Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Aug 1932, p. 10

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Plans for the American Legion air meet at Sky Harbor airport Septei- ber Il are moving ahead 'rapidly. The meet wil be the outstanding aviation event of the season in the 'Chicago area. SAl Amenican Legion posts: in Cook and Lake* counties, nu mbering more than tÇwo bundred aid 'w'ith a combined. membership of approximately 50,000, are coopèrating in staging ..the meet, which. is beîng sponsored by the Cook couinty councilof the Legion. The' en- tire proceeds of *the ticket sales wili go to the Legion to be used in con- ducting its activities.. Outstaniding ýpilots and aviation auth- orities of the, country are expècted to be present.. Invitations. have been sent to the prominent men and %vomen pilots; and already john Livingston,ý big ' money :winner at 'the National Air races, bas promised that he' will be, at Sky Harbor to enter the - races there* on September 11. Some"hig Doing Ail Day The meet' wili be an ail-day affair, starting at 9 o'clock in tthe înorning. The first event" wili be the National. Outdoor Airpiane godel. contest, in. wbicii hundreds of boys and girls wl participate. Cups and, prizes will be aivarded to the winners. At noon there will be a glider demioi-L stration and contest. The meet will open officially at 1 o'clock in the after- noon, with the opening salute and dedi- cation by officers of the Cook eounty couneil and officiaIs in charge of the tlay's program. From th 'en until 9 o'clock at night every hioun- ill be crowded full of the various aenial races, stunts, parachute jumps' and other events.' The autogiro and the Good- year .blimp, Punitan, froin Pal-Wauikee, airport, wili take part. At intervals throughout the. day num- erous Amenican Legion druni and bugle corps will perform, and there wiIl be a mass denionstration at the close of the clay's prograin, it is an- ilounced. Awarding of tropliies and cash prizes, Officiais of the Sky Harbor Flying club announced this week that they wilI be glad to answer any ques- tions on aviation subniitted to 'them through, WiLME.,TE LiYLAnyone living ini New Trier township is in- vited to subinit questions., They should he senitto the aviation editor, ,W'iî.me'r'reLipE. 1232 Central ave- nîue, Witniette. Doctor Makes Emergeney Plane Trip' to Indiîana, Charles, Lehr. Curtîss.airport pilot, 1kew a Chicago physician to Terre Hate, Iîîd.,, week on an, enxcrg- ency trip,. On the return trip Lehr brought, pictures~ of activities at the Dixte Bec, coal mine, 'scene of the recent ine troubles, for one of the Chicago newspapers. A week ago Sund(ay [.ehr 1kew.another partyv to De- troit. whiere a ýinember, of the, family had been iijured Âin ai automobile ac- cident~. Commutes by Plane Prom Pittsburgh to Chicago MrS. K. M. Edwards' of Pittsburgh, Pa., Nvho mnakes a habit of commnuting by airpiane between her home city and, the north shôre, arrdved at Cuirtiss air- port last week. She came for a visit in Evanston. -Mrs. Edwards' 'plane is a Monocotipe, and is piloted'1)y Jack 'Morris. On a necent 'return tr:p f nom 1Curiiss Northwest Airways Land Passengers at Curtiss N'orthves't. Airway plaites have heen droppinig off passengers at Cur- tiss airport on their ivav to the Chi-, cago mnincipal airport. The pl!aniei are able to, do this when t1, ev d, not carry mail. 'An this way l)asseii- gers who live on' the north shore on ou the 'north' side of Chicago are saved. the long tnp a cross the city 'froni the municipal airport. Sunday, Augiîst 14, has been desig~- nated as C. M. T. C. day at the Fort Sheridani Polo Field. Al'the boys who are out at the training camp will be admitted free of 'charge and tiicir sixty-five piece band wil be on hand to. furnish nxusic for the oc- casion. %Vild Bill", Wagner vvill lead. his fam>ous Milwauikee Shainrock teanx into action at Fort Sheridan. This teain is made- up of a group of polo. stars" froïn the .state of Wiscoil.>n, and bias .ixad a very successful sea- son so far.. It is. also one of thc finest niounited teains iin the' middle West. M.\r. Wagner is- bringing this squad* of polo stars. to- Fort Sheridan next bunda y afternoon armned to the tecth for revenge for the defeat they suffered when Fort Shenridan last visited Milwaukee. This.gaine will give the. spectators plenity of thrills -When' Major. C. (Square) Sniith ýand ~id'Bh Wagner ta ngle mfal lets. MN;any promi nent people from WXis- consin" as m-ell as -Chicago are cou ' - ing to this' gaine. The ustual popu- Ian price per car %%iii prevail, no mat- ter how mnan 'v are in the automobile. Tfle gaine starts atprornpltiv. 3 :30 in thie atternoon. Wilmette Chess Teamü Defeats, Highland Park i e cliess and practice ISclhool librax checker instruction es. lieid at the Stolp t wÎnter und'er the Mue Iligtiatiu L FkI 'teaiI dLtheconUI- test hield at -the 'Moraine hôtel iq4 'Highland Park Mon'day eveing,.Au- guist 8 W\ilmiette wvas' represented by sev-1 enteen players, but, of the Highland Park teain only twelvc were able. to a ttend. The resuIts of the co utcst followi: Wi:mette Highland Park marton Mý'erghi'thiein Nwon E. Ilessier .... lost M. Major ... draw Wilson 1 ... .draw S. Jonas ..... won Van der Weirp.lost 'John 'flnddie .wonn' ntle .... ls portioov f theV illage. (10~) Operated the~ Village at a cost of $3.38 less per capita' than last year. (11') Started - action before the Ilii- nois State Commerce commissionl for grade separation. (12) Established fuîl time position of building commissiofler, and put a competent civil engineer in charge, whose duties' are to do such engineer- ing work as. the Village may' have.. .(13) Insured ail the. Village motor equipment for publieiiabiiity and fire and theft on the fleet ba sis, niaking, a savings of approxixmateiy *33%0ve what it would have cost to instîre each car, on the individual poiicy basis. Redueed Cartage Cost (14) 'Purchased a new 3-ton truck with 7 cu. yd. body for the Street de- partment.. This purchase of this truck reduced the coat of, hauling rubbish to the dumpat least 25% less than it cost to haul with. the .old. equipment. (15) Adopted, the policy of requir- ing all candidates for appointment to the Police departient to pass a stand-, ard intelligence test. (16) Police department j oined 'in the accident prevention contest of the Na- ti onal Safety council. (17) Two members of the Police de- Partment attendàed the police, and crime detection sehool conducted by the ZNorthwestern university in February. (18) Appointed 'a citizens Traffie and Safety> commission, who are spending great effort la correcting some of the most sérlous bazards to traffie about the Village. (19) M4ade careful study of Wf1- mettels needs for wa-ter supply. (20) Promoted and successfuliy car- ried a referendum eélection autihorizing the sale of $900,000 ivatei, revenue bonds fo,r a neW municipal ivater Works plant. Nove to Eitend Streets (21) Started. condemination proceed- ings for the opening and cxtending of WVashington avenue, and. also Twonty- third street to Illinois road. This proj- ect is necessary to open the streetz s0 pupfils attending the sclîooi 'may hatve direct route to tht 'sehlool bouse. (22) Purelhased and instailed a hew Remninington-Rand bookkeeping ma- ~'iî.This machine is used to 0 e the spjecial 'assessment accounts. With this machine the collector is able to post the special assessament accounts promptly, accurateiy and with iess ex- penSe' than, by the old baud ,mrethod. (23) Reduced thé Village: tax ievy forfl3132expenditures froin $265,- 766.09,to $20f),000.00. This la a reduc- tion of oier 22ý%. This ý;wals made pos- sible due to the economies practiced by the V-illage thîs past year, and. was done. so 'tlhat this ýamount, might b saved to the taxpayers at this ti. me andthereby reduce 'the 1931 taxes. as niuch as, possible., merican Legion air adquarters 'in the1 '.Adams street, Ci oi county council Ua Salle street, ,( downto 1cl'ub, or at iarters, ---r- C-r- 1 VI K * ***N *MlllVU* g £l**** iea* at Curtiss airport. ân'e, and returned' on' the 'S. S. Bre-' men, North German Lloyd. Mrs. ARRIVES AT CURTIS Sclhroeder visite'd in Maine and Bos-1 Louis Parkcer of the Phillips Pe- ton about ten days before 'returning troleuni company 'dropped in at Cur- to Wilmeite. They were gone abouti tiss airport iast week in a Lockheed. tWo nxonths aitogether. '-u riati'vs iur severai weeks. 0o The S. I. Russell family have noved from 913 Forest avenue where they have 'been living for *five or six monthls, to, their'old 7home, ý431 Ridge .avenue, Evanstoîî. i

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