ond witn i19 points. BillandJohnn Waiker, brothers, representing High- land. Park, were third. with six~ and one-ha if points, while Warner Turrifi and Ned Bal. also competing for Highland Park, placed, fo urth with 4 points. Inl addition to iining the troph3 for Giencoe, Miller and Burke wert. each presented with a gold medal bý John C. M arshaii, president- of the Club Vista del Lago, w:hiie the large crowd of spectators appla uded. Rob- ert E. Everlv, secretary of the Gien. coe Park district, *as presented witi- the Club Vista del Lago trophy, ."to be retained by theVillage of Glen- coe until next v ear when the life- gu'rds from the north shore.7villakeF will again compete to determine -which community has the right to keep the.award for a. year. The othier p)articipanlts ini the mecet were Winnetka, represented by Pbilip Swabacker and Bud Happ and Evanston, with two teams, of lifeguards-Philip Eichiing and Bart Fisher, anid Ed Hansen and Larr,, Basting. While the sunshine and moderate temperature' made. conditions ideai for the pectators', the contestants found their Skill tested to the ù'tmost by -the, high wind and -the choppy. coid water. Resuita Are Sununarm" Asummanr* of evenits foliows:ý Lifebuoy thlirow ing (35 feet agai1nst the wind at a target 011 the sand)-Glencoe, lst, placing the life- buov withi.n 10 inches of. the center of the target; Warner Turriff anid Ned 'Bail of Highland Park, 2nd; Winnetka, 3rd. Tired' -swimmners' carrv (00 feet. no approach)-WI'linîette-, st; Bill and John WMTalker of.Higltand Park, 2n4à; Winnletka, 3rd. Tiirne-22.6,,sec- onds. Retrieving an ohject (swining 3'1 feet, retrieving a 1-pound weight and. then swiminilg, with it 30 fee' to the finish line)-Gienicoe, lst; Bi and John Walker of Highland Park Znd; Wilmette,,3rd. .Time 41' secon&l -Cross chest carry (çgrryiing sublljec' r Mnfr. [William GoiJ lNb- bard, in the gardeu of zchose home in Wiinnetka the pre- viezv of Maurice Ch evalier's lat est picturc "L1ove, Mc 7'oniýqht" wvilI be shownl Thursday e7'enin.g of this wieek at 8:30 o'clock. large nloors, combine and replace .Aur. Scott's three former Evanston chap- els. MIr. Scott, has also for 15 years, maintainied, and wvill continue to- maitîtain, a large funeral home Ini WVilmette and funeral parlors in Wn nietka. The entire Evanston building lias beenw remiodeled and luxuriously. fur- nished; nîo expense. has been spared to meet ail requiremnts. Muchi of the furnishings, including the liglhting. fixtures, has been speci ally ordered.. Pronide Large Chapel On, the first floor is located prob- ably the largest funeral chapel on.the north shore. Here, also, is, located the reception hall, a separate music room, and a. famnily. room-fromI which a famnily, relatives and close friends may observe and liearthe service without being observed by the generai gathering.* There are large soundproof. doors which- may be opened, making available an addi- tionai large space for a n, overflow attendance. At the, rear of the first. floor are large living quarters for One. arrangement, hc it i5 anfici'- pated will be greatly appreciated, con- sists, *of five large. rooms, each. of which: may be* used by relatives and friends of a deceased person. for pri- vate communion. or meditation. Offiges bo. Second Floor jOffices are. on the second floor. On this floor are also stock and<1 di s- play roomýs., Additional, stockroomns are on the third. floor. On theé third floor, also, are two' preparation rooms, onie for. men and one for women. There is an elevator service to and froni the varionis floors. The opening of the*se quarters, theî iargést in . Evarfston, -marks the rotinding out oôf.27 years of futieral service by Mr. Scott hee H-e bas bee 'n engaged, in the business approx- imateiy 36 years, first entering it i Chicago with a cousin, George . V Scott, and contihuing in it siîîce then,. with the exception. of the period he sered n te panish-American war. Three generations .of -Scotts, seven members, are now 'engaged- with the' establishment. Mr.' Scott came to Evanston 27 ror Paul MîTln., and Dr. relix janinsy. was, muics Chipmo chapter, Arnerican Red PUrpose Of Cross., referee. states, is to Clark Leach, in charge of water- among the ife front activities at the Club Vista del north shore bc s; to etandarg .j der anda L. Bauer, Olh- tt 'M. Grable, Mrs, S. P. Stevens, 2865 Sheridan 'ard L. Krum, Place, Evanston, will entertain memn- ert U., Nelson, bers of her Reading circle 'next Mon- Lnk K. Scbra- ýday. afternoon. The Circle includes Wiimette members.