V\ ilmette public schools close for thet sumnmer, hias been set as the tentative date for the opening o.f the \Vil- muette beach, according to an an- niounicement this week by officiais of the Wiimette Park district, wvhich, operate s the beach. For.» the--past two weeks-employees of ýthe Park district have been.busy cleaning the beaeh. preparatory to.the formiai opening. It wili be iii excel- lent condition for the .officiai opeii- ing ini two weeks.> Re-Locate Staarway Th'le location of the stairwal to thel beachi house lias beeti changed from 1,I the ilorth side to the south side of 1 Lake avenue. The stàirway. nowl leads directly into the beach biousel si) that villagers will not lhave to, ~akacross sand hefore.reaching the:i h(iLIs froni the street.c budget caref uliy. Wihinette's dog-muzzling ordinance became effective June 1. The dog- catcher will be on the job and tbere's a penaltyfor those whô .will be f orced. tu reclaim their pets f romethe Village Pound. Music groups in the public schools will present their annuai conicert Fni- day evening of this week. Three 11undred and fifty, studenitsý have enrolled tu date foQr summer schooi vork ai New Trier High scbooi. Registrations are stili beéing received. The Wiimette public school Music department has instruments to loan to children of. the village. Theý Park district conussioflers deiir e toý reserve. the' beachi. insofarI Th board of diredtors of the \Vii- as possible, for the use'of WVilmiette mette. Civic league has adopted a reso-. ri tnS. For that purpose, and tor lution calling upon the membershipý to coVer the operating cost. the ustial' jvote in 'a post eard ballot on the (iarw- fee of .$5 will be charged for a sea-, ver proposition to appropriate money -soil ticket. Trhis ticket will enitie tfur a niew Wilmette post office build- the' hoider and his family to the use fiixg. _The directors express. oppostion of theé beach faciliies for the season. i the move as a neediess expenditure ini thes'e 'times of, economic distress.. Persons not-having season- tickets Wil he charged one dollar forams siui to the beach on Saturdars,. Sui-ý lati hadiolidavs, aîid 50 ýcenits on al o t1iur davs,, the Park district commis:- mtoers have aninotunced. laines \renshaw agaiin iI l)e iii cliarize of the life guards. Xilmietto! reidenits miii. be empîoved at tlei beach insofar as possible, it is an-. Dog ,Muzzling Law, on Effect June, I As provided by the Village dog ýor-. dinanice, Village President C.ý P. *.Dubbs has issued a proclamnation ne- quiring.that ail dogs running at large * ii Uîlniette after june 1nust wear a substantial wire or leathier nnzzle securely put on so as to preve'nt the dog from biting. The Village will have 'a dog catcher. on the streets, to pick up al dogi - 1rpifi n"Ilcd Wiimette's bathing beach will open *Saturday, june 18. KeiiIworth's beach dpenýs formally on ,June 13, and' the beach at Club Vista del Lago is to be, Open'ed for the season on june 12. -MIatthiew P. Gàffney, superintendent. of New Trier Higli school, delivered a stirrisîg message on Americaw'sni at the Memorial Day observances in \Vinnetka last Monday. His address appears ini its entinety in. tlis issue. Wimette police officers- are made ittlfledged mm'rsofthé- Metro-, ,)0,, fl olice organization effected some. time1 ago in1 a .'con ference of suburban police offiiais. Four hundred 'and tw\enity-three stu- dents achieve honor ratings. in scliolar- ship at New~. Trier I-ighi school 'dur- ing' the tilird' montli of, the second semesten. For a number of years the Kenil- worth club has conducted the' beach activities for the entire village, of .Kenilworth.. Every fanuily residing in the village is entitied to full privileges at the beach,' inciuding the use of the locker roomns and showers. .Two life guards wili be employed. at the beach again this season. John Geehan, one of the guards last year. will be back, the beach. comitte has announcéed. It is planned to keep. the beach open from 9 o'clock ini the morning unil dark. During these hours one. of the guards will be on duty at al timeg. :and both'of them W.111.work during the crowded hours. jKeniliworth ch ildren who do .not. know how. to swim will have an n- nortunity to learn at the beach. W~eather permitting., the life guards %vill give lessôns for. two, or threle hours each afternoon. Parents %Yi!l inake apnointments with the guards 'for the lessons.. Record crowds are expected at thc heaches this sumnmer because> of filnan. cial conditions which make it im- Possible for man-y families to make *hir accustomed trips to simer neý- sorts. Ail Pupils Have Part in Graduation Programf Every pupil at the Highicrest school will have some part in the school's- annual graduation exercises Friday night. lune '17, L. Raynius Murphy, principal of, the school, announced this week. Details of the 'program have flot been worked out yet. but wiil be announced next week.' John 1. Bleser. president of the Highcrest boardi of education, will present the, diplomas to the 'eleven graduates. Nine girls and two boys will receive. diplomas. ýThe eleven gra-duates are: Blanche Kreusch, Chistine Epp, Beatrice Steffens*, Evelyn Borre, Phyl-' lis Scherer, Gertrude Janas, Inez OIson, Grace. "Da'wson, Helen Engels, Raymond Koller and Harold Braun. aay nignî, June 3, was announcea wlis week by Miss Mary McKay, music supervisor in the schools. The con- cert will be given at 8 o'clock in the Howard school gymnasium. This year,.since the George Wash- ington- Bicen tennial is'.-being cele- brated, 'the entire prograin for the concert is compo sed of American mu- sic. Local composens represented iný clude the late Peter Christian Lutkin, John Alden Carpenter and Leo Sow- erby. RhOMm ,a.mt, Soloist The guest soloist for the, concert is Frederick Blum. Mr. Blum is a member of. the Hamilton club chorus and the Oriental maie quarte. ,Mrs. Agnes, Clark is,,director of the glee clubs, and Mrs. Catherine Gran- quist Wagner has charge of the or- chestra., Two.'hundred >and forty pupils wilI take part in the concert.. Following- is the complete progrnm Trhe Progam11 Introduction to Amnerican lite and mnusie (Hv~mb of thie Pflgrims. A. D. 1620) . ...-...... .. MacDowell The combtned glee clubs Indian group Inidian isuite.......... Kennedy a.Signal .FIres b. Cihief Council c. Flute Calîs d.. Stomp Dance Orchestra The Sun Worshippers .....Zuni Indian Melody By' gîce club Little Papoose on the -Wind-Swung L'oughe' .. ..Cadman Girls' glee club Humorous group The Jolly Coppersmlith ..... C. Peter The Irish WasI)erwomnan .. . Sowerby The orchestra The Chatecblst............. . adley Boys' glee club The Snow Stormn .......Rogers Girls' gice club The, Harmonica Player frorn "Alley Tunes-.............. Gulon Turkey In the Straw. . Arr. by Guion The orchestra, Relig1ousgroup Deep River, Amnerican. Negro melody ........Arr. byFIMsher The Lord liq My Light ........ SpeakB. (Arr.. by C. Wagner) Fveçlerlck Bluni accomnpanied' .by the orchestra The Lord Is My Shepherd..Lutklni Comibined glee clubs Early twentieth century American home home. '-Mns. -Henry -Gutier;. chairmani. N. T. ART EXHIBIT Nt:EooySo scn A student exhibition of arts and dute: b tEcooi oan's cu-o cnafts is being held ini the art de- WiImette. Proceeds are directed partmnent in, NewTriér High school to caiy June 2, fromn 3 until 5. ________________ CALL Af WILMETTE 300, Aak for Ad-Taker IPotter Palmer, Prudenc Mary Mead, Editb Shuck, Trhe. exhibit is opeli to, are to' t) -k, Mrs. E. :)ewey, Mrs. ce Penny, lone Quin- the public.