SPAR Kil NG TABLE WATER, BO1TLED IN GERMANY VOUR MEALS AlI. a fuhllfine.0 1 GINGER ALES- AND' MINIEAAL >WATERS. mulmubae deiverie.. Ordîs belorte10 @.m. ère <Ilivred thessème de.. PHONE: CAL.umet 4230 CWCAGO LO AWOmLes irst annual informaI rouf garden dance, ,which will' take place Sunday evening,- June 20, at 8 o'clock on the beautiful. roof garden of the St. Clair hotel, 162 East Ohio street, Chicago. :Music >will be furished by Davre BoyelIi person! and bis orchestra. The icoînmittee i charge consists of the following: Lillian Block,, Nathan Rosenberg, Beatrice* Shapiro, Helmer .Weiner, Mildred Schlesinger and Jack Pines. Jack H. WVax is president of the. oËganization. S.Francis household,' Order of Martha, will havýe -a benefit'lawn party- and bridge Thursday af ternoon, June 30, at, the home. of Mrs. George E. l.udwig,. 2758 Broadway avenue. Ail the officers of Martha, will bc hostesses. »M O VU < #' 1r521ý MainSt. WiIniette Phone WiL 32 4' Pictîured above. are, spéciniiens of the rhiododentdrons, which havé attracted - attention of visitors, b the groiuds of. the Frank ýR. 'Enger honte at 1312 Elppioodavleiue. The floivers. yen' rare i »i this ziiciiiity. have been. in fuit btoont in recent daYs., They gr ou, nhosi succe sSfidly M the south àand east apid in Enitganidaid Scotlantd. ir. Eager's, specinenslare a ship>nieeit froinithe_ south and required unusual skill to'cutIlue succeèssfully. Il nus iieeessary to give them s/'ecial attentiion. par-ticuilariy jin the w~ay of appb%41g deep' frai imulch. which keeps t1hr'roots, constantly m;oist. Oitly oak leav's. are us .ed. The Ihager groünds ,ha-.,e bem',îtrýaiisfo.raied from .anj, erstivhile ,iijképipt Patchz of -woods to, nc ie f heie max attractiVe places on the 1nairth shore, Zkfr. Eageèr doint, tiie plimnning anid mîost of the actual wuork. -Lieut. Geo rge V. Hollornan, who is en'gaged to Mis Dorothy'Darling of Kenilworth, 'is arriving today (Thursday) to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ira- C. Darling of 156 Kenil- worth avenue. On Sunday Mr. ani Mrs. Darling will give a, reception anad tea, ini bis honor. Lieutenant Hollornan is a member of the U. S. Army Air corps and is stationed at Wright field, Dayton, Ohio.. TO ATTEND REUNI-ON MIr. and Mrs. johnathan A. Noyes, 331 Cumnor road, Kenilworth left last week with their children, Cor- nelia and Alvan, to attend Mr. Noyes' twentieth Ïreunion at the Massachu- setts Institute of Technoigy. It,,.Was held at Plymouth, Mass. Mr.. Noyes has returned but>the family is having a delightful time visiting friends and> relatives i the east. VACATION APPAR[EL TRE-JUR COLD CREAM One-pound,.jar--mregularly $1.06 CLEANFID 49. OId Fashioned Pure Sugar Stick Candy fromn Knoxville, Tennessee, per pkg., Sc-lOc P[F[ C TLY Vacation days are just- abead, and now is the timie to gather together'your va-. Ridge. andi Lake Aves. Meid betR WUmette Phone Wilmette 31 Chamber of Commerce WiIm.lte 320-321-781 Greeleef 7441 Member Wilmette Chamber of Oomwiero. o o o e o o qw wuu x