ts aa SnIow Reinoval 351 (are of Trees 835.04 25.20) Maintenance of Sewers and Dralis 312.76 1.85 Cleaning Catch Basins 319.88 p Storni. Sewer PumpIIing Station250.0 ,.X Xft Municipal G.Carage 1 1,022.21, 4.430.01~ 'Automobile, Maintenance. Garbage and Refuse- C arbage andi Rubbisli 1,060. 18 M.59. Aslies ,anÈ1 Rubbishi 1.6931.50 General- I-eating, 1,ighting and Mfailntenance of Village. Hall 1.893.83: 3l9. Genieral Administration 22,349.95 .2,128.13 Village Board -930.2,47 7.7î 779.24 Villaee Cler'k 500 V-illaee Treasurer 1,692:50 44.95 Villaee Attorney .3,510.0 Health ,D&partiment ý3.1 20.03 106.'77 Street Ligliting 5,540.48 4,006.M8 Traffic l1içthts an(l -igi., 1,171.0 359,90 Engineeriniz and Building Dept. 5.793.26 1.906.5 3 Police Dea-rtmient 4.980 783.39 180.19 Fire Deuartrnenit 18.013.53 433.78 Village Planning and zoning _____ ___ ____ Total DisI>ur.seme.nts Rl5ý4.5.33.2 . 7.320.68 17.755.56 3,8258 CarriIed tuî Stateriient ofTesrrsRecipts and Disbursemnents (Exhibit I) 32.50 6,00 329.0 3>13 41 "2.3 3,30 1,78 2,597.58 il .850.0<) 182.96 3.568.83 I 11.;3. 717.29 2.5$1,22 9.02 1.91 365.46 80.82 630.02 165'.77 1.284.25 12.389.32 5.66(A.33 3,568.8-3. 13881 55 11.882.50 7-17.29 2,88457 546.92 3,144.50 15,852.40 1,428.37 18,359-87, 291.49 '.5,972.05 2,390.21 26,868.29 2,559.95 21,796.40 30.00 580.(0 1 i737.45 6,091.22, 1,881.00. >5,107.80 18,649 .79 7,699.79 853.30 46,426.70 217.35 20,114.68 103.54 103,54 10,429.86b $302. 156.08 VL.LA-GE 0OF:WILMETTE POLICE PENSION FUND Stateinient - f Receipts and. Disbursements for' the Year Ending Anril 30.19.32 1 art i c n la caàSh im Bank, at May' 1, 1931 Froei Villagze Treasurer ini respect o- (;encral Taes ollected- 1928 and Prior Tax ei. 1929) Tax L.evv 1930 TaxLc' Advances from Villageý of Wihinette Cor- porate Fund on account of T la x An- ticipation. Warrants 501(1 agaînlst. 19'< Tax Levy FrornOther Sources- htterest on Investrnenits. Interest on B3ank Balances 75% of Dog Tax collecteci 1) Vill age Co.!ector-for the two yearsending April 30, 1932 10% of Fines other than for "peig -for the t-wo years ending April 30. 1932 Dlues deducted fromi Policemen'-, Salaries Total Receipts Together V S 4.255.16 S 18.14 973M05 256.50) 225JA< 47.14 279.80 391.62 Particulars Dishursements: To Village Treastirer for repavmen it o vances froixi Village odl Wilmiette Cor- porate Fuid ini respect of Tax' Aiiiia tion Warrants sold- Against 1929 Tax Levv- Advance repaid$ 714.00 Initerest thereon 39.44 Agains*t 1930 Tax Levy- Advance :'repaid $295 Ilnterest thereon 14.98 Puirchase of \Tllage of Wilmette ' atr Inivrovement, Bonds- * Par, Valuie 3000 Acc.rued Interest thereon ý19.83 Purchase of Village of Wilmnette: Corporate Purposes Tax Anticipation Warrants agaist, 1931 T1ax Levy Pensionis Pa.id .Cash iin Bank, YT Y A i' Total Disbursenients at Apri1,30, I1,32 EXHIBIT VI Amount S753.44. 244.M8 3,019.83 5,334;80 2,482.44 'j' froru Firenien's Salari.es rotai Receipts Together. 4.143.67 $5.658.70 Accruied Jnterest thereonl Total Dishursernents Cash in Batik, at April 30, 1932-« $4,000-00 33.50 5,031.32 $62738 -Harry W. Miller, Village, Treasurer . J-f- 4.033.50