vol. vol 'ards. TPIR BOOK SELLERS E.pecialiy featuring cuiTet books BOOK RENTERS Both fiction and non-fic SOCIAL STATIONEI Buoed and npund paP4 1724 Out ÂOo VEN Orrmtuen'Mtel Bl1d, * EVANSTON 'ell te"Charing Sally" is a boat and ""~rîcs tain, kind of "sheltered life": sr I fot a Young lady. (The information RADZEWILL: It Really Happened. of conscious sheltering imposed by detracts not a wit fr.in any suspense 1 Another Russian aristocrat inakés Victorian principles and practiced I ~1-0i t 20d in Arnerica.) with a definite end in view. In "The oumgthave in the plot.) The HERMAN: M.\etternich. Sheltered Life," Ellen Glasgow gives story is laid in Ainerica in the l750s I wih aQuakr hro ad a actess (The, first Ameriçan biography of this phrase a deeper meaning, strip heroine. a combination that. in those the Au striaiiN ho laid the fou-nda- ping it of coyness and scheming reti- dav. wuldmak an oter uakr ions lor our Present-tr-oubles.) cence. She builds front it a picture of hold up his hands in horror. Mr i HISTORY AND POLITICS ingteaene su saenesseepig Lovelace tells of the. adventures of! BURLINGAM: Pease Veterans.. aingeatronsn es ftm the alia' cmpanv o' coed1ýnsBAKE: Tat 1Pqýrlassingom.very slowly, and a real feel- theHalam ompnv t cmedan~ ~ hat ~ Feedmn.ing of southern aristocracy. _____ !.the first reg u ar y rg ni e co pa w U : oad to the Law . î w )J n y l i A c b l i h c n Lond&s scuriv tothe merian TAVEI lBlhro rh hr eyesad inth eir continent., THOMPSON: People- of the Se-eatosptohrhtteohr boel Ridizwavv. Youig. handsonme. a Penit. (Life among the M.%aya s.). tch aracters are seen. But every char- Quaker. meets the -girl of his, dreani.. GORDON: Three Hands on Three ace in the boorades.o on a vovaze to.Anierica. fromn London ., heels. (France. England. Ireland; impotneistcd thpcson on *The Charniingý Sally.- Meg Pal- na ltrbke wvith side car.) with a care'o eal n iharc -ner, a sprightlv maiden of seventeen undérstanding. There is Jenny's wid- is fleeing England mith a, secret in PROMENADE, DECK owed mother who persists in deceiv- 'nerv her heart. S.he,.is a talented voungz The ancient red brick house ' Uhrel ote n;od eea actress and cherishes ambitions as hind the iron railings at 103 Easti Archbald, Jenny's, grandfather, a fi ne She loins up with the Hallam Plav- Fifteenthi street, 'New Yote exmpe of Viginian aristocracy;- M frs. Birdsong, aý beautiful' woman ers who are on the saine boat. T.oefs. haurit of the famous.literai-v figuresý and Meg's troubled romance, fornis of the '80's. opened its doors for a del in love wt ubn ô the main theme of the book. but anil Iterai tea recently to -celebrate %h% he ha-sar nsficet the rriaI f *Proenae Dck' yMi-, Birdsong, -ho re.ally loves h-iý * ineretin'. rstrrcl bckgoun i~Ishbel Ross, on the best-seller lists. wife but who cannot overcome his ctbon made bv the splendid charac ters. -a.ntr.I hi ot hs ýR. teHatais ndtéi, omarvThis fi-st novel bv Mýiss* Ross. .a,.aaue.liter ot h; RS he allms nd hei Conpav.reporter on the Herald-Tribune,%vas tvo fitted perfeéctlý theterms '"soutjh. er e s a win-some. lovable chai-acter written in this hoüse *hère in 1882J ern. belle" and v~a ounig blade?'* wit Qukerpricilesandmasu-the .Xuthors' Club was foundéd. The!Tente s 1 unt Etta Archbald.a uine inclinations. Hlis mother'is a hu- fi-st group ot xuembers included v'ctim O' her repressions, ndAn, nman. sçvmoabthetic soiul w,%ith on e ak Tvai*n. and a-nong h aosIael rhad h siioo. son 's haroîniness- at. heart. The, book. perople whOi visited the hlouse when it xirtatious- and beyond -the control ni bri:ezs back mernories of' thios;e old wa cunc v ihr a on he r family. çoeslike -T.0 H.-.e and Gilder were Longfellow. Walt W,-it- The storýV flotvs alonz with tý-e - 'l" !a- la. 4lbe darroman. JsphJfesn onLa qitesra oet streara. Jn: oui-.hearts. and: is 4ite' re.reshino Farge. Madari-e Modjeszka an1d 'Sain t - arras Lte\omnen'-goeý, tL axter the recent avalanche o' sco Gaudens. A 'Saint-Gaudens. lqehrfrtpr rolle -sates pa. lozxcal and ex novels. T'ne local, or on-e of the Gilder chnildien stili d.-ri tfie hady streetýz cf th-e tw tirthestrv umu fom hiadehu~adrns te front of te h0se Misand rpendý. ho- rs withe-blo Ne,.% Ylork. Providence.; e, p 0rt. Ro sa r.d h er h u sb)and. Buc aeMi ,Bxdong. But in'erneath this Charleston (or: htlsTow-n as in cf the Times. have !:v ed int I~ ahn- p ac d. ure Mss*lagofeva wa hen caliedý and Ci!a t'~ u ldbuefrs'- a eas um' fhmnemotions I: T ere are arv nuitmber of atte . n ~xnth r incieso r detals,ý that deýscri5e"i f e , FRENCH MUSIC NO BETTIER ChrýerteauthorAdees flot !et C.A. iaI dvs. iddleown nd i: ieain~ ct1z, an cIos brea- throuzh thetinv: In 1Éer three eari.er nove!s 'T'eMrGerge F. Babb.tr. are îound r - hc hyerelter.eln- jBlack Anize!s.' Earliv Ca :St t-rcotntr!e e-e h nè a e: le e rnpr and ~ PtIcoat CouIr:.*" Mrs. c'a :e ýtates, according tc-. an artkle in th-e Ttrsut ta here is ver-.- ..a esabihe a etxarin or c Aîtnumber C~ -a, er:ag- :t:e o th- %veb of. the stor% cu-av hchmaeshr ~u eTisariceb- Euge'eBa-e;r w - .' e ni l d t. characters the advenc re< o > he r a' ,u senrld."ideo n nte M z' ý- va hme wi h 'a vent' oreiahi ar-4co1re.e --nhprv i7 ~e n ea Utv th at, ar. c':, rr e ____________ e~*a~t:;ai vweùas te di er - t-'iC e sz a rtx a-ri t r e "erdLe a ~r AMERICANS *IN AMERICA "tr. ,. s ipâa:n~~rk t C r - 7 7~i~$ ~ reicncvP *.r. it . arxhor u- CIdC,!, r" 712S C. d ,~~~ ~ ~ TT a ~~nc r-, .e - n'.-' Hit i c lageaenace isexee -tedaboadÊ u - he "~ are thri,-jwnout in crin tt Ïe ré& rd c usnmd' 0-. p-ri n' -e ' es on so i : A inerican k r h n other veaxs: M vntw exht«' n..- havewhich -e h been one c ut- been acIded and iMprovemenrt ruade stàn'dînaw riencan leader f -107oe House*" and "Second Twenty Yeariz ft which vvifL be of £ntere-st tc, those rhar. to t. ars MissAd1anis is at Hull House,"- in %Nich sle tells of m-ho make îi2'lan a r-actie te îtheauthot:r e- a nambéÉr o c; 1h,~vr nte ain hiaost ~.t te mùrserm onthis davý amr-nntheru .Twe.ucv Years a Hul tement.i h fi.usCicg%,st