THERE ARE TWO PRINCIPAL GROUPS 0F MERCHANTS IN -THIS COUNTRY The frst and larger is the priree group. 1 s appeal is always on price. It tries to buy and seli tlîings cheaper. eheaper. cheaper. l'o ncet its denîaànds inianuifacturers are contin- liallv, loweri.îg standards. The other is the qualita'y group. 1Ilere the effort i to offer the lîest possible quality ai each partie- uliar priee. To win the business of these..niereliants. ntaiiuljcttirers must proluce.hetter and better quai- ity, The Éesult of suci coupetiti on is the ver st iiierihndise Io lie bad in each priec. classification. H tot m fs, alnj% <Djr !uts," ihis Siore lias al- hAs wonged toi ile <iilit.V croupj. Our whole endeavor is to give you tbe et possibe value at %whaever price you %wisb to pav; And. in tlcse lunes Pi' stre%.S our enfir' orËuiniza- tion is îledged near fo the iiiftipfl On-e of, bhtr MARSHALL FIELD, &-COMPANY .Marhal Field i&Company THE2 CIII1CAGO -SU B URBAN Q UAITY GROUPR 1EAC2H E S THOSE ýWHO STILL INSIST ON QUALIT.Y*,IN WHAT THEY BUY, *EVANSTON RILVIEW *WI'LMETTE LIFE Your The 'rt for our.own lttIe %ord (or should we in vvhat they buy as Story, lai-shall Field & Company. say "buyword"?P) witb 221,000 people s you are in Nvhat you seil. Chicago Office: 1016.-7.18 Willoughby TowerPhe:Ctrl35 .Phone.- Central 3355