About two months ago, oùr dog, a Boston bull terrier, wvas struck by a fast-speeding automobile and instant-. IN, killed on L-ake avenue, Wilmette. TÉhe car was driveti recklessly. so wve unders-tand, by some young uieighbor- -hood girls w~ho enjoy goi.ng throughi the streets of \Vilmette- as fast as possible. The dog was a pet, beipg broughit up froni six nionths of agc, to six years, and loving, full of pranks, and very intelligent. He was belo;cîi by' Our children. and was like> one of the family. and his death affected us very cleeply. ,One cannot very' easilv re- place a loving dlog. Last Wednesday' .e;vening,.aniother. Boston :bulldog Wvas instantlv killed by' another automobile \'vithin a u- dred.feet of where our dog .was killed, and' this also is a tragedy. We can place the blame on the, dIriver'of the car-1then again. may be, we dothis driver an injustice, pro%,.d- ing, of course, he or she is, careful and watchful. For some.dogs. bconiie, careless. and as they grow.% olcler i-r more. uised tc, crossing the streets, thev somehow take it for grantc-d that 'an automobile iv'ill îiot strikz or injure them. What I wish to express to my read- ers, if ýthey are dog-lovers, is this: ..I1)o WC do,,right, to ou r dogs?"- If: we care for Our dog, shouldrn't we keepý Final of Children 's. Movies at- the Museum The James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymnond Founclation will Vresent the final program in its surn- nier series of six free entertainients for ch.ildren Thursday, August 11, at Field Museum of Naturai History. A motion picture, "Animnais at Rest and Play," Wvill begiven, in". the James .Simipson theater of .the, museuin., There will be two showNings of the* pictures. one beginning' at 10 a., Mi. àa>nd one at Il., Children 'froni aIl Parts of Chicago and suburbs are in- vited to attenid,, and no, tickets are n.ecessary for, admission. The child- ren mav corne alone, accompanied' by adults, or in groups froni local or- zanizations of various kinds. tne siciewalk? If we love. our dog, he should 'have the sanie attention as our own chi]- dren. This is written in a spirit of good will to us ali-humans and dogs-and I hope itmay help prolong somne dear d'og's' life, and prevent the ensuing. sadness an-d sorrow my clildren suffered when ".Tommy Tucker"' was killed. -S. Bigelow Haley, 1434 Lake ave-, nue, ilmette, ments, are to loing Nweek. the Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Spach, 228 Lei- cester road, Kenilworth, left Wednes- day, of last weekfor a month's visit to Eagle River,*Wis. Their daughter, Mrs. Paul DeLargy -of Urbana, Ill., is keepfing bouse during their, ab- sence. Mr. DeLargy arrives next Sunday. NORTH SIDE ANIMAL HOSPITAL Dr. Hooay J. Monlgemu Dr. Felix von Deuchwanden 3720 BROAPWAY CHICAGO ' jJTel. Lakeview 7673. 7671, 7615 r .1 LOOK@~ not rn t ros b.a 4 they moe TqPlI cord brea r. atipe Md th*t'e what w. ceau cell thenm tWpls~. Famoue Lifetime Guaranteed1 GOODYEAR PATHFINDER Supertwlst Cord Tires CASH PRICES__ 4.41J-21 05* E«pert' nbooated PRE L imi Sýister of Mrs. Lee Megowen of Keni- Nyorth, and Imogene Crinin and Mil- im dIred Burton of Nashville, Tenn. Mrs., Clyde Ross, 1321 Chestnut 70TefhSre a venue, will, entertain her. bridge club ai luncheon next. Wedniesday., Open 7 A. M. to J Jiember Wilmette .Chamber of Commerce Phoue Wdiette 691-69 .imý