WVilmette's own Ralph Bellarny cornes to the screen of the Wilmette tlieater on Wednesday and Thursday of next week in one of the best of bis recent productions-"Tbe Woman. in Roorn 1." * Sharing the double feature program With this fine draima viili be "The 'Strange :Case of Clara Dieane," starring Wynne Gibson and Pat O'Brien. Elissa Landi plays' the feminine lead in the drama of love,,and mys- tery, *'The, Woman in Room 13." Bel- Iamy enacts the ruthless' détective agent, grimfly bent on gettingrevenge against Neil 'Hamilton,. Plot and characterizations will make this dramna well worth your timeý. "The, Strange Case of Clara Deane" reveals the d.ramatic -powers of Wynne Gibson and unfolds a, story of mother love that will, hold the audi- ence enthralled. Novarro on YTale Campus Oni Fri.day and Saturday,,of this ýweek, the Min ette ,jre sents Ramon Nýo-a rro in "l4udd le," a football pic- ture with actulal scenes of Yale uni- versity. Madge Evans, Una 'Merkle and Ralph Graves also star in this dra!na of a young Italian who -flnds itdiflcult to accommodate biîmself to campuselife. This Saturday's matinee will be a signal event in the schedule for north shore children, because then the first three reels of the serial, "The Last of the Mohicans," will be ,51own. Har- rv Carey and Edw.ina Booth, "Trader È orn" 'stars, are featured i this screen version of the James Fenimore Cooper novel. Ail children are urged to attend the meeting of the Mickey Mouse club at 1:30 o'clock to hear a, contest announcelnent in connec- tion with the serial. Two Pictures Featured, -The Richi Are Always With Us",ý and *"Carmen" will be the double fea- tureý attraction Suniday, Monday and Tuesday, July 17, 18, and 19, at. thé * Wilmette theater. 1George Brent, regarded as one of the ý.-ear's "discoveries" on the coast, support s Ruth Chatterton in "The Rich Are Always With Us," a drarna concerning- the trials of a. wealthy movie patrons who attend the beau- tiful Teatro del Lago which is famed throughout the Chicago area for its balanced and riefreshing programs. In addition to the dramas, the short subj ects have a snap and sparkle al their own; yet they blend <deligbtful-ý Iy with. the feature pictures for 'eve- inùgs or afternioons of perfect 'pleas- ure. Right in rhythm witb the swift tempo of Modern life are "State's ,At- torney" and- "S' inners in the Sun,"' attractions at the Teatro double fea- ture programn on -Tbursday, Friday. andSaturday of this week. The personal magnetism of John. Barrymore is emphasized more than' ever in "State's Attorney," the actor playing ,the role of acourt-room Don Juan who: wins juries. by bis ,flery eloquence and women ,by. bis ýdebon-, air pe rsonality. Blond Helen Twelve- trees plays the feminine lead. Sh1s iBéa1*tîftSly Gowied Wbat happens to "Sinners in the Sun" will provide a most engrossing story as enacted by Carole Lombard and Chester Morris. Carole plays a mannequin- (you must see those clothes, girls!) and Chester's the poor but ambitious garage mecbanic who falîs in love with hem. Modemn society, the younger gen- eration and a terrifié harvest froin past indiscretions. figure in a kaleide- scopic romance in "'Letty Lynton," in which Joan 'Crawford and Robert Montgomnery %will be seen at the Teatro del Lago on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, July 17-19. .The story is a filmization of the Marie Belloc Lowndes novel, based Pnblix-Balabain & Katz VA RSIT Y Fvanston-Phone UJni. 8900 OUJR COOLING PLANT I'rovldes a Cool, Comfortable 1 ittnoiàenhrf t Ail Times 1 , niann wno cones along-but'does ne save bier f rom ber .own folly? Gives Lowdowus on N.u'spmpers What is said to be a genuinely real- jstic newspapem picture cornes to the Teatro del. Lago on1. Wedniesday ancil Tbursday, July.20 and 21. "The Fam- ous Ferguson -Case" is. a typical America n murder mystey-a screen peetation of a tragedy of rçal life an o the, maanner in wbicb it is ban- dled by the newspapers. 'Courtenay Terrett, wbo bas. covemed many of the famous crime cases of recent years, wrote the original stomy of **The Famous Ferguson Case."' Doors opm o iekdaysa <if6:80 P- . nShOo e t 7 P-19. Dora open Bat., Sus. and Holiday. at 1:30 P. ~m. show a<ifàiP. t M s" Box 010e. closes ait 9:86 uPm. LAST TIMES TONIGHT-2 HITSI Loretta Younr-Wlmnie Lliwhtner "PLAY IL"t and, RICARDO CORTEZ in "SYmPlionY of Six Milion" Fri., Sat., JuIy 15-16 Raimon NOvarro-Maie ]Evans -"HRUDDLE", upen i :3o--Shot» Stamte aP. m. Roleningt Daoeang Wede Dooun Opm ,6:go-biowStawtS 7 P.M. gaturday Natimee. price.. te @:#@ *~ ~ ~~à p.n. dis i hflden #e. For earlY birds wbo come, be lore * o'lOck On Saturdays,' belote 8. " o OB' o Blundiysand boldaFe, or belon 7:-1; oeeloek 'on other eveulutbs Itle priee le aie., Touilbt, !Fr%., Sait4.. liy 14-15.10 Two Features John Ilarryrnore, HeIe» Twelvetrees Starts' Thurs.,Frit 7:10l; 10:80 $tatsSi.4:1 :; 14 1:41 Carole lombard Starts Thurs., Frit 9:11 Sta ,rtu Sait. 2:14; &5:44; 10 Aud1Y Clyrde Comedy ...SpOrt- giants . .FlsldngClse Suin, -Mon", Tues., july 17-18.19 wlth Ilm d'. George (21E un Riren t M~w Bette ýAIWAywITH- Davis rts Sun. -2:18: 4:3; 8; 0l [arts Mon:. ï Tues. 7:18: 9-.58 and fllzet's Fumons Opera* 6&"IRmE" l, ansmrer to niany requests, the Varsity theater bas booked a return engagement of one of the Bobby Jones series on "How 1 Play .Golf.," for Tbursday, Friday and Satumday Qof this week., .IuIuus uagmey