READ THE WANT ADS CAZEL'S L)îd you ever watch a goodý football coach, like Dick Hanley, hou, hc gets bis boys to do thîngs? Hekows that i h os are eager V' to make the team, but he doesn't 'de- pend on this'to get themi to work bard........ He treats tbem ail alike and gives eacb one a a fair chance tnake the team, wbetber bis material is scarce. or plenti- Bel Robinson ful. Ka àlenDaily ________________ And tbat's the w3y to runi a business', too ___________W.,Ed ,Richmond Two or threc years .igo Wustomers> were more plentifill. an.d a great change' bas corne over somte businesses now that. customers are scar ce. Th ey'Il do any- ~,.u.. ~huIe:îi rîr~ .~riwesfr~ic~ thing,. to get business, offer alkinds;R j thm'ical icnnv ' encwit III hu4 t~hie auxiiiarV of inducements. o let eiî s ii Ô Ihr«a.1rdyadStra Thee ae, owver soe usie~ss iuhts of this week iii the l-Ioward 'd auditornunii. ihat did not get high hatie during thei boom period, but went right along Ac~ of exceptiiîal nivri% lias becîî asseii>kledfor the tirodue- giving good service when their:customers iiiwuhiishnd~lIîtralyeak tehrt niwlfrt werc plentiful. thankful for their to .il ti ocIw nteilvtecarvadwliar patronage, rendering just as good serv- Ifud"fe."~in ni uilay ice then as today. And their customers i : h7W. act ors pictured liere are b\ ) nu îîîa 1 1*1ivices Ili Wihîîlettu have stuck to themn during these Jean daai rdcin u aeasse i ain efracsSae times for the most part.ta tcpoutcs uaeassuinvrosefrm cs agl Har tme brngmay iesîns inl the village. Mrs'. Daily. and Mr. Richmond have been active in disguise~ One of them is the trend to- 1.egïuî i. \.Iarand r- or~v(raiI ta.inlILgpuh wards willingness to do more te make ciitertaiiîîndult '. 'e ,itt.Ici\î îî ee1,11g;îî1e f\\ltui and keep' customers satisfied. 'ost The businesses in our coiininunity are Miss Rohîiuîsoii anîd lwhici- tli(er. ' Il. "liai kob>jnsi,îî, arc note- that kind whether times are good or bad. vÉt1 Iberefore less trade bas gone to, other .wrhy enturtainers. NI' Iîii,.ïhas' hbeet promlinent as. a concert places during thce . reccnt reidjust.mient and. ra(Iio) artist. whv- Bal- lias liad imiiortant rîle: ini several period. ainateur theatrical 'venture, includiiig inmusicalfe xtravagan,aý po., ie Just as it is, a greaù thing foi happi- 11Y tilt! Vilïnette ('hamiber i: of ,ee: ness in the homr*e'to have a fixed. polîcy. 'iksfrth:pfî!ae ;rh:Il .Ided1 of courtesv between members of the famiiy, so i's a great thing for a busi i Cr( In lmtu3f)70. ness to have a hixed policy of courteous - helpfuliiess to customers---regardless of how great or small tbe number of avail- able custoirers bappens to bc at any Jessle Robinson one time. And the large nuiinber of %atisfied custoniers at both of our stores speaks HOUSE PAR~TY AT DUNES I and Mrs, Dwighit , Holmnes ofe'in I *Bhibit of, Paintings Woodstock avent, 'lorh e-'lie North Shore, Art. Ieaguehetcd a tertained a grouip of girls Nwho at- <Wil*tte Post 46) j ea, in, its stuisiCii)tii SN DE -C Ztended Camp Ncivala at Ward, Cook cotinty couticil mieets Fridav tHdi-oafin Ç onin:43 SNC AZE iColo., last suinnwer, at aliousepîtrty f hiswek a J.thGa' N\ Y h oisinetaSwdyateno .$ér>iag North hor, e*î- end. Aniong lier guests were Helen paintiungs by -smç Oftilhe mi .dnts fe r ore an. 21 pégr.' Booz an-d Eleanor Burpee of M'il- 'Beçaus of our show, falig on painters of the league an-d a few b-'. a.iwtte, a-dV rand ns~n.Ihrsa f ,tin'S week, pur eguilarNMr. Gtinclach. Aing 't1T6serepre- ... ... ad _Cenral __ . Mitchell, and HJ1elen BIosof (flen- ui-onthN1SýV' g eing w i l l bu P()s t -1 inted e4 re jr Eizabh Pe ~yrauf, (-,...Ou. TJIev wee 1hpvrojped Iv the oîw4 onc weeI%-and4 ili be lieg44 1ia 'Mayjohanen, race1. Bîol Phones: Wil. 400-401 iiel1rtl, lane, and Chariot an-"U Wh\altz of Glencoe. 1They had a-3 g1on- han),Alice Ma Jackson Sussn R Open Sundy. ianUi 10 P. M nous ti..........iiil. p1aving Ibs(- tecnth -steet' 1This is the final1' mçet- Ptoadohr.Ti sa ii Nirs Edw~ard J.Sclagr oiNi ýs li"e' 1040 k ' n ,- R %mIDGE -4AVENUE Chestunit avenue, returned Ironi Nt, v-ue iliete S conlvaL 4fnwmmer eçte 'tr Daine uiniversity tQ spend the lescing atte Evantohsptlro PH-M ~ eek -en ith bis parents. . an operation for- appendicitis uinder- Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Kittredg co, gone last 'Saturday morn-ing. J oliet and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Har- A0iU4ta id W#hSISM#C, 0'\Ir. -and Mrs. Burt A. Crowe, 234 0-O 'augh. of Muscatine, Iowa, returned Drue, C.-). ff.. $0,1.. Mer.' Raleigh road, Kenilworth, have as Carol Briggs, 3r- Sheridan road, Monclay of last week after a visit thieir guests for two weeks Mr. Kenilworth, entertained at a birt'hday -.ith the George Ilarbaughs of 1219 .r Ridge and Lake AveU. Crowet's mother, Mrs. W. Lee Cro,«e, party Saturday in honor of ber ninth Forest avenue,. who bad taken theiln Phone WiInaette 316 and bis sister, Miss A~ddie .Çrowe. birthday. on a iiotor trip throtighi the sojitb.