Vvlayand saturday Speelas FRUITS and TROT. Oranges, fine. for tce5 Cantalou"*es, good2c i.., 2 for ... Apricots, large baskets,-.ach Sweet Cherries, large, ipeRngsIL $Our Cherries, trOeec Greem Deans, young '-c and stangless, qt. Cauif lower, largep tender Leads, oeL Honey Dews, good 2 c Size, oach .. 9 Blueberries, 2 pinta 39e Peas, tender and 35 sweet, 3 Ibs. ....35 Tomaatoes, rej ripe, 2 c soud, basket .... 9 25c, SPECIALS FOR ALL WECEK Glean Qmick,,Wh*ie Soap Chps, S5IL pkg. 290 This ýis a ýProctor & Gamble Prohct 'and. is a money savorn central ýv. J ohn U'~. therne was, STORAGE, 521 Main St. Wilmette KenilWorth club which hias charge ofý the activities at the beach, reports that since the opening.day, Monday, june 20, attendance lias broken early-season records.- The "'something new," wvhich Mr., Ketcham'has had built, is a set 0 f -ten Elorida windbreaks, each sevefi feet' long an d tbree. and one-haîf f eet. higli. )Each windbreak is provided >with a back-rest and is, painted in a different color th give the beach a gay, refresh- ing appeara nce;. In addition to John Geehan, Tom Hicks of Kenilworth lias been! sta- tionied as lifeguard at the beach to.help protect the. ceowds. The Wilniette beach, also in fine condition, pened Saturdav, June 18, attracting 1,500 bathers.. Sunday was a cool day, but 1,200 persons enj oyed theselesat the beach.. On Monday. theattendance 'ivas 1,800; and on Tues- day, more' than 1,200. James Wrenshaw, ini charge of the lifeguards at the Wilmette béach, re- ports that everything is 'being run smoothly, and that the force will be doubled next wveek to accommodate the hot-iveather throngs. LOOGE ATTENDS SERVICE Sunday, June 19, was obser ved as St. John's day by the Wilmette M-Ias- onic lodge. Members of the 1lodge1 met at the Masonic temple that morul-i 'ing and proceeded in a body tote 9z ý- ý produ 3 cns 290 't.jar... ... M.em ber Wme'eCJambero omto Saturday ,p iA. M.ý to 9 tP. M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and ail otIher aiithorized Christian Science Literature mar bc read, borrowed oiÉ purchased at the Reading 100111 T1H PUBLIC IS CO1RDIALLY INVITED TO AT1'HN6 THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING' ROOM ISIX TELEPHONES WIL 420-1-234-5I FOURt DELIVERIES IEVERY DAY. B. T., ClIarkc, secretary ot the Wil- mette Chamber of Commerce, pleads for villagers to be more cautious un- tii an ordinance can be passed, mak- ing the license fees for peddling so prohibitive, that its abuses will :be. stamped out. Sboe strings, lots, bakery goods, garage. supplies and' peanuts-all these are being peddled by hundreds of persons who swarm into Wilmette, each week. says Clark. Jlouseholders can cooperate by keeping out the undesirable peddling element, lie states, adding, that one method of discouraging peddlers is to patronize the local st o res where merchants stand responsible for the goods they seil.. .Another suggestion offered by Mr. Clark 'is that' eachIjouseholde.r de- mand -thiat the peddler show a Vil- lage.license.,Ilu case a license is not shown, the householder is urged to caîl up the Chamber of Commerce, Wilmette 863,* or the Village hall, Wilmette 27001 immediately. SThe Wilmette Chamler of Com- merce lias issued the following statc- ment with regard to its efforts to curb peddling, by means of ,a, pro- posed ordinance: "The peddling se ason .,isared w.ell under way, and out oftown soli- citors. and venders of every imagin- able description, selling a thousand- and-one different lines of merchan- dise, are upon, us again in, greater numbers than ev er before. Anticipat-' ing this condition the Wilmette Chamiber of Commerce lias drafted an ordinance whichi, if passed by the Village board, should keep out mucli of, this undesirable element. However, uiany of them sneak into our village and commence sellin'g their wares before authorities can stop their absolutely unfair.methods of practicing business. Householders in niany, instances are -swinidled, pay high prices for inferior. gods> or make -down payments on merchandise that is neyer delivered. This practice must be stopped. "'However, it can onlyb.e.ddne with the help of every merch ant and resi- dent in the village. If a peddler soli- cits you, ask to see bis. village licenst. If lie does not carry one notify the police immediately," 4 I MEATS and fisH. Lestf ambChck, 32 L.......en.... ShludrBéfPot 29c Roat, l ........ Prenium Sliced B3acon, 2 lbe ... 45 !Bonieless, Cooked .Rump Corned Beef, M. ......35C Trout Steaks, extra 27C choice, lb .... ... lb.............3 5 c White FisL, fancy, 27 freah, lb ....... 27 Halibu, fancy, firm 29c~ m a , lb . .. . . . . . Salmon, fancy uorthern, lb ......31 Pike (Fille»), choice, 2g ilb . ........... 32 Asparagus, tender, 3 buliches.......... R.dishos, ir an md crisp, .bum,çh ..... Grape Juice, welclss, 3 pLats for...... Ruy thens in cartons for . 4................. Brooms, Iowest price ever of - f ered for f"iisgir 39 of broom ...... 9