Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jul 1932, p. 37

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Soutfleast .w innetka, 7flfl. home, 4 bedrms.., 2 baths, sunrm.'. oi ht., gar. attached, wooded grounds at $115. Exclusive east Kenilworth location. 8 rm. Colonial, 5 bedrms.,. 3 batbs. gaie. attached, open porch, at reas. renti. Have many othe r attractivýe hoiises :îal reasonable rentais. E.E. Stuit.s Realty Co. 460 Wlnnetka.Ave. W'innetkýa 1 aC __________________________6OLTI -i te SMALL HOUSE IN GLENCO-LIV- ing rm.:,and~ dining rn. conhined, bedrms"-I . batb, oill.1-car ga r. $50 per month . Other furnished and unfur- nished bouses from Wilmette to I-ligh- land Park. ANN MORELAND' 663 Vernon Ave. Glencee.105 ________60LT1NI 0-1 tp FULRNISH-ED ANI) ITNFUIINiSýllIEI)' houses. apts. on the North, Shor4. Mrs. Fuller & Win.. Pickard 1618 Chicago Avo. (re îea 220 6OLTN 4-t f( NEWLY DECORATEI)-5_ ROOMS. 1 bath, 1 lav..FH. W. heat, large yard. $45 nonth. Winneika 3615. 641 FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES months. to aduits. Price reasonablu. Phone Wlnnetka 3692. before 1I p.m., 61LTNIOl te SI wANTzEO TO RENT-Hm-OUSES WANTED TO ltENT - MEDTM' size bouse for fali. or immiediate rent - al. Winnetkà. 3631%. 62LTN11-17v S FOR RENT--TORES & OFFICES FINE STORE ROOM. 501 CHESTN1'. St.. Wlnnetka.. street froinip- lic school. Winnetka 690. 72 FOR SALE-HOUSES Reniarkable Bargain AS HOME OR SAFE INVESTMENT. N. E. Glencoe. $12,500. DistinctivCý architecture. Newly decorated 7 room bouse. H. W. ht. South sun porclh. 2-car garage. Large lot. 1027 Meadow' road. Phone Owner, Glencoe 168, BARGAIN Real value in South Winnetka-9 -M brick home, 5 bedrms.,-, 3 baths, 2 sleeping porches, library, Ige. sunrnî.. gar., attached. oh .ht. Grouinds ,80x230. PriCe Is very interesting. inecliina- floor carpets4,and drapesý. Cali Win- netka 1800. 2TI-t 16,SCicago Ave. Gr CHARMING CAPE, COD C bedrnis., 2 baths. panelud Reduced to $16,000. . Mrs. netka. 1194. 74 FOR SALE--VACANT __ 13 Utifu \estnlorà'C. i1 SEVERAL BUILDING] SITES. AVAFI- .able at vrevalling prices. Why hot selcet your future homesite now and take advantage of present condition s? This Property bas ail the requisites that a famn ily nay desire. for a Dnerma- *nent residence.: For further information eall HILL & STONE 43Lincoln Ave. Winnietka 1541 74LTN3-tfu) 76 summinR REsoftrT î:HrEAUT. 'MOD. COTTAGE ON WIITITr Lake, Mich., large lot. $150 foi, Aug. or $80 for 2 wks., Ph. Greenleaf 3180. Eclw F 1f. Bianeuser. .76T-ltp) 91 ACREAGE :AND IRSYATES WES 0FHIHLAI)PARK UNIQTUE COUýNTRY PLACE: Io, acres-6 under high cultivation. Orch- ardé:apl, pears, cherrie's, plums and îiea-ches. Farrn y'ard: cictkenis, ducks. pheasants, pigs, sheep and rabbits. Vegètable garden. Strawberry and asparagus lieds.. liaspberries, blacl< - bet.rnes, grapes. Buildings of uinusual, éharacter., .Price verv ý, Moderate.' -Would consider high grade part .payment. A.,.L. FLOYD CO., 2Q.I ('EPNIEP, ST.' PHONE WINNI;ETKA 3603 96_FORSALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS For SALE P <pair fnetFreuech SiIIý velvet ch i' draýpes. ize5ý9 ff. 1Prine $,-0 1pirl * eosf $3700 pair. Two excep tionlfly designeil finu ' hineS4 *rtigs, raised patrs ize 9x1il. re .$300 and $2750: enst $600 a111(1ti $35. cost $125. li Ind-.made maholganiiy tbe pric $10; ost $5150. Citcassiafl wa;iut hîdnaeilr set: desk, 13 grieeniieatht'V céov'ec1i chinirs and cnuch :ple $400; cost i-,01 Shpidan 1Rd. tIighland, 1>ari twnuavu .......500 8 Elmergency repairs to wa- ter mains........ ý....... 500.00 9. Leakage qurvey........... 31000.00 Total .........$ 66,130.00 Streets affilAlleys 1 Constructions, repairs and inaterlals .. .... ........ $ 1,500.00 2. Labor .... ...... 5,600.00 3. Supervision............,ooo Total, Streetg and AI- -8100 Sidewalcs L. Constructionl, repairs ani labor............ ......$ 100.00 2. Material .... ........250.00. Total, Side ,valks . 350.00 Street and Ailey Cleaning 1. Labor..................$2000 2. Supervision .......:........00.00 3. Cuttlng weeds.............. 10Ô.00 4. Supplies--. ..............25.00 Total, Street and Ailey Cleànlng......... $ 2,625.00 Removai of Snow (For keeping roadways openi only) 1. Labon ..........$ 1~0 2. IncidentaIs ............100.00 Total Remiovai of Snow ............. $ 600.00 Tree Fund (Care and Maintenance or Trees)ý L, Labor'.... .........$ 400.00 2. equlpment.. >. 100 Total, Tree Fund ..$ 50M.00 Sewers, and. Drains '1. Labor ............$ 5w..00', 2Materlal.................100 Total, Sewer and Drain Fund.........$ 60Ô.00 Catch Basins ..Labor cenig catch baslnm........ $ 500.00 2.Material and sulis . 15).00 Total. ('atvh Basin.s $ 650.00 - Marm Moewer Punîinw irStation S;. S*l r.............$2,6P0.00, 1 upfflies ..1,00f).00 SPwrliglit ainlienet.. 4SO.00 1. Omflé-supplies . ........ mo Tota1., storim Sewer Pump......... ...$ 4,190.00 111î11nel a 4rsixe 1. Stlaries and labor 1 . $ 1,600.00O 9. (las, oil and repairs for- cars .. ................2,300.0o 3, Supplies............l-O0 4. Power, light and he.t .... 350.00 Total, Municipal Gar- age.............$4,350.(0 Auto Maintenàne (Insurance) 1_ Insurance for 'cars -of ail departments, 6 trucks, .3 tractons, 1 street sweeper, Your Classiieci Ad Be fore 1 METTE LJFE Phone. WVJLMETTE 4300 ..FOR MORE THAN 20, YEARS THE HOME PAPER 0F THE COMMiUNITYI"' l a a cycle. Like new. Rea.onable. Phone Glencoe, 323, SSLTN5-tfc- NOTICK T-O DOG OWNE1I lThe, Village of WIlnette h'as.the fol- iowing, dog in. the. pound: (1) Part airedale -pup- inale, iight brown. Unless this dog lis reciaimed by the owner, within 5 days it Wvill be destrovêd as provided by the -Village Dog Or- dcnnance. ALBERT ZIBBI M. Poufid st. ýVILLAGE OF WILMINETTEh ORDINANCE NO. 1731 AN, ORDINANCE piaking ap- propriations for the fiscal year beginning- the l9th day of 'April, M92, and ending the' lsth dity of April, 1933, of the 'Village of NWilmette, Cook Couîîty, Illinois Be it ordainied by, the Pre.sidt-nt and Board of Trustees o! the Village of Wilmnette, Cook CountyInt, as fol- lows: Section 1. That the following sunis, or so much thereof as may, be authori-. zed by, la,',be and the sanie are hereby appropriated for the following pr<ss for, tbe .Village o! WVilmett(., <o 'County Ilîlinois, for- thé. fiscal year lie- 0inning -the l 9th day of.Aprlil.'112. and ending the lSth day, of Ap-il; 1i oif said Village;. General Corporiit# a.r i,< i. Salarie-s and labor (a) One me ter clerk 1 .1. .$1,890 (b) One clerk . 1,350 (c) One laborer. 1,401 (d) One laborer...1, 512 (c) One-fiftb Vil- lage ciieo~ salary.....720 Mf)Oneë-fifth Sup- erintendent of Public Works' salary 648 (g). One-sixth> Vil- lage rnanag- er's salary 897é; (b> One foremnan..601) Total......$ ,000 2. I .wrand iight*. 1 7ý

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