ISIX TELEPIIONES F OUR DELIVEIESI WIL. dfl-I.-34*5jI EVEILY DAY Fvlday mmd Satuwday Speolals tender, 3 lbo...... 29e eToumtees, ted ripe aud "Sri akt 2 Aspasagus, home 2 rowa,, i LunchesC Caulufo~r, large 2 c «edeCh......25 fioney Dews, ripe&ad~ Iuscio.... 2901 MEATs and, pion Squabs, -%-Pound 1awer-. age, é 5c S; 3 for---,$1 Rtib Roast . ef"t 5 Per pound: BoeLe. Vrn Ras 3 bar pouad. -pround .23e Z ound Be. Cantaloup.. Cood size» 9c BefTneli Pat- 2 for . ..... .tdes. per Pound ... .. » New apples. Trans- 25BaoSIePrn- parents, 4 pounds .. uni, 2Z pound . ... Carrot.. Homegrown. 2 bunches ......9C Fia& Beet, 9C Trot Stekseta.27 2 bunches . ...........choice, lb. . . .. . Green Beaus. HonMe I,9cC Coked Shrimp, grown. 2 quarts lb....... 5 2Lunches i9 fes b .........27c, WVe pre pare and cook in Uan appelizing rnanncr longue. corned beef. baked ham, veal lof. You u411 like these itemns. SPECIALS 1011AM.WU CutyRoll, Meadow Gold I B TT R Cunry2-lb. Rolli9 Cof.., Silviercup Brand, lb. 35.;, 3 lbi..1 ..... Eggs, Strictly fre.L and ai white, Z do...3, Ch...., Wisconsin i~ Brick, 1lb.*- Sardines, Boneless and Skiu. lest. Dupont Brand. Large size cau, 3 for...9 One of the unique divisions of thé exhibit is the husbands' class. Among the men who have entered are Charles Strong, Williamn Ogden' Green,. Gor- don' Pirie, and. Robert. Gardnier, al of innetka. Several members of the Lake Forest Garden club have announced their intention to, exhibit, among them Mrs., Howard C. Phillips ,of Winnetkýa and Mrs.> James Douglas. Mrs. Samuelý Chase, and 'Mrs. Law- rence Williams of: Lake Forest. K.nilworth Woanen Exhîbit Among theKenilworth.women ex- hibiting are Mrs. Gilbert Kelly, Mrs. Hugi Foresman, an d Mrs.. S. D. Flood. Glencoe sends severali includ-, ing Mrs. Isaac, S., Rothschild. Mrs.H. F. Philipsborn. Mrs. Walter Inhusch, and Mrs. Percy -Armstrong. Peggy and Betty Magie, Janet, Alice, Ann, and Dorothy May Greg- ory, Eugenia Howard, Helen Brown, and thé menibers of a .llav .grôup thaï meets at Mrs. Herbert Butz' home, have. among others, entered the chil- dren's class. Mr. and Mrs. Dwigbt Chapman-, Jr., of Cam>bridge, Mass., are spend- ing the month of July at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Chapman of 900 Elmwood avenue., yesterday's newspaper, or a brown parcel, .wth many a shoe box, evi- dence a normal healthy appetite. But're wrong, for these packages go only so far as the station. IEach father carefully deposits his "luntch" in large sbipping containers on. the' plat formi. It takes many sucli jumubo boxes to care for Kenilworth's week- lcontribution to Chicago's stavn cbildren. For ',many mon ths ,each Fr idày morni'ng, Kenilworth school cbildren took their sandwiches to the school where:the comtttee in charge . côl- lected tbem for shipment on an early train to the Northwestern settiement in Chicago where many hundreds of destitute, families 'and. literallv thou- sands -of littie children f roml Chica- go's west side are fed and cared f'or. Miss Harriet Vittum,, for many years head of Northwestern settie- ment, who bas dlevoted ber life to the splendid cbarity, estimates that there'are."en tilnes the niormal.num- ber of famnilles absolutely dependent ùpon the settlement for everything they receive in the way of food and clotbing. Miss Vittum states that, these sandwiches whichi the school childreni have prepared and sent to ber each Week 'in many, cases are the on13, substanitial,, foo.d that the niDany niany children receive! Can anyone refuse sud>. a mnute,- though eloquent appeal for hielp? A few sandwiches, a cookie. or a bit of fruit mean so litle to mnanv of us. The -N actually p)revent starvat'ion to sonie hungry child. -qw back UPOn, tne settieren t needs lneip THIS WEEK ONLY in any and every form it caiget it fathers bring te the. station eveL> ILA IRCU T Friday morning are. a, tremendous With each hep--g odsend to sornepoor little PE~INETand wve.aIl know what continuai 'un-' dernourishment means te a growing WAVE child. ."Carry on, Kenilworth.Fathers! le's Why run risloe? Inferior wav- à splendid job your're doing! Let's .ing materiaI in the. bande of see that these large boxes are full to .inexperienced operators mc"sa overflowing, next Fr.iday. There's troqbIe for you. Trouble in the many a hungry child will thank you. way of ruieed, burned Iair. . . . Remember, every Friday morning! or, head humae . . . of dis.t- The last two Fridays have been à I 167 Wilmeff. Avenue Member WiUmette Ohamber o ofmme»re wrk Rlectic C.. Electrical ette Ave. mette 214 :11 1 l ' ý *