. tics to the women of the north shore. In addition to the progranis for tht two Saturdays, there will be a parade of mannequins everv afternoon f rom 3 'to 4. FJELD'S INTRODUCES BEAUTY REST UNIlT AFTER. HOLLYWOOD SUCCESS (uiet tR#Žduces -or Bu ids by USing .Li&/dRays P(1 Howirxg its phienomietial success in. the, région doMinattd by, HoIly- wood .screen stars, a UacÇregor "beauty rest cabinet" is being initro- duced te thet iddle wtst hy Marshall Field and comnpany and lias bten in- stalltd in thte btauty' salon of the Evanston 'store, It is' the only cabi- net o.f its kiîud outside of thteIacific coast area. The device. which 'is regarded as rotatiîon of' lights. The effect is de- scribed as highljy pleasant and mni' indiately, invigorating. Miss Agnes MaLcGregor of Los Angeles, originator of the mettod and inventer of tht cabinet. 15 i attèndance with 'ber asistants at tht Field store's beauty salon, dem o n- strating tht cabinet to the public, di- recting its use and prescr.iting treat- iFrom the cabinet the patron is taken to the sbower for a complete body spray and then goes back to THE EVANSTON STORE'0F MARSHA-LL -FIELD &:CQMPANY M makes iýts initial. presentati:onri of. THE NEW METH0D '0F Rej uvenat ion andeat You may concsuit with. the expert in~ charge cabinet is a large horizontal c3 der, equipped inside with clusten lights and arcs which' are contrc by an instrument panel at tht Into this cylinder is wheeled a cS which the beauty patient rtcI while submnitting to the presci of At tmis tme theliîgflts have brought ed about a complete body perspiration. ad. When the heat in tht cabinet bc- on cornes tee great, we use our fluctuat- ies ing lights' wbich alternate froni blue ed-to red. thtreby decreasinig the temn- &CQMPANY ,are, without