TUURSDAY, OCTOBER 6,, 1932 Regise.r TUESDAY,0OCTOB3ER 11j,1932ý I XERE nlot going to "spout off" at Vgreat leng th-aboutit being'theý "patriotic* duty of every citizen to vote i the co0ming Novemlber election." You ko wh-iether you, as an Americ~? d to exer-o cise that right of f ranchise:.ua r* the poils. If qiire going t., S J,,EGISTF4\'sI olling. M as a accompai1yingit buté >o~~AL- EGISTER your wl be open on out and instructions 10Cents Per 'Copy F 20 er 'Year . q ý > Dl,,ý