Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Aug 1932, p. 29

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$140 a;nth."L"1 BILLS REALTY, INC. 930 Spanlsh, Ct. Wilînette 3740 225 other bouses froin $100 up. 6OLTI'i15-tc HOIME IN RAVINIA, ]BEAUTIFULLY situated on wooded lot, 6 bedrms., 3 baâths. 2-car attaehed garage, oul heat. ANN MOflELAND 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 305 6OLTx1-ltp FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED houses, apte. on the North Shore. Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard 1618 Chicago Ave. Greenleef 7220- OOlTN7-tfe 5 ROOM CTTGENEAR, SEOKIE golf, fireplace. frigidaire, garage. $65.' 4.66 Adams. Glencoe. Glencoe 1522. 60L1.5-1 O' 7ROOMS. B3ATH. LAV. ON FIRST floor; ail niewly decorated. $65 per mionth. Tel. Winhetka 3615. 601,TN15-ltp .RIM. HOUSE. HOT WATER HIEAT., niear transe, and s;chools,. 629 Cumnor Rd.. Kenilworth. 6OT1-t 6 -.9m. BRICK COLOIýAL - 203 3RD * st., Wilmette. R eas. rent. Phone Rta\*enswood l 5713. 60L15-ltp FiFATED 5 fRM. HOME, FURNISHED or ýunfurnished. Ileasonable. Phone Wilniette 1862. --6.OLTN15-ltc <XOTT.AGE FOR RIENT-NEWLY DEC- nîated: $50. at .835 Ach St.. Winnetka. Tel. Winnetka-842. 6OLTN15-ltp) 61 PVONR RNTr-FURN4. HOUSS 6 ROOMS FURN. OR 5 ROOMS IN9 ftirnlished house for 6 or 7 nionth. Ph. Wiimette 3206. OILTN15-1l» 62ý W*NTEo 'TO RENiIOHMES VOUNG COUPLE WAN1TS TO RIENT1 6 riri. house funihdo nfurnishefi. Must have oil burer and open porch. Give full information. includingad dress and rentaI. B.-138, Box 40, Wilmette. 111. 621LTN15-Itc 65 WANTED.TO RENT-GARAGES 0. GARA E CLOSE TO HlllL ROAD aind Forest Ave., Winnietka. Tel. Wililette 13'01. 65LT15-ltc: 6 FOR RENT-TORES &OFFICES FINE STORE rtOOM. 801 CHESTNUT S.Wlnnetka. acroas street from pub- lic school. .Winnetka, 690, 66LTN-53-tfe g1a rge, ûv, location, SýMITH & GOSS. î25 Elni St. Wlinnetka 142 72LTN15-ltc 73 WANTED TO BUY-HOUBEs THE BEST .4 BEDtooM. 2BATHl house that $15000 Will buv.> Write- Box 134, Glencoe, Illinois. ______________73LTN1,5-Ilp Beautiful Westmore Trail SZVEMRAL BUILDINGSITES AVAIL- a4ble at Drëvailingor nces. Why flot seëlect your future hoznemi te now and take advantage of present conditions? This 1property has ail the rectuisltes that a famlYmay desire for a opermna- fient residence.:.. For further Information, cal HILL &STN 543 LIncoin AVe. Winnetka .1544 74LTNS-tfp IDEAL HOMESITE. CLOSE TO .-tores, N. S. and C. & N. W. stat. Will 1ýel1 at aiiazîigly'low. price for *cash. M. Zneiimer-,.!Midiothian il]i. 74LTiN1-tp, 76-A 0tJMMER CAM0S BEVE AND BEYE CAMP & SCHOOL MARCELLUS,. MICHI. Open ail year around - Boys.,-Girls. 1tegis4trationîs for- school term now $25.01) a. month. Grammar grades. F FR IE.. EL. WINNETKA 428 76A-LTrNl5-ltp es EXCHANGE-REAL ÉSTATE The Fiîiest Co-operaitiv e Apartnient in Chicago Is for Sale or Will Trade FOR SUBTIRBAN UOME NORTH:1 Magnificent view- of lake and. over- looklng Lincoln park in exclusive thlrty-two owner apartrnent bulilding. Five minutes from Loop. Near beat Ychools. 12 rooms and 2 desn rooms. 6 bathç. Occupies'entire four- teeflth floor. Ne amount of descrip- tion. could do justice t<) the charm of the plaice-!is coolnes.s, in ;uiimer-its k-unny. unobstrUcted view on al sides -or the quiet exelusiveness of the section. O'vneir retiring froni business will, selior tOnde -for- North Shore home. Ph<,(.ne Diversey 9339. 85LTNI5 Itp) crmV~LK. suite, $25; liv. nu. suite, $25.; new gas stov'e, $12; Coxwèll chair, $10., child's bed and matt., $2.50; white kit: cab., $12; pr-. »ew French doors, $7. Inquire at 1630 Walnut Ave., Wllmette,. 86LTN15-ltc LEAVING 1CITY - SACRIFICING. sunrmn., bedrm., and porth furniture, babyr's caýriage-, draperies. Misé. articles. Caîl Glencoe 199. 86LT15-ltp. ROSE WOOD: COUCH; TWIN BEDS; carpets; porch 'and miscellaneous. furniture. Ph. Kenlworth 742, 86LT15-ltp FOR SALE-FOLDING METAL CARD table 'chairs4.: $1 eâch, and folding 'Metal, tea. tables,. $1.50. CaIl Mrs. Jenkins. Glenc'oe 1518. 86LTN16-Itp STEINWAY GRAND PIANO, EBONY, about 3 yrs. old,r like ne*. Tel. Win- netka 256. 86LTN15-ltce MAPLE COUCE FOR. SUN PORCH $1.Tel. Winnetka 3857., 86LT15Ë-lftp 07 WýTD. TO BUY -NSLD. GOODU ELECTRIC. WASHING MACHINE.L Must be in good condition. Ph. Win- -ne!ka 2878. 87LTN15-ltc 130Y'S AND GIRL'S RANGER BI- cycle Lîke new. Reasonabie. Phone Gece119. 8SLTN13-tfc ý--WA-NTED 7O U-MUC.- PHILANTHROPlC H'OME WA NT S used billiard table. Price niust be reasonable. Tel. WNheeling 92J2. 89LTN15-Ilp WILL .PÙ-ECHASE A GOOD WARD- robe trunk. C.11 Wllmette 2875. 891*TN15-ltc Tuio LP N kJALE CHASe GoBLAKE Co *5608 N. Western Ave, Chacagu Opposite RoieilI-Westerw, Aue. .st rmne Tel. Longbeach 1161 Frebooklet. AIso opp. Oakwoodu. & Mt. Hope ont. Loo)p office:« 228 N. La Salle St. a t prlntiel, . or before Septemnber 61932, at 12 o'clock noon. Proper blank foi-ms for biddhlg and prlnted instructions will b. miailed to each State and National bank doing business in Illinois. Ail deposits must be, se- cured byr collatera1l secùrity to be ap- Pi-oved by the' State Treasurer. EDWARD J. BARRETT, SfttoTreasurer. L15-1tc NOTICE! TREASUXET PEPARIKENqT Ornlee. of the ComPftroller et the Car,. eney, WatsIamoten, 1). C. jaIy si, 1982 Notice 1.8 hereby given to ail persona Who m9Y 1have daims, agalnst -"The Plist Nationa1 Bank f Wilmette,".wfil-ý mePtte, Illiois, that the samxe muet ýbe preseuted to M3elvin >B. Erienon, e celver, wlth the legal proof tàereof withln three Inontha fromn this date or they may be disallowe4. J. W. POLE. ComPtroller of the Currency. JulY 318t. Auguet, Septemnber and October. L12-tr NÇOTICE On and after August 18. 1932, I will no(t- be responsible for, debts Incurred by anvone other than myself. GORDoN F. BUiCK. 1518 Foi-est Ave.. Wllmette LîS-3te MNfrs. Herbert L. Lucae 173 Fuller lane, WVinnetka, wiIl entertain ber luncheon and bridge club on Fiiday. A AYOUNG MANI 25 YEARS OLD 1 wish to form a partinership in a business of lighest ranking mnd long established mer-fr. To one who can furnisi, references as to character and ability, as well -as capital of a negligible.,anlount, titis' afordi an excellent opportunity for a young mon- to enter his own business.. Address Box B-139, Wilmette Life. I UV IFI4i ~ KâRIfJE WILMETTE 4300 I "..FOR MORE THAN 2o YEARS THE HOME PAPER 0F THE COMMUNITY»? 1 0 us 1 - il

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