Évansto4 the dates for the parties werc selected and the general chairman was appointe& Mrs. George . L Wilkinson of Evans- ton, a leading meinbe. was chosen to take the. task of directing arranger- ments for -the parties. The bôstesses and their assising commnittees are now being selected. In keeping with the usual customf, f roni ten "té twenty of the Evanston. mnembers will open tbeirÎ.bornes for. the affair Friday afternoon..October 7. . I addition tbere will be a general ýnorth shore. party on a date> not yet deter- mined, ý and one- on the soutb side Novemiber. 7 at Ida Noyes hall of the University, of, Chicago. A Chicago, party will be beld during the third *eek in October. This series of parties is sponisorerl by tbe> alliance as its principal benefit project towaird its'pbilantbropic worl< in aiding vocational guidance forý southemn girls ini rural ýcommunitjes. Tbe alliance is keeping up its activi- ties durng 'the sumnier on the saine' pitch as in 'the winter and is holding regular montbly meetings. tbe next of wbich is planned for Monday after-, moon, August 29., Mrs. Henry J.. Skipp, program chaimmna n, is in charge,, and it will be a special occasion- varyv- Ang f rom tbe usual, prograis.. A pic- nlic in the forest preserve west of Hub- bard WVoods. near the Izaak WValton league .headquarters, is planned. Mem- bers~ wilI be irýii4eged to bring guests and fotlowïnz 'a box hincbeon will loin in §ome novel gaines being arranged by Mi-.. Skjpp. Af teroon Bridge Beta Alpha 'chapter of the Alphaý Phi sorority gave an afternoon bridge party at theý residence of Miss Helen Bosley, 528, Warwick road. Kenilworth, on Saturday, August 27. Mrs. Howard ýPonzer.- of Nules 'Cen- terwas, thechairman. It wvas giveîî to nieet the north, shore and Cbi- cago students who are entering .thei University of Illinois_ this côming year. There will also be a discussion of the history and foi-m of ancient playt with an endeavor to show how modern draina developed f rom the past. The discussion will be illustrated by.. re-- views of -'Lysistrata." The group is planning to mfake a brief historical survey of the field of drama f rom éarjiest times, paralleling iwith the study of modemn drama. Photo j).N Paul Stone-Raymnor, Ltd. Mr. and Mrs.'J.. Burdette Bald- win of ýChicago afflounce the en- gagement of iiir daughter, Elisa- beth, to' Harold George Wieland, son of Mr. and Mv.. Charles Jw Wieland, IIII Sheridan road, Wil- mette. MissBaldwiti is a graduate of the Vniversity of Wisconsin and is a memn- ber of.Kappa Kappa Gamma sororityr. Mr. WVieland is also a graduate of Wis- consin and is affiliated witb Chi Psi fraternitv.' Sets Luncheon Date Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCulloch, prominent alumna and trustee of Rockford college, has selected Sat- urday. September 17, as the date for ber annual luncheon in honor of young women of the Cbicago area who plan to enter Rockford college this faîll She is now preparing the invitations and assembling niembers o6f thenorthshore branch ofthe Clhi-, cago Rockford College club to serve.. on the réception conimi'ttee.* The luncheon, will bè held at, the McCujl- loch home at. 2236 Orrington avenue, Evanston. catholIc Juiorôs Will' Have Bridge Luncheon The social programn of the. Juior auxiliary- of the- Wilmette Catholic Woman's club will bhave its infôrmaI opening at: a bridge luncheon. Wed-, -sday, September 7, to be given at 1*eborne of Mrs. Charles A.* Barton, 1216 Chestnut street, Wilrnette. Mrs. Barton is sponsor of the Junior auxiliary. The luncheon bas been arranged to. afford oppcrtunity for nineteen new members of the club to becornPe acquainted with the officers and di- rectors. Club Will Heair of Flower Arrangemet The Wilrnette Garden club wvill meet in the lounge of the Woinan's club Friday aftemnoon at 2 o'clock. During the absence of tbe president, Mrs. J. Benton Schaub. Mrs. C. P~. Blerg, the vice-president, will preside. Mrs. Charles N. Hurlbutt, who is in charge of the program, will give a talk on "Flower Arrangement." As- sisting bostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. Nathan P, Colwell and Mrs. Daniel Greene. Bride Is Guest of Honor, Miss Bemnice Bulley of 220 Sheri- dan road,.KenilWontb entertained at, a -bridge tea and- pantry shower last, Saturday in honor of Miss. Dbrothy May of Glencoe wbo is to be married this week to Daniel David Dale of Glencoe. The wedding will take place on, Saturday and the onlv attendants circle of 'St. Augustine's Erjiscopal church. This event will be the Cir- cle's first flu project for raising funds and, will, be held in the Parish bouse. Miss Robertson's own beautiful quilts as well as those of Wilmette residents wilI be on display, and the artist will lecture on her work. Miss Robertson won the Julius Ros- enwald- prize in 1917 for four of- her qtqilts, and, it was nlot only the, first, time that 'she had ýever entered any of ber -quilts in 'an exbibit, of that. kind, but it ivas the. first titne' that tbe Roseniwald prize was bestowed on any of the crafts otherý than, weaving. She bas displayed ber work ail over, the, United States and at'tbe international eÇxhibit in Letcbworth, England, at the School of Arts. in Leicester, in tou- don, and- at the College of Artsý in 'Edinburgb, Scotland. 1 - îRobeft Harshe,' director of the, Chi- cago Art Institute,- has said-: "In my opinion Miss Robertson's work' is one ,of tbe most important developinjents in tbe entire American textile field." Anottier critie lias written: "Quilts as a definiite art-medium bave corne to their owNn in the bands of this clever womnan who, ini reviving an old and al- Mnost lost. American expression, has stamped it witb ber own talenit and in- li viduality." Miss Robertsonisý handinade quilts. are in, Colonial, niool, but they' enploy modern appliqué patterns,.and decora-, tive designs. Every one of ber own designs is copyrighited'in 'Washington, D. C. Miss Robertson is art super- visor in the Chicago grade schools. The various circles of St. Augus- tine's cburch are now at work on baud- made articles to seil. Thle proceecls wviIl go to increase tbe treasury f unds. The,,-East circle. is making appliquéd 9uilted batbroom sets or -splasb mats,'" wbiletbe South cirÉcle: is e painting.smallý tin receptacles. Change Date, of Partq, The1 date. of the second junior summer formal* party. at Sunset Ridge Country club bas been chang- ed froin Friday evening, September 9, to the following night, Saturday, September 10. The part y is uncjer the direction of Miss Jessie L. Pocock, and the music will be fur- nished bv Lew Diamond and bis or- IZ. It will be he of Mrs. Charles1 worth avenue, N Li 'den club of cd its mneet- il. September teresidence ha re 240 Kenil- Si th. 7: ,..b inner Dance ad Westmoreland Country club is nec taing an informai dinner dance this' in h ;aturday. Dinner will be served at Mrs :30 and ,dancing will begin at 9:30. ber. Learv. tables of bridge at Shaw- try club on Wednesday If Mrs. Boylston's daughter, B. Farrior, who is visiting twenty nunh weiwng anniversary Iast Sunday afternoon at a tea for about thirty relatives. Mr. Leary is, vite president of the Wilmette State banik.