fJ wvtth 'a moral* or NATIONAL. MANUFACTURERS 7'XThe Fable of the HU-NGRY LTTLE ýBIRD cd th PULL LITTLE BIRD ('~Ncuupon a timec ther- wer ~...t-w< littie birds. They Iived i tue'Saie treei. Vhey Nwere béth ambi- tous, energetic littie brsanlddea.rly Jvdto dine On, mce, juicywrn. hhad heen a dry sunmer and the*e: wormp that -afforded these t%%o little brssuch deligh.tful Ile-als %-e re verv Each nîorning when these Iite birds started out in search of their tiTieals.,thtey went.differunt wy.Each evenng henheyreturned homen one wa fi!of worns and pep. The other neçded more worns and was-*tired >11e eveiing vhiIe talking about tlîeir îices the' ful Iittie Lbird said t Î) the hungry littie bid, "Hoi si it you alw'ays corne back hungry in thc cven ing? We start out at the sanie tîme each iniorning and you work hard ail day. Yet, you corne back hungry.' ~Wel~said the hungry, littie bird, and- fui! and ntchl Ifwdo you dO h fre sherthn . Yurtechnique *iswong," re the f ull littie bird. ".Here's how 1 do it. Because worm>is are scarce now adpicking is har-d-,1 think of the rnostIlikely spot where wormis will bc .-. where the soui s fertile and s-of t. And there 1 go each morning. f sit up in a tree and wateh or fly sýloWIy over this smnall area and I get lots of, wormis. 1I don't waste my ene.rgy over a ,big area to. get ýa.f ew scrawny.worms.Icncnat hr the. bîg ones are,!" *MXfR. National Man4facturer. The moral LV&f tbis littie fable is: Wbybe likeý the-huîînry lttie bird.anv longer? Nou catn .catter voar adverisng ail over the couàntry and stili bc a hungry .littie bird. Wake upl Bce a rWise littie bird. Be a fuit littie bird. Concentrate vour energies and advertising %ýbeare returns are certain . . . wbere the. audience iý, rici, and responsiVe. *Cast vour eye over the fertile, comnpact ETTE LIFE - WINNETKA, TALK - EVANSTON REVIEW HIGHLAND PARK PRESS -P MAYWOOD HERALD WRL Il