ties. It is characteristic of Mrs. Jack- son that she always presents material of the worthiest type, and' ber organ program, as have been ail the choral concerts, was a well balanced' and con1trast'ed selection of somne of the .instrument's finest literatuÉie,.-and with suffiient stvlistic differences. so that there was appeal for everyone. The Rogers Concert, Overtur e in B Minor, witl which the recital openied, displayed vigorous' spirit. an.d extre.me teclinical facjlity and excel- lently rhytlimic playing throughout. The Bachi group of three choraleé pre- ludes wvasý done in truly fitting style and with highly. interesting registra- tional efifects; the *mnuch beloved G Minor Fùgue, a masterpiece fuilI of difficulIties, was given. a dlean and authoritative performance, with. true organi legat.o uhich is a jo.y to the organist .though--flot of mucli conse-j q'uence t 1o the layman. A. transcription of the Jarnefet Praeluditum was one of the favlorites! of the* evening-playeêd with a happy' enthusiasrn most Ileasant to hear. The. movemients f rom the Widor Sec- und Synip'honiv, with xvhich the pro-! gramn.,closed,. displayced c ommiendable Mrs. Benz were held on morning, june 17, to St.1 Xavier cburcb. Burial was. B3oniface cemeter-y. (Bertram Studios) Air. and Mrs. William B. Lucke ol 394 B ider lante aiimnwuce th~e engagemj ent of their, daughter, Gertrude,, to Roscoe E.. Baker, son of AIr. and AIrs. P. E.. Baker of 205 Fiften.t streetI Wilinette. No date .hes been set for the ~wed-, ding. Both aitended New Trier I-ihschool, and Miss .Lucke later .wtudied at Lake Forestcolle ge. Ma gruerite Uasey, -<aiigîier o<>1M.LV and 2s. F.. J. ýCasey, 347 Central a-ve- nue, is, at home' after completing her fresliman year> at the 'Universitv. of Illinois. Miss Marion Hedrick .si Wsoni on Crystal islànd. Chaiin-o'-La.kes, Wau - paca. this week. as the guest of Mrs. Benjamin Gage of1 Evanston. There is a bouse -Party of tweve'., The Bùnner Miller bouse at .1319 Chestnut ýaVenue bas been leased by t he year to.t he E. H. Wrightsons. for- merly Wilmette residents. A son,, Floyd Sidney, Jr., was boril to, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sidney Voltz, 2423 Bircbwood lane, on Saturday, june 4. at the Evanston hospital. - Miss Betb Brower, 720 Fiftli street,> has returned to ber home f rom Deniý sinéerity and, de siep musiCal nd ISAL LMNEOFIESson university, Granville, Ohio,,,for ,tnig, andamiadepda , the suinimer vacation. mianual technique was again demoný, Newv officers of the Chicago Alumnae strated& assuciation of Gamma Phi Beta were' r.adMsj.CCrerero Aý n ovelty,. having_ so. far as. the inýstalled at the annual banquet of grad- Knlot and tbeir family have gone writer knows, its 'Clucagoland pre-, uates and actives at the North-%vestern Kenilwueot. a.fo h 'um 1m iere. was a duet arrangement'()f i chapter' bouse rec.ently. Miss M oiueol-V. ortesumr Sait-aes'Danse 'Macabre, Nvith dred liebel ýof Wilmette took officelas Hiarlan Smnedley, La Grange organ- president;' Mrs. G. L. Jacohi (the for- 'st. at the. second instrument. mner Mildred Hunt) ofW\iinetka as Fridav Miss Sally Virginia Fairfax of. San ac.8 Francisco bas been the guest for atSt. two mflhs f e CWilliam McGib- bon ofShaneeCountry club., She will leave for.ber home early in july.. Miss.Dorothy Brooks bias returned to her home at 832 Sheridan road after, a month's stay in the soutb -as the guest of Mrs.. C. T.. Mason at. ber home,, Maýsoncroft.I in Sumter, S. C. 0o Mrs. William Taylor, '631 Abbotts- f ord road, Kenilworth,ý, spent a few days recently with ber son and daugh- ter-in-laWV, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Traylo r, in Barrington. Harold Hurtt, ýson of the Cecil H. Hurtts, ,708' Parké -avenue, lbas re- turned from th e Uniiversityý of Wis- consin after finishing bis sophomore, year. I Kug Cleaaaiag 521 Main St. Wilmette Phone WîL .32 "q N. U. GRADUATE Douglas Waitley of Evanston, secre- john W. Iliif, son of Mfr. and M.\rs.'tary-. Mrs. Waitley is also cliairman ofý 'George F. Ilii f, 924, Linden. avenue, the Evanston group of the association. received the degree of Bachelor of Science at Northwestern .University at the commencement exèeises beld ANNOUNCE BIRTH recent ,ly. Mr. Ilif was president' of.j Mr. and Mrs. Laurence. Jacob the. Student council ýthis past sc hool Weis, '636, Illinois road,. Wilmette, vear. announce the birth of ak son', James Edward, born Tuesday, June 7, -at Miss Ruth Bennet, dauglter of tlhe the Evanston bospîtal. Mrs. Weis R. J.. Bennets, 1033 Ashland avenue, and the baby returned to their home lias returned froi Beloit coll ee last 'Friday-f rom the hospital. where she bas flnished lier soplio-j moreyear\. r. and Mrs. F. B. Collins, 2033 iCliestiunt avenue, and their chidren with each wash perfect con( Ibat summer The 0UL WEI Main t. ntBob 'n' Mac Mein t. etMember Lnden',Ave. WfJmette. Cha$nber of -Commerce Phone Wilmrette 3334 MOTORS-SERVICE.ý- Incorperated NE VER CLOSED, 721 MAIN ST. J.C iw WILMETTE I AR * Phone WiI. 26W-2601 Van DusenI Member 'Wilmette Chamber of Commerce