Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Aug 1932, p. 24

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i III 'ugI11me co-olpV14LJU11 Lo1 me afternoon and evening gardeîî clubs of Wilmette these flowers are col- lected eacb week and distributed' throughout Chicago to the sick, the poor, the lonely, by the Chicago Plant,. Flower, and Fruit-guild. This work is altogether worthy, is sponsored by some of.the.most prom- inent women in Chicago, is* thor- oughly organized and, is administered with a minimum ,of expense. Not but fruits and vegetables aý?re gladly accepted. Tuesday of each week has been as- signed to -Wilmette. Flowers or, oth-« er contributions should, be delivered to the booth in -the Northwestern sta- tion concourse by 10 o'clock, in the morning, or theçy can be left at the baggage room of the Northwestern station in Winmette before 9-o'clock. This. service is through the courtesy of ýtbe railroads. There bas been considerable rivalry between the various suburbs in-this wvork.ý Last year most gifts were,,sent from> the western suburbs. . Won't you help Wilmette attain leadership this yearP Informaàtion may be hiad of ýthe chairman foý Wilmette, Miss Louise Robinson, or any of these' memnbers of the committee: Miss Laura Davy, ML\rs. Charles 'Dingee, Miss Ida Dyer, M rs.. R., T. Hoskings, M rs., J.- R. Lain g, Mrs. R. Wade, Miss Elsie, Wade, Mrs. N. F. Webb. Garden Tour Friday The Wilmette Garden club is making a tour of gardens Friday afternoon, August 12, under the direction of Mrs. Otto Sonntag, Mrs. James Moore, Mrs. Edward Burge, Mrs. John F. Weedon, and Mrs. J. Benton Schaub. MNembers wi ll gather at the bomne of Mrs. John F. WNeedlon, 204 Fifth, street, at 2 o'clock. Theyvvwill firstý visit the gar(lens of M rs. D)avid Cooke. and'Mrs. C.. N. Hurîbut, then. the gar-g dent of George Woolf on Wagner road. Fromn there theyv vill proced to the landscaped grounds of West-, mnoreland CountrY, club;- fromi there *going to the homes of Mrs. D)onald M. Gallie, Mrs. Charles D). Ewer, Mrs. Roscoe Roberts, Mrs. Frank J. * Scheidenhelin, and Mrs. Edwrard L. Scheidenhelm, to see their 'gardens. Mrs. J. K. iFarley of Kenilworthr sec- ond vice-regenit; Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell of Wilniette, recording sec- retary; Mrs. Carol Jackson, corres- ponding secretar; Mrs. Gran ide way, of Kenilwortb,, treasurer-; Mrs. HoWard Hodgkins of Kenilworth, re- gistrar; Mrs. J. B. Olwin of" Wil- mette, bistorian; and. Mrs. George Shipman .of Kenilworth, chaplain. The chapter will hold its first busi- ness meeting on the third Monday. in October at theý home of Mrs. Mark Cresap, Woodley road, Winnetka. .List August Calendar at Shawnee Country Club August at Shawnee CountrV club will mean three special, events« in ad- dition to the. regular weekly *activities.* A .senior dance-is--oirhe--calenidar for Saturday, August 13; a senior 'dance and feature bridge partv for Satur- day, August 27,* and a Junior dance, the date of whichi is to* be announced later. The Monday bridge luincheons con- tinue at 1 o'clock. The game start- ig at 2:30 will be auction bridge Au- gust 15, with, players pro .gressing singly. It will be contrat bridge"the f9llowing week with. partners pro- gressing and the -same on, Monday, August 29. Menl's nlights are to beheld each 'Monday. Buffet dinners are served each Thursday evening, with a story hour for children at 7:10, and pro- gressive, auction bridge at 8. BEoth d'iner and supper are a fea- turc of Sunday at Shawniee, the din- lier hour beginniing-at 1 and continu- inlg until 9, and supper served fromi :3.until 9. Announce Marriage Mr. and' Mrs., Edwin. M. Stafford.. 936 Sheridan road, Xilmette,- an- nounce the marriage, of., their daugfli - ter, Margaret, to Gotfred H. Seegard.. The ceremouy was performned at theý Wilmette Parish .Methodist church at, 8:.30 o'clock on M'onday evening, Au- gust 1, with Dr. Horace G. Smnith offi- ciating. Members of thte imimediate famnily, were the only gucsts present. Mr. and Mrs.. Seegard are niaking their home with the Staff ords. cntertained ten young people, bier guests being bier daughter, Elizabeth, and Marie Alden, uJames Kîigery, Willets Burnbam, Ruth Hanson, Patriçia Kelly, Roger Ballard, Helen Stevens,ý Ken Stevens, and Jerry Brooks Mrs. Don F, Wiley of Wilmette Was bostess to a party of eight, including in. the group ber daughter.s Patricia and Barbara, and Mary Clark Weber, of Wilmette and Clifford Aspegren,ý George Colburn, jim Bogg, Jeannine Young, and \Vil- liamf Doike-, of Evanston. Isabelle Zimmermanri, daughiter of the Edward A.,Zimmermans of XiI- mette, vas lhostess to a group of, six, lier guiests including- John Robertson, Austin Ziinmerman, Bob Burroughs, E ,lizabeth Fair,,and Margaret Boynl- ton. Mrs. F. R. Lowry of Winnetka entertainied. ber daughter, Mary Ann Lowry, Stanily Phillips, Catherine Hledman, and Phillips Phillips. Mary Jane, Wilson of Winnetka had a party of four; Ethel GlassI entertained four friends, and Jean- nette Trudeau of Hubbard Woods. ivas hostess to Mary Wegener, Ber-, nîice' Driscoîl, William Dalton, Ber- nîard- Dempsey, and Jack, Sallon. Dance:and Treasure HRum for Vista's Younger Set The younger set of the Vista del Lago club is planning a special par ty for Friday, August 12. Following an evenîing of dancing, there will be a treasure hunt. Menibers and. guests are urged to bring their swiniming suits as they will be quite necessary in finding the chues in the treasure hunt, the committee announice. Dinner for Darrops, .Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Darrow of Chicago.-were the week-end.guest 's of, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Canning, 889, Sheridan road, Xinnetka. The, Cannings gave a dinnert party at Sfrawnee Country club last Saturdlay for their guests and those who were teewere William H. Holhy and his daughter, MVrs. Margaret Foster, ing. unaerV Lte orUers o1> 4a cr w Vi their own selection. Among those having their own boats who are expected to race with- out fail are Mrs. Max Flayford of Wilmette, Mrs. Benton Ellis and Mrs. Wesley Bowman ofEvkanston. Oth- ers*who may make entry are Mrs.ý Jon ennison, Mrs., Charles Kniglit, and Mrs.1 Robert Teare. Mrs. Charles Galloway of Glencoe whohas won the race the last three years, will flot sail in this event as she is stili abroad., On. Sunday the big team race will between two championship. crews. the Illinois River fleet racing Sheridan Shore, using the latteiý' boats. The1 Ilfinois River> fleet won the Great Lakes championship re- cently. at Peo.ria, defeating the 'Sheri- dan Shorefleet, and Sunday will be the return engagement. The following Sunday the V'ista del Lago is, offering a cup forý an invitation :race to be. ruti off its shores. A bridge party last Saturday was one of the summer social] events at the Sheridan Shore Yacht club'plan- ned by the Woman's auxiliarv- of, whiich Mrs. iàayford is president. N. S.* Garden Club s. Flower Show August 13, The North Shore Garden club will hold its annual flower show Saturday afternoon, August 13, f rom 2 o'clock until 7, at the Lake Shore Country club, Sheridan road, Glencoe. Chairmen of the fiower show com- mittee are Mrs. David Mayer and Lewris Lepman of Qlencoe, while their assistants are Mrs, Julius Rosenwva1d of Ravinia, Mrs. August Gatzert, Mrs. Herbert Philipsborn,' and-Mrs., Jaick Benjamin *of Glencoe, and- Mrs.. ýRichard Uhlmànn.of Highland Park There wvill be-att.ractive table ar-. rangements for dinniers, luncheons, and anniversary1 and hirtliday. parties, and also a 'special éxhihit oôf gladioli. The public is cordially invited. to visit the, exhihit, the cornmittee announces.ý a In Wedding Part y of rôad, Kenilworth, w ried September 7, honor at a. kitchen Friday afternoon1 Huflýof Evan.ston. -ide-Elect ill of 224 Raleigh Supper for Father who is to be mar- Mrs. W. A. Moulton, 235 Raleigh was the guest of road, Kenilwortb, will give a buffet shower given last supper for friends of ber father, by Miss Emonie Charles W. Jordon, on bis birtbday, August 9. worth. Mrs. Charles Wàre wil have ReadnqCrcl to eeta paper on "The Need of Narcissi." The Wilmette Reading circle wilî Hostess at Luncheon meet, with Mrs. Joha A. Maclean, 924 Miss Rose Flentye. 919 Central ave- Greenwood avenue, on Monday, Au.. nue, entertained at luncheon and bridje gust 15, on Tuesday, August 2.

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