Bixby- and Miss IBor wiII continue on to Pasadena for the Olympie games,, and wilI then travel up the coast, through Yosemite National park, to San Francisco, where they will board the S. S. President Hoover of the Dol-~ lar Steamship Line:' The rest of tbeir journey %villbe by boat, downAtrough. the Panama Canal, up the east coast to ýNew York where they will land on August .27. Theirplans from there until their return to Chicago are. in-, definfite. Undergoes Appendicitis Opration, R9ecoverin.g Ashton Bayard T 'aylor, 400 4Eighth street, a member of Boy Scout troop No. 5; was taken ill with appendicitis while at Ma-K<a-Ja-Wan, the North Shore Area counicil Boy ýScout camp in Wisconsin, and was rushed to An- tigo, Wis., where an emergency operation *vas. performed July. 14. Mrà. Marguerite C. Taylor, lis mother, came from Camp Nagawicka at Delafleld, Wis.; to join him. -Ash- ton will comiplete 'his convalescence at Camp Nagawicka. condition is much improved. DINNER BRIDGE HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. A. W. 'Wiggles- ~-worth, 125 Wood.stock avenue, Ken- ilworth, gavea- dinner'party followed by, bridge last Saturday evening. .*. . . . ......... opening uer da dens, is follom years. itful home and, gar- a custom of many Wini Women's Golf at North Shore Club Winners of the women's golf events at.North Shore Golf club on 'tues- day, July 12, have, been announced as follows: Twelve blindholes-Class A, Mrs. R. G.- Boozer,' 54; Class B. Mrs. E. R. Green, 51; Class C, Mrs. D, E. Asbby, 53. In the -putting events. M rs. J. A. Sydne y wçn with a, 36; Mrs. H.,D Fargo-had aW3. Tuesday, July 26 vwill be champion- ship day 'at North Shore. BAHA*I LECTURE Carl Scheffler of Evanston will speak on "Paths to Universal, Peace" at the -Fo>undation halt .of Bahaei temple, Linden avenue near Sheridan roaid, iWilmette, on Sunday after- noon, July 24, at 3:30' o'clock. Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Geisse of 2415 Birchwood lane drove up to Fond du Lac, Wis., last week-end to bring back their daughter, Mary Lou, who has been visiting lier grandmother. Their niece, Kathleen Galland,. re- turtied - with them for several, wçeks' visit. THURSDAY, JULY 21' Large Cherrwy Pie,.. ...... 190 Pure amnd Mauoons IL.450 FR1 DAY and- SATURDAY *~~ ...eLae.Cae.... ea.390 *ParkerHueRUa d: 5 * Allator CorlRe ak .e30t. 1129 Central Ave.., Wilmeffe Photi. Wil. 2998 Su8 Main St.. Evangtom Phone Gme. 6132 SPECIALS FOR THURS., FiR. 6SAT. SPECIAL Californie Seedless Grapes Per Basket Grapes Lg. California, bgsket .... 29C ToMatoeu 29c Home grown, 29e basket ......25 ASOLUIEL PLE VENTS SUNDURN NOXZEMA SJIW<CEEA>! !t is flot gr sy-does flot. soul clothingý-stops Itching and FierY Pain im mediately-mny. bc used as a CoJd Crcam or, an Ointmont: with better resuits, than cither.' 250c s r a 1:; 000 IF IT IS A WE HAVE ITI Mcm nber W.tette Chaxmber of Commerce Ridge and Lake Aves. PhoneoTV I ~ Memsber Wimette 1hamb.r of Commerce ber Wigmette 'Ckauber of Commerce Vilmette 316