Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Sep 1932, p. 26

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%Nl'Cl, a aprivate guest, suhe 1preselice, 3w9U ili wonder why io Buine~uAdinistration, Aeeounting. wma fter vrxa îî.Bn ie. Mrs. Baur in lier homle on after reading Caroline D. Emnerson's E~e~uhe'"-utalae:Srnt 1p, iiallsifail tw er aio,'VsAtr tet Mrs. Willard's ac- "Old New York for Young Newv French, sPftnimb, ete. Bay and Eve. of poor Germiai parents shie caill count of this visit is treîpendously Yorkers," and will certainly promise Classes. Entr now. to) Chicago wlien she was. about 20 intcetn.yusl oicuei i your .next ataloguIq e on p e Rudost 17$ years old. Wheni she graduated fr0111 The author is anl ardent admirer vacation plans. 113 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE ligh schiool at 17 she becanie secre- of Mrs. Baur, and the two have been, The book is ýa history of Our big- try to the president of the Mvidland friends eer sine te cine -gest ity, but in alrgrses iti R ilroad in Anderson, Ind., theit Bryan campaign,. during wlîich tinie a pire of how our country camie. camne a few monthq withl the Repub- Mrs. Willard was i ewoan tobthplsgigorous place it lican National conîmittee in Chicago, bureau of the Woman's National Re- is today, for New. York may be con - and itfIvas there that she made thc publican association (as' it was thien sidered. ciohekystatlas un- *countless contacts that sent lier o1n called). which was a branch of the lockedour great resources. acareerthiat reads like a. fairy tale. National Republicancmited- A isEesnhsepandi o ~Fui of au iti n, ne gy, and ent u- reced v ark H l anna, fatiier of a word to aduits at the end of lier, siasrrn the voung- Miss Duppler made a Ruth Hanna co c.vlume. the history of a ct like hoto nends' who said to each "ur wn Lady" is the bio-gnaphv 'New York cannot be covered ini one I sop TTIRAU.oyra ha ieta "htvugo a rally bnýIlliant wonan whose volume, so, covering a period-of over Carde stfitIonery lady will. go far." gnacious. pcrSonaIity, fontitude, adfou hndned years, she has selected Several:monthis after the close of aming aacity, for industrv liave these.icdts hch av hdte the McKinlev-Bryan campaign., Miss placed her in the foneinost rn fîotipratbaigo h en BOOK 'SELLERS Duppler beca- sitntsceavAmrcnTme oa. lie boiok that followe - and, çertainly her EspeciaIIy featuring to the Chicago Postmaister, Charles is splendidlywrittenteato ir hoice1bas, been most happy and stin1- current books LU. Gordon. a post îîever hefore given Self being uno smnall person ii>thýe ulating, as well as authenftic. BOOK RENTERS to, a womani. Later she was l)nomot- ivonld of affairs; she id; a.loneer u , is dead. about tlhe ed to secretary.. From 1897 to 1908 tlhe field of wonîen's accomplisli.. 1 people whom we meet in hier pages:ý Both fiction andi nOn-fiCtion Miss Duppler ýwas secretarv to four ments. Peter Stuyvesant-he of the ivooden SOCIAL STATIONERS Chicago postmiasters. Ili the mecan- Mrs. \Villatrd is an od baud" aCi leg and the peppery temper, ivhoà Boxed sand Pound Ipaprs. tin-le she was attending evening newspaper. and political writing. She looked over the little village that he classes at the Kent College of Laiv has had lier inger in many a pie, and was sent to govern. on Manhiattan 1724. ORRINGTON AVENUE and was admitted. to the Illinois Bar is one of thie most versatile and active llnaddeie htte pigs mu st Orrioton Motel Bidg. about 1905., of Arnirica,î womreu today. er jobs wallow sone place else other than, ,V.ANSTON Ili 1908 she nîanrried .jacob Baur, ave included fieg orsodnl! the stlreets-and wallow some place awealthv çhemist and pharmlist., 'IEe Cook cut eod irteeroîîing fcIsc they did! The >ns, ln cerenxiOny was performied at the Trin- clerk ini the Nebraska legislaiture, news-! Jacob Leisler, who. refused to recog- itv Episcopal chuirc in i Hgililnd pap)er editor, and author. juize, the new governor until hel could Park and ivas, attended hv lhuudreds Slie was one of the llrst apJpoifnteesl show% letters fromn the king-ahd who, af>fnientds,. But tliere were to be onlv as record wniters made by Gen. Ahel: vsldt h alw sa eut four vears of wedded h lappincss for Davis of Glelncoe when ie became;T~toRelns ahradsu iii 1912,_.a, year after thec of Recorder of Cook Countk, iand swheIbo sacrificed thieir lives that a their daugilter, Rosiniarv, 'MnI. Bauir contintued in this office for twenty-one b)ridgý,e of steel niigbit cross the East .~ ~ died. years. Slie was- one of the first wnim- lRiver and mnake the people of Brook.- AI hicagoans aefamliliaü- \,it il en to lîold a Government office whien lyan Maatamoetnnig. \Irs. Baur's active. ife. She i she vas appointed postniaster iiin An t- 1bors.thew nieinbr of ogalii a iwasa A d t iroupositontheeIl veole book truns meuhe oftbrtvfic ogàitetliu nak, hchpsiin h eld for fie athread .of sagui-teewcre ani(l is presidelut of the \ Womianis 3-cars.Sh egan hier newspaper canecr at1jl~5s sooping above thle bay in . 1609 National Repubillicati club of Ch1icago. ,i ebraska onl lier late litisb)aiidl's when, Henrick Hudson, guidcd bis Ve ra1years go she anîdlier daugh- p)aper and as correspondent foir the .i 'Half M1oon" up the Hudson, river- fe -ere prt.scifeci to tl1l"i, leîgisli. Omaba Bee. She served one-terni as 1>they screaîned. and wondened at the court,.aand at Rosemarv'- dehut, three lenirolhing C lerk in tbe Niebraska. .legis-'ý straüge' doings of the Tiet me1 as con ecuive a.fern ons wer g ven lat re tid tli n f llwed four years h ir successors sc nea mn and w onder to tbe receiviug of hiosts of friends. witli fthe Western Newvspaper Union in; fodla--anàd as they will screami and Rosmay' mnnagei 131 f0Omaha and Chicago. wvonder for yeastoflow. Batl Bll a Ca ada,-Aiiniar the alm-ost five years of he As to illustrations-much of thle IT KEEPS EYES - stay abroad Mrs. \Villard was sccretary' attràcti%-eiesad lnt __for two-an-a liaf yars t the h.d'i, due to the inaps, the black and AHeirv Somierset, ail at the L'ondoni white ura%\iings, and the copies of old Our ten best selling tilles ha(atrs.seejed and nîianagcd lprints and portraits by Alida Coli- C' t bs, e _Ai C ERin the L Iady .Somierset's publications. This was î over.' Especially useful and illurninat- Thr' oexuefrMODERN LIBRARY an)'unlusual ex perience as well as a1 ing are the mnaps of the New York 17here's no excuse for ;,,Ielldid ahieveneît for an Anienicati 'of. today thiat serve a n-aest duil, bloodshot eyes ,,oa hrs f irtm l h ok wheui a fcw drope of for August, 1932 w va s ue et iof ber imei tebok a adppest Europe wauspent1932 ravei'las 'liTe titie of thlis volume is *nallv whn fw ros fcorrespondent for severai neia not- coi prelhensive eiiougb--it night harmless Muwine each ufni -Lieof the. !welv nspapers . read -Oli1 New York 'for Auyone in d.a wil kep. theui clear asr Mrs. Willard lias served twice as the Unîited States and Its Posse2ssionsi Thomas, Mànn--T1hMagic Moun- canipaigii secreay1o Wmns Wok Qne Hundned Years or Youniger." 1 W 41 I»~ 5 ~ t. t M ~ I V 0 St* nand . as a clerk in the N ational R epu l- the dust.ja4,4ifim of Olitliil.of P.v.lioàa.lysis lcajilheadquarters; Chicago, du.ring the, NEW, BOOK FOR CHILDREN u~i pgstI t»~ k0.yl , I oJ In.Sun $~ AI o presldeptîal vampaiguls of 1896A1904 "Niclialas and. the Golden Goose" du, ndpedlyensan',Assand .192K She has ,writteikthtree or j) yvAnne Carroll or, linent ont-. blodho cndtin aued Wll Ct r-esh ms o he fouir books-tracts and niuch partisan i o hiIrns litrture and dir e- ~ ~ jtert,~e whd&l l~ er sme or of work with children in the New byletehors ve-urce*W.Htdedo-GrenMasirs Val fto year .s i-s, W ork public library, hsjust ....n in o utor xpsre 0c DiiîMerikwsi-'T-h oa h? 1 r wsd frou enMsWi 1Pu'lishe bv G. P, Elllams iS ng. 44 ci id' guide ici New York city. The UR ronius Arie-h Safyrcon BRINiQS WORjcS TOGETHER present story is for grownups as Richard Hughes, author of' that wl sciIrn E '~'~ s * very original book, "The Innocent E S. Voyage," also caled "JHigh Wind in NEW CHARLIE CHAN TALE ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ amaica," has brought together in aty "Keeper of the Keys," lEarl Derr w u ~ = .,.Omnibus (Harper) sîxteen stories, Biggers new Charlie Chan story was R ead the WAant Ads j idcluing ail bis imfportant work out- rill., The scene of-the story is Lake aieof the above-mentioned, novel. Tahoe and Ren0.

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