home ta the bereaved farnily, offering themn the samne confo rt and privacy that they would enjoy in their own residence witb the additional facilities needed at the tinie. Our Mortu ary is Equipped with a Pipe Organ- 1v ~J,?b gWjyjj "The House.of Personal Service" 111,8 GREENLEAF AVE.. WILMETTE 654 554 CENTRAL ST. WINNETKA 404 f The, Oldest Est.ablished Undesr takers on the Immediate NVortb Sbo«re Superior:Atnbqlance Service Licensed Lady Assistant ~AVLM.0 N[Y - - - w The early bird catches more than a worm in this case ... he saves himself many dollars if he fuls his fuel bin now, while prices are at their low summer level. WNhy flot put in your ,order now,, today? GOA L HEA T COSTS LESS! ýWiinette Coal atenial ard 130-1 Lake Avenue Phone Wilmetti 4200: .1»Q? IViIjnf t e <j<7lr qGý nnèc 435 Main St. SALES-4 Memnber Wilmel SERVICE Wilmette 955 aic Conimerce