*& V WAAU .U.L8A;;u The Teatro del Lago. the beauti- fui and spacious home of the bal- anced prograni that refreshes, bas an excep)tionally fine b:il for the en- lertajument of its patrons this week.. * On Thursday of this week, ý"The, Miracle Mian," more powerful thaii veinits sounid-picture version, wvîlI * be offered. Other films that make the w'eek vibrant with. thrills are, "EIxplorers of the Worl," Friday -and- Saturday, *June 24 andl 25: "Trhis Is -the Nightl" alnd*"The Trial*,o)f Vivienne W.are" double featùre attractions, Suniday and Monday, June 26 and 27, Sm phony of Six -Million," Tuesday, XVednesdav an(l Thursd,(.av. Juùe 28, 29 and .30. *Flini Triumph for Director Director Norman McLeod has done a fine job withthe talkie version of "The Miracle M ,"which stirred auidiences thirtçen years ago as a silent picture. TiIere's a big cast in the talking film, Including John Wra *N who) plays the part of The Frog. * Lon Chanev's first. big part. Hobart .Bosworth. Chester Morris, Sylvia Sidney -and jaékie Coogan are tht other stars.. "E xplorers oôf the Wold vill satisfy the. Wanderlust' of the most restless persons. The picture is. a: symplosium.- of' the exploits of six well-known e,çplorers. Lt takes' the onlooker rapidlv through A sia,J Africa, South Anierica. .the Arctic andi the Antarctic. Harold Noice, director of the - ilm. has sev'erai timies narrowlv escaped (leath during bis explorations. ."E,'xplorers of the WNorldl" wvill show some 'of his most significant and exciting Adventures. Laughs WiII1 Be Unileushed Laghs: will surge, out like an p roarious mirth-ýsvmpbhonv- duriiigth showing of "This Is,,the Nighit," fea- turing .ily Damita, Charlie Ruggles, Roland Young. Thelma Todd and Carv Grant. The tulnes are catchy, the dialoiz is irresistibly funnv. and robbers' ]airs are the fiercely contrasting motifs of "The Gaucho," 4the United Artists production, starring Douglas Fairbanks at Community House again this week-end,, F riday and Saturday, Jûne 24 and,25.» How%À Doug camne to inipersonate an- other robber chief, this tme'a supe r- brigand, is'here revealed: The story;of, Douglas Fairbanks as "The Gaucho" deals with a beautiful shrine city, whose wealth is 'coveted' both by the bandit chie f and a . sch eminig 'dictator. Theý shririe. idea came to Fairbanks upon the' occasion .of bis visit to Lourdes, France, ivhere many afflicted -persons seek a. cure at the cathedral> alta r. There Dog -saw apparent miracles o at healing. The niarvelous urge. and in- fluence. of the place was unforgettable; and. the actor realized the dramaticr pos- sibiliies of.-the theme, especially at a time wvhen r eligious' drama. was cap- turing the imagination of the American public There you have 'the background of the plot but only Fairbanks hiniself can give you the scintillating details, the thrilling experience of "The Gaucho's" pres.ence and bis amazing versatility. Every eh .ilrl in town shoulti set "The Gaucb"-sonie mav have seen it be- f ore, but those wvho baven't suirely mnust not miss the opportuuity! ROMANCE WJTH "KICK" Fun with a romantic "Kick" to it ,'s promnised for patrons at the Teatro del Lago when "This Is the Night," r v .J a K ir Inelnding FREE SERVICE and GLAZING for o», your In the Lurgeat Fire and l»urglarproof, Vauits du 'the North Shore VICTOR BROS. CO. Fitrriers for Three Generations 368 Centrai Ave. fligi. Park 351 and Edm~und Lowe in "The Mislead- ing Lady," new thrill romance which Paramoutit will off er- at the WiI- mette theater on Wednesday and Thursday, june' 29 and 30, flot only acts, but takcs an active interest in tht' designing of sets and costumes., Her first stage role was in "Queen Guinevere" at the Greenwich Village îheater when she was sixteenyears old. Two y'ears ago she revived the play for sentimienltalreasons.. She played the, lead, designed the sets. and- costumes, andi acted as business manager.. Andy Clyde will càvort in a corne-_. dy at the Teatro del Lago on Tues- day, Wednesday and Thursday, june 28, 29 and 30. What's Andy 'up to, now? 'The Mickeyv Mouse'club ivill hold. its., regular meeting at the, Wilmhette theaier on Satturday afternoon at 1 :30 O"chock. COMIMUNITY. HOUSE . IBefor? O June 24-25 DOUGLAS -FAIRBANKS As a swaggrerIng Klng of Mie Pampas, lu "TE GAUCHO" (Not a. talking pictuare) GOLF COU 1 jaT at the Evanstoui-Plîone UIJu. 8900 Publix-.. Balaban & Katz, OUR COOLING PLAN(T Providesa Cool, Comnfor*able AtmnosPhere at Ail Times E-njoy Our Coot Confortabi. Hot Summner Days See Tiiese SeIect.d Programa Thurs., Fr1., Sut, june 2324.26, Funnie Hurst"s ""SYMPHONY OP SIX PM1LLION" wif k Ricardo Corfez-Iren. Dunne. and RAMON NOVARRO in wifh MADGE EVA4NS also Laurel and Hardy f uniez than ever Iu "11TEE CHliMP" HE ISDon't 1m1ss8titis StartlnRg Friday and Suturdgy Matlnee, June 14.15 "TUE LA8T OF ever done. A4iaptell troni one of.[ Fannie Hurst's novels, Smp otf Six Million" inispires the *finest ef- forts of a notable cast, including Ricardo Cortez, Irene Dunne, Ann.i Appel and Gregory Ratoif, who por- tray the trials andi triumphs of aj ghetto family. Elissa Landi- Ralph il Hamilton