belonging to Patsy McDonough, 1007 Lake avenue, who is employed at the shop, also had disappeared. The purse contained about ten dol- lars; When, young Hara was picked up he admitted stealing the pu.rse, tak- ing the moniey out. of it, and throw- ing the purse away. Tbis was his first offense, he said, and in view of bis youth, !Miss -McDlonough .did iot prosecute. The ,boy was, turned over to b is ,parents. His older brother, Sam, 19 years old, who-was in Wilmette with himf also was picked up by the police, but was re- leased. Entertain Avis Lunidahi l ~R at Pre-N 1uptia1 Parties Eleanor Lippincott, 1132 Ashland avenue, Wihnette,. entertaiied 0-31 twenty-four guests at , a scavenger 4 .party Wedneicsday evening in honor 9 ofMiss Avis Lundahi -of Ke-nilworth 3 111 and Allen, Pearson. of Evansto~n, l, o whose wedding will take place on U 9 September 7. 4g»-Ii Mrs. DeWitt Davis of Evanston * entertained at a "stack-the-pantry" - shwer and bridge Tuesday after- noon in honor of Miss Lundahi. Next Monday evenitig Mr. and Tube Mrs. Philip May and Katherine 4?75-ïo Stolp of Kenilworth will entertain in $4 1 honor of Miss Lundahi and Mr. sin .Pearson at the May residence, 1316 l Ashland avenue, Wilmette. sna0 .BACK FROM CAMP e - Helen and Betty Clements, daugh- $4 ters of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cletuents, E 501 Laurel avenue, have returned froni Camp Idyle Wyld,- Three m.Sb Lakes, Wis., after spending the surn- TubeS$ mer there. Thev had as tbeir bouse- guests for a few days last week QMality VÉ Marry Ann Davie of St. 'Louis, a Goodye camp mate of the girls. James, their brother, is back from Camp Min- en1rs Ji o, e p Joyce, 531 Esse x road, T R entëtaied t abridge luncheon last R Thursday. On Saturday evening, Mr. 3 and Mrs. Joyce entertained twelve -Woraas w IiSTCICU.LEé tires-at these low prices. MILLIONS MORE PEOPLE BUY GOODYEARS, Lot. As Look at These Fi 1Husky, handsome. !e IN -PIMS 2. Cen ter Traction S Ckwefull SMou 3 aetdSprw FREE Carcass. Dh euavy $afety. ist Cord 4. F uit Oversize in ail dim'en- sions. S.' Goodyear us,». and house- flag on sidewaii. 6. Guaranteed for life by worid's iargest rubber coin. pany. 7New*in every way. 1amous Lifetinie Gusrsutee4ý GOODYEAR, cASh PRIONS 4.5S-fl I WIST CORD TIRS CAMH PRICS b-9 i; I .Tube SableA ou Get Recause la MILLIONS tires.. WVY DUT' JCK TIRES, E5 32x6 £ACH IN pamR Meviber WVlknette Chamber of Commerce Tune in. on Goodyear Radio Pro gram J Latet Lifetime Guamated GOODpYEAR, SP EZPWAYý 521 MU 32