Tango, and. Cuban Rumba. Me. and Mrs. C. P. Kuehnte, Jr.,> entertained a party of sixteen, Mrs. William H. Severin entertained a party of eight. -M-r--and. Mrs. Marshall F. Barrett were hosts to ten guests. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wolfe entertainied a party of fourteen. Mr. and Mrs. Vic- tor Allen.anid Mr. and Mrs- Ralph Heilman were joint hosts to a party' of twelve. Miss Betty Morrison had a party oi four. Mr. and. Mrs. John C . Sanderson were hosts to seven. Mr. and Mrs, Frank !<. Shrader. en- terfained Mr. and Mrs. William- F. Brown.' Mrs. Ethel Crane Milîs and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B.- Schultz each éntertained parties of four. Mr. and Mrs.' Chartes E. Knigbit and Mr. and Mrs. B. *H. Milter made up a party. Mri.*and Mrs. Braytonl Witherell attended. Dr. 'and Mrs. Louis W. Sauer had fifteen gue sts. Because .of the. inclenxency of> the weather,,Sunday,,August 28, the pro-. gram scheduted for, the afternoon had to be postponed. The trophy to be' given té the witining team for the North Shore Life Saving chami- pi onship has been given by the fol- Oliver A. Blackburn, Errett. M., Grable,, James, P. Haynes, Howard1 Lewis Kruin, John C. Marshal, Her- bert U. Nelson, Dr. Lloyd A. Schip- fer, Frank Shrader. F. Uhlendorf. Individual; team. winning,thie trophy . o2 i uAA5AUr of year!ý. starting there as office boy fr-r Benja- min Biils, chair- man of the Blils côrporations. Paul Heinsen has been in the ri-,al estate E. A. K14ys.r business, for 12 vears on the north sbore operating as', the H-einsen Realty compan y. wil be given gojd medals to bce re- tained. The trophy will be a. per- petual one to. be Contested for eacb year. Eight >teams of, life guards from Evanston,- Wilmette, Kenil- worth, -Winnetka, Gtencoe, .aùdý Highland Park have -signified their intention 'teo compete., on Sunday, Sept.. 4. In addition to thîe Suniday afternoon program for spectators, Chris-Craft .speed ,boats *111 be avâitable for the uise of, allmembers for rides along' the shore Sunday and Mondav. afternoon. Mr. -ad Mrs. D. U. Bathrick, 66~ Indian Hill Road, Wilmette, will be host and hostess for the Satuirday eveningk dinner dance September 3. Mrs. John C. Cobb, Jr., wiIl be hostess for Monday, September 12, Bridge Luncheon. There is. té be a Men's Night at Vista (tel Lago '%.,ednesday evening, Septeixiher 14. Iy theii.istlI.ion of a Nu-Way Aufomefic 0Opmeue. your gas-fired boiI*r con easlly b. çonverf. to.oïli- bumng . .' and you sf111 jhave aufomatlc 1i..tl W. have.,alreody coiverfed many 'gas boilirs on fthe Noitti Shore ..Mlinakes con be chang.d, wlti equal success. The. cosulis low, mand s quickly absorb.-d by the .niprmous roduction in tii. fuel bill. Nu-Way siithe only bunner fluat hem succ.stfuàlly firod Ses. boliers .. if iu always dean and deipendable. futIf lecfnic. no gas put.f A 1sf of homes. in which the. change f rom gos$foo éitha$ been maode wiIl gladly b. fumnishmid end a d.monstvafion macle. No obligation, of course.. AUTOMATtc OLBURNER HUFF RADIAHEAT BOULER SALES CORP. 1463'ShermnA .,Eansfon GR Eenleaf 418,1 Our Leader, is GENUINE SamùHear Every COKE order guaranteed with a gold certificate COMM ODITY PRICES ARE, ADVANCING! Coal prices are expected. to increase witb >t hem. ORDER NOW! T Place Your Or-der Today With WOOD and C DRY i.L RBSCREENED RE DEIVERY Ce Yard- GRE. 0730 -730 Pitner: Ave., Evanstoa Rog. Pk. 1834 Il Winne.t$ 441 p