October Wer Thne On Johns-ManvMIe. An This Section ASBESTOS SHINGLES FIREPROF.INSULATION, Estimat« Fuwihed FREE AJAX, SHINGLE CO, 1137 Wilnette Avenue Phone Wilmiette,1248 mumu I Reeipeller Fire-fSaife Comstructieom Firs-Choose an architect of sound standing. se cond:l-H.ave him design your building for fire-safety fo basemen to aroof. Third-Choose a contractor who is reliabte and cân follow exactly the provision for .fire-salfety. mode by the orchitect.. Fourt.h-S-pecify that oh.conlstructionl materiots -be purchosed fromn Wilme4leCool 'ond 'Materiol Yard. This lest specif ication i s >importa nt for it' insures' that you W1.11 get guaranteed quality; products with speed of delivery thet wÎ1I not >delay construction. Lef us esti mate on your' next -lob. W]illnRIette Coal &Material. Yard 1301 Lake Avenue Phono Wilmneft,4200ô I a Your Home, Bank October' DYOU KNOW- Over 1/ the, ires due to use of eltçtricity are caused by neglected and defictive wiring such as worn or de! ray.d, lamp, iron or drop cords; also, bise s heil sockets in basements'or lavatories art a direct menace to li., caused by a short goi through the body. CWll us to check your wiri today. We Speciadize ion REWIRING, ELEC- TRICAL. APPLIANCES, and- RADIO SERVICE ELECTRC SHOF 525 Fourth Street WILMETTE 1040 INSULATE ,,Your Home ýWitk Balsam 'Wood: Nuwood. Celotex 1208 Central Avenue Phiones: Wilme FOR MORE THAN FORTY YI