"The water service to the consul mer was inproved diurinig the yea- by the installation of a teinporarv booster pUflul at Prairie avenue, and Isal)elIa streets and 1w the installa- tion of a secoiiul 8. mdci nieter on Sberidaitmoad attheEantico miade a larger su»î>ly of Nvater avail- a ble so titat, the Village did flot expe- rience anYi serionis slîortage of -%ater during the 1931 sutuiiier. Thîis lerini from Evaiîstoii for the installation of the, booster :punip a t Pra irie a'veine and Isabella street %vas a tetu1porRr% one. andl after the suiîîer season Evanston efused fürther permit for this-booster puimp. so that it ha>ý becît remove(I and was îlot availalei for the* 1932 sunmmer season. Cmuduct Survey. 6A sumrvey was made of our water systeni to determnine the location .-id condition of the valves.. This survev was of, great 'valuie, as it located scv- eral valves with broken stems, a< others tliat Nverc either partiallv o whollv shlit off.. If afso gaýe the Village a definite reýcord of the valves., as to whether they mere right-hand or left-haud valves, Thïs îvas. a. much needed record, and is now availabIl.. "The dep)artînlent-.repaired. 33 watcrý leaks ini the systçni durin'g the yearý It w.as estinmateà that 522.500 cuic. feet of water ivas lost tlirouigh thes1ý leaks before they wcre discovercdl anîd epared. Seal Ali Meters -rThe epartînent set the policv- oi 's-ealiing all water mneters s0 titat al iie%% water ieters are scaled before- installation, and aIl other mieters arr heing sealed as rapi(llv as the depar t- ment can get to it. "An appraisal of the \Nater dce- partmeîît mas niade as of jatnuaTv I.1, 1932: This. shows the total valuti f: the water systepi to , be $034,71 4.00.4' Buy 65,70ût,000 Cu. Ft. Village Manager Osborn's repoït shows that 65,700,00 cubic feet (Ai water were puirchased by Wihnettc, froni. Evanston during the yeam. Un-_ accounted for water, Mr. Osborn i theater of thle iiiîuseumn. i -j»-ctcai cnuud guidance problems will Viola Theman, Miss Kernie 1Wo7odley * Bokigs aveben araned orbe stressed. Observation of chlldren and Miss Pearl Olthoff, Howard Boteny-ine filhsv t be shown in tfis and work carried on in the pre-school school; Miss- Carie 'Chase, Miss V wnynn im t esoI nti and first' grade departmients will be France s Donnelly and Mrs. Catlier 1inc series. A ivide range of subjects is a regular feature of the course, which Vernon, Stolp school; Miss Matalea -covered among these, including pictures wvilI be given 'under the direction Ofl Brown, Miss Charlotte Reese, and iof travel in foreign lands, deep sea div- Miss Martlha Fjik.MisDrc TunTet srt -ing, important events in* American his- Miss______Tuner,________eet tory th roanceo fgret inustiesschool; Miss Frances Ferris, NI1iss toy thdeanimande plan ts. nusres The Charles *C. Hendersons, 1632 MrelaShriiier and MssCl 1Forest avenue, returned last Satur- Briýcktv, ýLogan school.; Miss M~ar- Theire Will be twvo*shotvings of the day from their cabin in the. north -oieVnH., r. ld - i er- rfilms -on each program,, one beginining woods, which is located on the KawVa-mnadMr. ae ugIare t at 10 a.. . and one at Ili thus making guasaga, river, Mi;nocqua, ýWis. 1They. roîa;dMrs. Laen ugé, oLaNrc. fPossible the açccommodation oOf several! hiac been.there: during August and Margaret Burtuier- aile, iss 1El1z«.- Sthousand children eacli week. Children 1 September.beh vasCntlsho. rfrom al.parts of Chicago and. suburbs 1 è 'ne ,rs 1etig f h eahr i are invited to attend . They may'corne* Mrs. Fred A. Buck, 1518 Forest club, whichis compo se d of aIl tiachi-, r alone, n groups from ,schools or other avenue, and ber two sons returned to csiiteWletlpbi cîos >community centers, or witb their par- Wilmette the latter of last week f romi rsiii, the lmndaypublctber 10ins eents, teachers, orother adults. Admis- Eagle River,, <is., after vcain iltelbrahèydof the S to sc 10l. 'if- sion is free and no, tickets are required. for six weeks.' Mr. Buck spent the fFeso h lb eie i lox Following are the pograms to be fist -two weeks with hisfamily. ae r.KtrnJlavc-rs Sshown on the various dates: 1O. iden t; Miss Ida Gunderson, ýiecrc- ctber 8 - "Columbus Discover.s IMr. a nd Mrs. C. E. Straight of tradMs em yate~ Land" 'oro-odo an theBrono. Waterloo, IoWa, and ýMrs. M. J. Mc- Octob.er i5-*GIlnip." of Chinesw I' *tirer. ]Life," "«Chinc.se ('hildre.'..'Dogs as! Ahren of Sioux City were the week -__________ Atr.'end guests of Dr. and Mrs. Guy B. 1rs akTesà e1.gtl October 22-"F'rom Red (Ore té) Steaàno- Skinner, 118 Broadway avenue. WMs. iahi senfofurofve ays las Ôctoer 9--O Wià i,ït,-0-week with bier daughter, Mrs. W. A. " Daniel B3oone tioes West," -tave a Miss Helen Bower, 1216 Ashland S- d, 99Bircb-wood avenue. Peanut." avenue, Ieft last .Saturday for Swarth- MS hiseaghe-i-929N[s Novemiber53- "The Settlémnft < mricdeg iNInsrsni.Sh . Theise f il auee, drovebe, r Jamestown," *"Mining ofSo ift tCoal" noecleei eislai.Se .Tesno iwuedoele - Novemlber 12-"The. Ri'in,;ince of tiiý.. J il1 be, a fresbman, liaving gradu to Winette, visited in Chicag:o for Reap~2' iated rom eiv rier ast une. sevemal days, and retumned.borne wt Noebr1m'*rm.L nestonle tO -- >Sidewalk," "The Brj*f C i. 1 ,TnheA. W. Alleu family of 803 bro 'ia. "Three Scouts on the M,,l.~îiTraîl: -o November 26-"*Giaîîtý if the Grass iCbiestnut avenue, will spend the wiii- Jo-ephi Etienne, a memiber Of the FaniIly," ."Down. Cae *TePl-1'-ri Maii ec, l.,.erhoie grirnsý."' "rudlh l- e nMai ecFa hi osU .Coast Guard at StatenIi slaild, 1~eceber f1w Yar intht-ini the meantimie, Ri11 be occupied y. y Big Woos,""Tiritis and Spi1hs.. the Dae Balabami familv. .. .'vvstn lsft e llJohn Bi Wod,"Etiene, 1910 WVashington avene 'tl.%iyterles of Sniow," -81kîing in cloud-: while on a nonth's leave of ab'senc.e.. .1iand," "A Boy's Cliristnas ('lite." .M.aliî \Ir>. ilerhert l3artling, 11(i' IH arrived iii Wilmette. lad Nfoiday. Fuller lane, N\iiîetkat, entertaiîied a,.- VISITORS FROM 0H10 Party of sixteen at. the H-arvest home A 11101, Johni Davis Milîs, %%vas borii J Mrs. Michael Manniebach, 140 Rob- Party onl Saturday ii.-iht at the North 'Septenîber 18, at the Evanstoi lî sart road, Keniilwo(,rthi, recent]'vli ad a Slhore Golf club. plital téo Mr. and Mrs. Davi s Hainilitoft short visit front Mr. anîd Mrs. John A. --.Mls f29Wodcut sMr~M 'Hilîênhrand of Cincinnati. Tlicy were Mrs. Harold F. 'rideèiian; 138 Abiîîg- return-Ieci to bIer home las U[ri<layý en route. to Califortnia to attend the dlon avenue, Keniilw\ortli, entertained at ih tlic bahb'. J *'îJtI o'iuvviiuiffi. Nii untiiem were thieir datighters, li-eleîîrose and! Clama- johni. Mmr. and Mrs.Herbert A. Ltindah1l, 224 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, imotored east the first of the week, to visit their-. son, Herbert, at Williams college, and. tleir datnghter, Janie,.at Weles le. luncheon last.Flîursdlay iii bionor of 1Mrs. Taylor D. Wa.rd (f ('lestmî ae nue, Wlmette. Robert Miles Nasonl, son .of MIr. atîcl Mrs. R. H. Nason, 1-100 Qreeiî'- wood avenue, bias entered bis fresit- mai vear at N ortlîwesten nîer sî and bias been p)led(gue Phi Psi. Miss janice *Guthridge, 917 Grecen-t t 1 John iO'Connor, 149 KeniIwortlî ave- mine, lias returned to Keniîwovrth f romi a bunsiness trip. to. New York. WVhiie- tlieru, lie liad a short visit ivitb (;eomge fSiclîar<I, fornicr]y of Kenilivorth,no of Forcst Hls -o- Mr. and \Irs. l'aylor D.Wr,0. tnt-tire own, -The firm of engliéeers, Pe Greeley and Hansen of Chicago, reta1ned to advlse the Village on problem. Data was present.d sho, the present and thé future water ri of the Vrillage, and.the probable at "Bids were asked foi,' »nd reeve-d tLlid3, 101-- " a '%J " ] î ' i'v'* c "", m- '-'& A i, $iurneuiasi e build1ig of the plant and tie pur- tom from Natchez, Miss.. week f rom a 'trip to Maine, whère- she hase of the water revenue bonds on -- placed ber daughter, Roberta, in school. ,ril 5, 1932. Ilowever, due to the bad Julius Peterson, 222 Cumberlanîd ave- 0o indition of the bond market, no blds nue eiwrh seece akts Ms.PF.DTml,13'rei- ,ere recelved on the bonds. The ,Keiwrh i Veidlakti-Ms .F DTml,122Gen te was unable to let the contracts be- week f rom Arizona, where lie pîaced bis Wood avenue, entertained a foursomùý re this timeal1 year closed." 'twoboys in school. atlncheôîi and bridge Tuesday.