JAUNTY SILK F qçKs, So Admirably Ada pted to, Euery Daytime Hour, $ You'I find. ihem most intrgung. thes. cool , chic frocks of washable silk crepes in a wide sélection of smnart warm- weather, modes. Choose From Snowy, Whi.te Or Delicate Pastel Tints Interesting conitrastîng bels and buttons adorn many ,Of thes. models whuie ailiers look to fashionable lines, 'novel coloars, cape seeves and smart seaminq for diverisfication. Szes for msses, women and junors. Apparel Sho ps-Second Ploor .£ý 5:~yI ~ Compact Comfort Cool Mesh Cloves Ens meled in black or color these very fiat, very large compacts with pro- teç.tod powdei container .banish. for- ever Warmweather shine.,l Phoe n ixkH ose. .79c lbey fit so beautifully, and theV are wonderfully cooil Dainty mesh gloves in smart whte. sizes 6 te 71/. YouII enioy wearing- theomi Your WhiteBa 85 c Pictttop, of course, fuI-fashioned and ..Ini smart rough or glossy patent leather. French of heel. In siez. 81/2 to 101/. attractively linedi and fitte,ia re hand- andi ail the favored, Summer shades. : bags of white .w.shabe., of coursel Acce.srics-FIrst Floor WIE[ On Davis.Street WHEN YOUI ORDER SY -PHONE ASIC FOR "SHOPPING SERVICE". TON. WilmeI 100 v t. .- t