and. trees .aâoôri-excellent breeding grounds for the culex mosquito, at this time, and it is not proposed to give these littie pests any advantage, Swhatever, according to Supt. A. H. Meier. tOiling of catch basins also-began this week., Inspectors covér the dis- trict, every week,. for the purpose of o iling wherever breeding, is. detected. Annouünce Next' Week's Museumn Lecture Tours Next week's guide-lecture tours for the general public at Field Museum of Natural History will begin Mon- day, july 11, wJith "Interesting Flow- ers and Seeds" at 3 p. M. On Wed- nesday, at the same bour the subject will be "Egypt," >and 'on Friday, "Moon and Méteorites!' On Tuesday and. Thursday, there will be general tours of anthropological,. botanical, geological and zoological exhibits. These tours are-epeuz to aIL museumn visitors. Parties assemble with the lecturers iside the north entrance. Mr. and Mrsý Miller. McClintocl. and 'their faniily of Cambridge, Mass., and Palo Alto, Cal.', are spending thé 1010 Hubbard Jane, }*ub- bard, Woods. Mr. .McClintock is a trafflc expert and a professor at Haàr- yvard university. Hie and bis fam'ily have rnany f riends on the north shore. ton.; mrs r.ana y io. iver jrove: Mrs.. G. N. Well.,. Elmwood Park; Mrs. Lena Bell. Mrs. John Erickson and Mrs. C. C. Engelbrecbt of Wau- kegan: Mrs. Chas, W'. Clark and Mrs. A. F..Stahl of Villa- Park,; Mrs. D. K.* Murfree of XVeaton. The fol- lowing E-vanston wômen won awards: Mfrs. Freda Cbatnberlin.- Mrs'. R. L. Dowdall. Mrs. F.'!. Westlake, Mrs. Gladys Scbreiner. Mrs. Alva Sterba, Mrs. Chas. E. Sorague, Blanche E. Longlev,. Mrs.. C. W. Howe and Mrs. J. E. Schutte. Mr. and Mrs.John Cor- fDer feld, entertained their famnily of 6if- teen 1nembers living in Winnetka and Kenilworth at supper on July. 4. 0o Mr. and 'M\rs.,A. B. Adair and fam- ilv, 320 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, are spending the summer at their cot- Pelican Lake, Wis.. Mrs. George W. Kéeehn,1100 Church road. v\innetka, entertained ber afternoon contract bridge club on Tuesday, July 5. Mr. and Mrs. R. A.. Feldon of 1955 Kenilworth avenue,- are, visiting in Peterboro. N. H., f or a month. .0- Mr, and Mrs.- D. D. Craft, 195 Ridge road, Xinnetka, are visiting friends at Hamlin lake, Mich. j'JU5Iing So > launt, lLMrs. LJUUVFI VW. Lazear, Cheyenne, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap, Wood- ley road, Winnetka, have had their daughter, Mrs. Samuel Comley of Rye, N. :Y., -with them for. a short Mit. a evenng Last Friday .Mr. and Mrs. Hugh- mage udBUUMabw.-wtomplate ston, McBain and their soin, ime Peeieu GL oua 466 Poplar street, Winnetka, leftfor .etI mn' 48"I a two weeks' visit to Big Lake , Wis.. IMMUSRRT~,EgbIrW strawberry. Orange $herbet and VanilIce Creani Our Leader'is GENUINE -.Z arM THIE HOTTEST PROSPECT FOR Coose ýKoppers CHICAGO Coke-the lader of ail the fuels!f Your oefr Kpes CHICAGO Coke means comfort and economy. B Every COKE order guaranteed with a gold certificate Buy "Modern Heat" from a ""Modemn Heat Merchant."- * Y WOOD and CANNEL COAI for your Fii DRY COAL RESCREENED BEFORE DELIVERY Yard -730 Pitner Ave., Evanston GRE. 0730Rog. PL. 1836 GRE. 0730