PAUIL JCIIDDA .1 THE FOLKS 1 KNOW -w-a Y w 4'I5 ul 1- Weil, there is the farnily, the Mrs., Painting - Decorating d Mr., 1Big Girl, Bud and Junior. 0f course I see a good deal. of Fred, the 142Elanwood Avenue, Wilmette gaî'dener. but while he seems to like jme, ý,et he has so much odo to ke Wilete 99 Wnntk 112me tidy that' be always has to hurry along. The Mr. hurries away in the Chair$2o sette $3,950 These are the famious Long-Bell. Chairs and Settees Il'. cut and ready to, put together. Very comfortable for mawnorporch - values we have to off or. Made in, Natural or Orange Hardwood with , attractive striped canvas. LUMBER COS* 2738 ýW. Railroad Ave. morning and 1I neyer sceenteo see hini, around much, but a f unny thing it is that he seems to .like nme best when the leaves. are rattling around the lawn and. hé. even walks sometinies of a f rosty mooniight night as if he likes to hear; the crunch of crisp leaves. May- be, he thinks the summçr has slipped, away and he; nust enjoy the garden lie- f ore winter. cornes along. The Mistress sometimes cornles into (lic paths during fhe cool of the mùorn- ing and many. timfes-makes a f riendly visit in the afternoon, louinging.around in the ghade and admiring my flowers. But sometirnes. she acts as if. she were* thinking of things far awayv, but just Wvants me with ber justý the sanie. .1 Seeni litteredI up with' go-carts and things junior, leaves. strewn around, and Rags, the :puppy, can drag out more trinkets. than you wo uld - helieve, but I would he lonelv without ceither of theni. ouknow Bud is a good kid, but bch ejtber .is away with the f cllows or else~ bce brings the whole gang ini and then I look like "when the circus cornes to towvn. ' They calli h "wiid Nwest" and it sounds that way. 0f course 1 Nvouldn't say a thing. in the bouse. the youlng folks have a way of ramhling Out in the 1moon1liglit9 and sitting arouind bere and there as if - they \vere hash ful abouIt mi.xilng up with the big crowd in, the, parlors. î THE PASSING DAY. ý Vhen the 'Mr. cornes out in the eve- ning alone sonetinjes 1 feel 'quite impor- tant and put on mny hest behavior. He seems tired and i keep rather quiet for him. He breathes deep of. the cool evening air, admires the drifting clouds a nd the lowering siu n and seemps to P±CKINCI Oné evening 1 heard the Mrs. say that the garden seenis so different in the lengthening shadows, with the eve- ning's hqush and the birds' good-night cails. 0f course, 1 must. le lots dif- ferent, 1 even feel different. Ini the morning as the sun iiftshigh and thc. hirds arebusy feeding after. their early songs, I cannot help beitng-.cheerful and ail pepped up. but when the'sun1 gets really hot, I get drowsv and don't tbink it makes'di ferenice. Trhere will he few callers ini theénmidd.le of the day. except the groccr boy., the postnati and sucb folks %wVhom 1 sèeceverv day and- theyv are aiways ini a burrv, so I cati just take it eéasy for a few hurs until junior cornes out for bis. romip after nap time. But- when. the folks>aIl get'home at nighit. I. ill he aIl fixed tup and I wili have lots of belp 'to bie hospitable, I will ie, fragrant witb perfume. at dusk the fireflies will join in and then' the twiiight moon and- the flicker. of light in, Every day is a full day and nîo two are alike -for mne. 0f course, some days are real party days and so many folks Co-me to see the famil% and if the dav- is briglit they give me lots Of attention and comipliments, but tbe Mrs. j-ust says. "4 4you should bave see.n-.mygarden_ a little carlieri, wven it %vasý in. full blooW." SEASONS IN THE GARDEN These drowvsv summer d*a,ýs I just like to tbink hack, 'and enjoy over again the earlv spring doings. What a show ive did put on. I say w" for aIl na*- tut-e seemed to he helping-. ThéeIiirds were making up for al.l winter, the bright mellow sun and the patter of tbe warm rains, aIl seemed to he joining in. Illte way' %we will lie staginig a coniehack tbis. fail, you know, when folks get homne f rotm nsU 1miner vacations,, I must give them a cbeerywelcome and bave Ille children ail il, good bunior when school begins. Then'tbe birds will lie assembling ail too early for. their good-hye sessionis before leaving for the . winter. So r nmust bave pienty of hright bloomns and f resheni up Ille lawns AMERICAN LANDSCAPE ASSOCIATION Oflfl<~O4Oft4<~4~flflflft r-noue waii ark Ilectric LCo. Electrical tte Ave. nette 214 k amaeh Umbrella Bargair Many Delightful Colors and Designa at the Season'a Lowest Prices ý Phone WOU mm»mmmý , [ 1 ý. ý , <, ý ; ý , 1