The Ftnd of the Season! Genuine La Tàausca Pea.ris The Kind You Paid $5Tor! $1 One. Two and Three-Strands 0f course- you. recognize these nat.ionaliy renowned pearis . noled for their rIch luster and effective silver clasps. But imagine- buying tkem at this Iow price! Just now, too, when pearis. are so smartl Sm ar t of Ca, Gloves peskin $2.95 Handbags Wfth Novel Trims, . AII-SiIk Crepe Easili Worth S$i a Yard 59c Yd. Equiite softf plianf, durable all-sitk fiai crepe in the. 39- inch. wdthl A vast . ssor- ment of favor.d Autumn shacles and black. Spocial now at 59c. Crepe "Norma" 54-Inch AIl-WIoo! They're Washah le.t Of regular $1.95 quality. these gloyes offer a selection of slipon and costume clasp styles in blackc or brown, plain,. and with con- trasting trim. Sizes 6 to 7/2 So ftJ Every dçsired style in bags of genuine. leather .wm hmarcagite and prystel or metal trims. Bla'c& and~ brown... ail sizes and Cozy Robes All-Wool Flan nel in Tailored -Modes 55 r sey On -Davis Street STORE HOURS FROM 9, A. M. TO 6 P. M. SHOP SATURDAYS FROM,9 A. M. TO, 9 P. ýM, I'L