une coparatvely ew students, the customary choice of subjects is being offered, and, therefore, as the classes are a~ great deal smaller than usual,. the pupils wilI have the benefit of more of the instructor's private supervision. V.L. Brown is again taking over the responsibilities of the summer school principalship, and the- rest .of the teaching staff'is as ýfollows*: Eng- lish-Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Persing, Mr. Pifer, Mr., Van Kirk, and Miss Wright; mathiematics.- Mr. Snyder, Mr. Aschenbacèh, Mr. Funkhouser, Mr. Jouies,,Mr. K%'abler; soci al science ý-Mr. Frisbie, Mr. Nay, Mr. Reiley, and Mr. Wehr; science-Mr. Win- doeès and Mr. Edwards;- language - M.vrs. Carisen, Miss Donham, and Miss Shaw; -commerce-Mr. Johnson, Mr. Gritneli, Mr. Herron, and Miss Snmith; lihrar-ýMrs. Todd. SEEK INSURANCE BIDS Village Nfaiiager C. M. -Oshiorn Nwas authorized by the Wihnette Village board, at its meeting Tuesday night of tis week, to advertise for bids on liability, ire and theft insurance, frthe. Village fleet of more than tfi-Ie nmotor'cars. The present insurani:e will expire on. August, 8. 'l'lie Moniday sewing clIub of, Kenil- wortli had. a picnicthis week, arranged by Mrs. Walter MaIrx of Essex road. PRESERVING 1 F KETTLE cap)acitv ý'th cover;.: $10,59 20 -q Dr. A.ndrew J.. Maguire, sou off Mfr. a.nd'Mrs. Andrew MagUire. 5.30 Linden avenue, Wilmnette, ha: lo'i4elëted hi: nmedical .couirse ,gt Loyola. usniv-eersity, and expects soon tae n. Offices in. Rogers Park. Dr. .Magire receive ieJs A.B48 B.S.1M., and M.D. degrees at Loy- o/a and lias served hi: interneship at Moerey hospital, Chicago. .1r. and Mrs. Ralph W. Zimmer- man, ý337 Sheridan road, W;innetka, are speid'ing their summer at Lajolla, Cal. Their home is occupied by Mr. a, id Mrs. J. L. Liverînore of New York. FRIUAY, JUNE 24 *Brazi Nut Cookies (Very Clioice).. 390 IL. * Prunellas... .............. <In SATURDAY * Wodrfn Layrer Cakes m.'. Includinc Gah&,m, Cracker, Cake . . .. . . .......9 *mot DOgRos Sandwich Ruusý-Parker House, * Aligator Coffte ae...300 1 129Ceta Ave., Wilmette Phone WiI. 2998 Memeee WiIletteÇfhamberG IN SECTICIDES AICME ALL -Il>tTUND SPRA Y.: Will combat blight and fungus diseases, con)1troll sucking inseets in pne application. Per 1/4 lb., 45c; 1 lb., 85e. BILACK LFAF 40 is hlghly .recommnended by Experiment Stations as a. sprjay for soft bodied sucking inSects. 1-oz. bottie, 35c. JEVERGREEN. Non-poisonous Insecticide. Oz. bottie, 35c; 6-oz. bottie. $l.QO0; 16-oz. bottiè, $2.00. P01M-GREEN. The new green Funigicide for roses;, wil control black spot,nile. and chewing insects., LbI), 50c. AisrieAate off Lead-Bortieanx -Mitue-Limte. suIlu-lw ni-Suphur-Lemon OII01-Pyrox--eeps Spray' -Etc.. An-trol Set-rVie At Powder 5$08 Main, St., Evanston Phone Gr. 6132 Commerce MIXING BOWLS Weller quality earthenware. 5, 7 and 9-inch.. S et of'. 3- 49é GARDEN FURNITURE To help j, Set of ELECIRIC FANS and YentfIators dite I l. 2ember wilmee amber of UommrceL Large 5-IL. pkg.