Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, 2a

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Roer . aid 225 Rdgeaeu. j î-nuric&c andi is anticipating a lar- Robet ~ ~ar~, igeaàe-eeuroliment this fall with the added in the first four months of the anned. 07,o a h door1 i is -lspiration of the new studio in present fiscal year, which began May wnoice.%hich to work. 1, the ire loss in Wilmette was con- \Ir. McClintock is a graduateo Allen E. Philbrick is well known as siderably heavier than during the ý'aIpainterrsndyetnher nfedistinftion corresponding four-niontbs' period following organizations: 1xplorers'a ie and Arh fditn tio last year, according to , Fire Chief cltlb., New, York City; American Orini-ad has been instructor in theAr Walter Zibble. The comparative fig- thologists' Union;. Manmlgssmtiueo hcg frmn er.ures show .that ,the ire departmnent etytvand .American Associatioofr hehe a in~ e Ctn e f rom auhmernade 41 runs from May-1.to1Sep-- Advancement of Science. o h an os hr ecuh tember 1. this year, wbile the loss lie is a skilled motion picture Èthotog-techrofhesruniginh. fromi was $13,854. Last year.dur- raj>hei and an ardet naturalist, ~vhopaintings which he has brought back.igtecrspnigeiothd- lias ( <hvoted riany years to recorcing niIfraincnenn h ls partment made 38 runs, and the loss mo~ tio n pictures the habitsof il(l hirds, nay be obtained by phoning Mrs. f ro M. ire gmotinted, to $3,595. îîi~ gane aniais, inects, tc. *,ulian Clay Risk of 787 Foxdale a ve- T@BgFr Portions of. the if e histories andnuW nekhianond.heKtnBrhrsotnklr hiabits uof hoth useful, and harif ul iili- 1. IOn July 19 and a blaze that> did con- :.tctis lre showvn in his programn, sudli Robert -Thornhill -Gets siderable damage to, a vacant r esi" as the. transformation of the Cicada h , eednea 63-.C trlànu o ali I)ý ragon, Fly nymph hluntifig its /1)IcD: Leiber. actor. director and Job as Polilema H r>dne t 3 Cnralaeneo plawrght wo s te roterof Robert. Thornhl,48Pareae August 16 were largely responsible pre v. j bas.t uh.i h bohro hil 1.Paii v- for the heavier loss during the flrst Thicre are also initinate, lost7t f Prt ebrfi' llzC/Pl a4t i, be ppîtdt ~tev-four months of- th'sfsa er he wild lirds, including among other pic-, > ctor, ze.til direct the'L.ake Shore icancy in the Wilniette Police depart- I Zibble s ays. He anticipates, how- turs. hespring courting dance ýof, Players ihrough tlhc coin.tq seusoir. 1ment caused hb tedet of Officereerththeosfrteetieer -~icers, a Ruby 'rhroatcd Hummning Tr Leiber ha alré ily started re- Williami Kreul. Trustee A, -W. iIb oe ha to atya 1',Îr(l feeding its young, the -nesting of lica .rsals for the clubs first prodiic-1 Froehde, chairman of the police *anduesthrisamjrle mir lileated \Xoodpeckers ani a rîar tion 'wvhieh wil I b 'i'li early in 'tire committee oîthe Villagebadtohtwic dsrodth Rso ý,0IIe stiffy ini hrd psyeokg trug,*vçenber. 1recoinmmerided bis appointmfent at theihome at wSb' esia~troyd thd e utrs a Wî1-Irli nesting Song Sp)arreow. - ____ - regular meeting of the board Tuesdav ýavenue last October, causing damage A sx eek' roth of letttucc passe, 66 ighit. Trustee Froehde's reconimenda- eCstiae tmr hn$000 (~f rctîelle ves i seVeral iintitcS Yong.(ow t:n was. approved, and tîhe appointment Govoraor in procIamati@a ('ucuber tenri aParlanti iiProgressive Dinner uvas nmade. .Ailxmntot vsbl as tf<ts o fnd nd akeluod o a n SturayOctber8. grup ip September 30 for candidates to, fill In calling -upôti the people of Ilii- sprThe'licprosaic SrigP.vnan f ongmrie eol io e- Police idepartinent vacancy. Elevein ujo-is to observe Firc Prevenition week 1, a ian are actually* seen, pcrom ilworth, Winnetkand lece il candidates. took the examination. In'Gv oi .Emesnise h ung theirdiyts fajsi 1lcrgv aporsiv inr Ihr~'î the opinion of inenubers of the police 1following proclaàmation: ir daily tsk of aIjTotitbetPeopie of Il e inoisr.Greeti-ig: progressi a~~~~nd fire committee of the Villag board,-rthPepeoIliis etng iniiia eve.t.tser)teipr ieta h ti et ol,142(yg The estimated fire loss. in the nation :ntnut of sunlight, and. \\'lie"î their bsury avenue, W 'i n ne tka, aiiî1t Chief -of Pol ice 1lenry Brautigam and iit ear was $464,633,265 and 10.000 \\ ý-~~rk isovr yacsengig-\'tn n ntefobalgieoe illage Manager C. M., Osbotn, Mr,, ilves. The ioss Iin Illinois as compiied II 1*lc) at night.terdi. roitrete i1 go l'hornhill wvas best fitted for the job.fomrprigoicisws$69,4. l'urlhaps the most. appealiiig of all to the Ogçlen Cook home, I092 'Spruc, en IJle lias been a residcnt of Wilmette -îreiessness, which is the underlifg, plaii pitfre ar the acinofýtc rtepst five y cars. I au~se of 75 to 40 percent of al l ires. î'an lctre reth. ctois o. nctreet, Winnetka, and partake of ap:-______of___________onefth (-cd and iticuh loved wild flo\ver*s as the petizers. ______ ot ompoftantirbenHis one then SpIîu eauity. May AI)jdc. 1lepatica Thçbsecon-,cou2seoys Out fore con";ation in normai Unes. ,In tUies of 1 TheBoyseOtforcCours .conoinlc stress the problem i oé nii.l1~~dRot a te gowad ue:omme, and wilbecte0attePakatSarl ifficult because expenditures fr p ni thi'r native lhaunts. laty.Ii 1 eonard Paider home, 732 Ciinings keepaakd Impraement are lafgi' de- ea eerfogt heasoudngdiplyavenue, Kenilworth. Mr. and *Ms evn: bostndotfo i erred, 'pending "bettertes" ri ,î rae ndrhthunof evra Tilia' tis Heath and Mr. and Mrs. H-arold; first meeting o h Çnlot u increases lire hiazarcis m rai n iiinnso they go tlroughi their \IcKenzie will be hosts at the main 1ipack last Thtirsday, Robet .To - asfo:xrieofmevglac sjril~(lnc i te oies. ntl ve-course which will be serve&d at the;le,ateicdeco athe osp Now, Therefore, 1 Louis L. Smmer- îakîu w od ae.leatbs' home. The dessert courseSar sholanounced this week.'son, GoVer-nor- of, Illinois, do, herebS' Mr. , McClintock lias lectîired 1 our %,,ill be with',the oadKih Mr osaeepecte ojonte dsignate and prociaini the-Week front s'tiuw efore th1le N eoe 9tOtbrationlal- Geotyraphîc 575 Stonegate terrace. Glencoe. i(ubs. soon. Mr. 'Io,.Viley, stated that 1t), 9t Otbe 5, 1932,. to be ob- ýerved ln the. State of Illinois as Flire ' int i asngo. .& e wî1ll __________so be know\s Kenilortli is the, i'reventloui Week. '11eu liimbr o ne pjttic-ýat lici oly town where everv boy old enough Evrytire Is the possible startingý Wi1uuetla lîmer fwpcture at the 'oConservation Wreatiis toi be a Cub, is a Cub. Praical al)Oiflt of a conflagration and jeopardizesç Wiu;uekalecure prtryin vrios human life as weli. Every indjyldual iulitiius tf lan, f ed ingHe dav Urged for Holiday Tiine -f the Keii1lworth Cubs and. mnost Of -an keep remises frele from rubbish and uîgt. . .erït oecuae osra the Scouts attended the Northwesternl- tnd Waste combustible niaterlal and 1Al lioveet aentu orte encourageMisoui fotcolgaservavanto lan exercise care where danger of lire lut " îkngpitur~ f ird au iaî ~on ofevergreens lias been launcbed \Iusslsîfotbal gme Evasto JOfficiai bodies; eàpecialiv ina-i(1pit* es f'brd, ,Ilii*;t> b the Garden club of Kenilwortb Thel,,'ast Satuirday as gîiests .of Nortliwest- I sehool and bospital boarýds, huld re- iiitcn order te) show 10e\-fuli cuesugn h seo osr to rn university. Mýond(ay of fhis week I , ;uire this from employes. aI uu(u --t such things are. Mw~h"a hitia oua eoa\r. TQwnley discuissed with tbe boys Even lu difficuit liandiai tirnes such tioes t<su "' rapudi the various plays and formîations used ýerious hazards as defective fliues anid tososppla*t.tevnsu'gi.dangerIous woodeui shingie roofs .should HAS SCAVENG«ER HUNT holly, laurel 'and grotund pîie whic i in the ga»me Saturday. not bo iolerated. Those wiho are. ln Thenoycehih Mathia Hassoa- i savepforyears ij'ffe îre"HA UH TApositionu to du~ so slould keep .up nformlhui t1 e oylc Mor Atlieic a6oi Hj avAfr "RUSHt" uties ate', ' repars. and nialce . tionteniplatedimi- t upythe enormotug b oliday aret. Povem'ents,,not only' for th~e benefit or lCenlworth. h presidïcif,,héld asca "Cone ývNo» reatlusý,', tus poînted Miss Virginia Burgess, daughter of tiieir p)1roperty, but as a matter. 0 f stlufl venger hunit and. supper and 'dan t >jg t by the club, eau h1e attractivel>\Mr. and Mrs. C.. E. iBurges 1534 uiatng einploynient. Fruday.. $eptemnber 30. This \%"a i ashioued f rom balsani and decorated l Ilghland avenue, entertaitied ber ' OIuere and Iom i o oanlzabers given towelcoie rnea ii ihcn-s X~ rî~îlweathsz, the sorority at. a."rush" tea lait Sualday einoperate toa rouse . agreatt. neo studelits. jane Harrison cf . eitl- nkIlb asexrtproduce ci~i»nîg eftect> ttfxi. Miss,]3tirges s ane~ in the eitizens of thels gcoiniuitlê for wwonrthh 1u ls~oatiçnber~t3emd~ er ofAlpha Cfii c>apter of Plii lIre prev s4 ion aind e'4peA.a11y tht pro- wasrne f te fur irl daI1ýandcat bereciniene4,a> l, tr ) o î>ainisbe lteld Ini all schoInlsta instruets fouind one of the prizes. Soûtie of iW their eotiW , * aibe a On iea#Aei itny oS Ats t.misraliCooe cattuesof tho 1 and theit- Kenilworth andi Wiliiette. gis %lo -nitte Ainro. videvofA t ed.rto f h rssl ()f Wili*itte. - ienilis î . - eral daYs in Chicago. .,forrnerly of Willuete iv 6 Is'4isitiing -eiiler l neralO iede tgt--- MARAEANONE . . iiends in the village, was hostess at. luncheois and bridge at Slhawnee Mr. andi Mrs. John George Bar-1 Mrs. Laurence T. Kilott of Larchi-;il five tables of, bridge ast Tuesday Country clubs lait Vcdiiesdav ini nett, 122 F~ourth street, Wilmette, ail- inouit, N. Y., ivith ber little daugliter, at Shawnee. Tea and coffee -were honor of Mrs. George Dorinan cof nouncé the mariage of their daughi- Stisanine, and bier sister, Barbara Crowe, served after cards. Wiliiette who tcf t Sunday for Or- ter, Jacqueline, to Fletcher Carpeîiter! left for ber home last week after visit-. lando, FIa. Mns. joy ce lias invited son of Mr. and Mn,. Henry A. Car- ing9 ber niother, Mrs, Burt A. Crowe, Mrs. H. G. Van Winkle, 313 Park twenty-foltr guests to a bridge lùiîcb- penter of 'Hubbard Woods. The bride 234 Raleigh road, Kenilworth. Barbara avenue, will lbe bostess to members of con and shower Friday in ioi or Ot ansd groom are mraking tlîeir liomie attends Briarchiffe sclîool at Briarcliffe lier luncheon bridge club today at lier niece, Mrs. Eric Drake (Heleîi ;11 Chicago. Manor, N. Y. [ler home.Ays.

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