IoFIfl to view the exhibit whiIhflwas Village board. open to the- publie forni 3 'o'clock un- \I hile the actuail oss f roui ire was tii 6. I$77,509.50 the value of buildings and Passing from canvas to canivas fami- contents .Nhere the ires took place liar techniques and compositions were was* $1,623,914, the report shows.* The recognized, while those not so well los per capita was $4.46 and the los- known merited equal consideration. per fire was $397.48. Frank Peyraud's landscapes depictedDecbeAtris nature in lu ai hr moods.. f romY sunflit. Intérestimg data concerning the. suimmer fields to autumnal sunsets.ý activities cif the fire department dur- Elizabeth Peyrauds painting of wild ing the past year, is contained in the, cherry blossoms ini a jade green vase report, which reads' as. foliows : against a background of Chhiese bro aTthe personnel of, the Firedartnit cade, was in decided contrast ith "The of. one lflqfl c0fte Yeai' &onsile Pewter Pot"l which ivas qutelofi inte pa 1,1firernen. This fore. was, con- tone.. tin.ued until February 1, 19:l, when, MrÉ. Edna Mae Jolhansen .had a por- due to' shortage *of funds. it becamè iiecssar. 1 let onle man go. trait and a flower subject which showed ihv euipment of the departiicntvon- a pleasing freshness -of color and bold- mi4 f m uupradfiewgn ness of treatmcnt. Paul von Kiieben with aenae'yof 750 gallons peW i- was represented by a self-portrait ad ahwlie m dr and î ue; otnek als b paitig o a ol ma. .cliitcs ! fic en!raiLarelParnt-eacerassoi ,Frinc 's. Phot( eal)aeitv, 600 gallons per m.nt; n als by a ainingof n od mn. cii;,tie (i th -CcijralLaýtr Paeilt-Tesay, alias o-in for the Hudson coupe for the chief's car. Walter Krawiec and bis wife, Har- currcntl sclîool ycor (ot under 7way. formnally Tiabve) Octaber4.wiicuic tethe11 epnddt drtt riet B. Kraàviec, whose recent exhibit' c;'el'crs of the associationy'e1boa.rd (slzomiabv were ei at a -h ea, fo ur the ihato r, <i em erc at the Allerton House galIery attracted itca in thc liie of V1rs. IL. B..Snorf, presient. Plans (iflhe vaiols dvi'î- to let families, in their houses whiet s0 much, attention, ecdicontributed .sin iilIe n' va 'Cirf,'pré'sentcd bli fli c!îirnri ndaî<ltli:ycý pro- îhey haf ln<ked tbee.4lVes out. three canvase , one of Mr,. Krawice's elaThëasoitI'w olrt , < ing .*ab ,,Ç tion.. ir, -Fire Enigine No. 3" being paintcd espe-'..nrlt. cially for this. exiibit, stbo%%ed .spirited [ tu h r 1)î'aj tt4b :uW )l s. R. A. Kiktcîî, M i-. l'atl laI4iý, 1Mr,. 'Numher, of. ..larxns . action reniiniscent of the ear]), days Frank G. La Boitte. Mr,. !\. 1). Butrtiier; svated: Mrs. George Quýinlani;NIrs. conuentsuidng n when horses lent glamnor tu tire fighit- \V. A.edrc,NlsM. IL. Bickhamn, Nrs. L.1-t. Sniorf, MNrs. . P'. Parri on ent...... 16:.~4 ing. Mrs. Kna%%iec's flower subjects M[rs. 1. 1).. Harri.s, Ms Frederic O. Eheling; s îctg rs. \..1R.. Kenei(r Los[per capita .... ...Z44' had a charm which %%ou.tld niake theni Nirs. i\>olwtrt G. 1-IiiwcIl. M\rs. Rollo Gliku.Ms J. 1). Hoesli. \lr s i .e erA.e':97 rotal .mi les_ 4raveled by aîpratus ý490 delightful in any setting. ,. - Macule.. s. Hare . .rig r.WilihainF. UHorsti>;g., ?r%:esCharle Total miles traveled by chlef's ca-r '87:, C.R Kinghan's. "Gloucester Fog,'! \V. Rolib. Mrs. B. -F. Lrwis. - uniberof inspections md . 4 was. painted in soit blues and grays - . .-- -\ ber of lîours pumping ........2v and wAas especiallv interesting *i.coni- INuniber of feet of 2% -inch ho'ù 9ed...........................6for posiion A risl, ieshy pante po- He lth ('e ter ixten ill ry or um ber of feet of ehemical hov tato*his sont attracted niuch favor- AHTeD bae ea s îsd.................22,000 able comment. N. N w FrT . e at ea sNù11ïe o hagsof fomite u 15- 'fwo lovely flowcr paintiîîgs by Ber-N w is tryouts for the New 'Irier tîhe of faletn of rhdeirs alu!d . f7 uice XI. Newm-ian w\erc represcitativej High school debate teams (bil i Glons of Nvater usetd 1:, of what the cluwbs art exhibits stand bThe chest. cliinic ivill bc coniduct.ed hield Friday of next wveek. Thiere Trotal eost to oiperate Fr for; paintings witil wlîich one cati live by- De. Julits Nov-ak, înedical direc- are sixteen. candidates for the teams departmient $20(1, 2 ý.2 Ant intense play o(À liglht and shade1 tor of,.the Chicago Tuberculosis insti- -Anne Lupeain, Bruce Elli-on. XViII- Co ýt per capita ..... ..i. ) 1 ' , Inaddition to lîk dlutius as ire chitef, made the painting oi a sîttal bov with tute, Nlonday afternoon, Octoher 17. ani 1fcFadzean, Genard Brooks.: WNa1ter Zîbw>e tis.i.nsipects thie isalla- a sali boat, by Herb Oison, very pleas- 1 at 1 o'clock. i Williami Ray, Carl Anderson, Aibent tioirof oit burtiers ahd tanks. leas in..Ackermiann, Edward Rosenheini, Lu- supervis<s the operation ,of. thie rte Cliud Buck who ncéded nu introduc- 1 'llie Infant WVelfare clinic wiI be cY Anni Jonias, Ernest Schopeni, XViI-deatenbosrpm. flo, shwedhi vrstiltyii hi tre l4 on 011thé second and ferhXVc- iam Klein, James Donahue, Carolyn canv.ases,- bis own children were painted usa ftron feh îontîi. . b-,Ga3s acoanRck BridgeClub WiI HoId niavgoosstylé entirely different ' Tedna lncwl ecnutdwl n lrdBon .Pair, Team Tourney, froin "Spring» *ýai allegorical painting, h etlcii ilb odce Assisting Debate Coach Chester E after the niannier oi u l atr each 1Tuesday morning fom9 'loci, 1MacLeani this year will be James On Saturday, Octobcr: 15,' the There was sufficient '-ariety1 to file until 12, as long as funds permit. Kingery. as head student coach, John Deschiapelles, Conitraict Bridge chlb 15 Griffithi, and two other student sponsoring a duplicate contest to he einbtsO fai w- hved istuand rh iviiB pts huc W'm n coaches .yct to be appointed. , knovný as,. the Central States Chamn- niens o aitwhovieed i an itwillBapistChurh W menAckermann la Manager pionsip Pair and Team Gaine. 'l'lic Haveitrettla tecxProgram riay Th'le forensic manager for the first contest wil elldathGcrai hiisec miontli î heaiicptd The Women's Society of the il semester is Albert Ackcrmnann. James, hotel. . - [e Abusence of $eliabJe Market NMrs. V. Christianson poured. . a itorie, Native, Scenice" a." Mr. Springer is president of! Mn. and Mrs. 0. E. Oison, 2430) Chicago Mctgage Bankers, and' Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cullenl.. Glenview road, hiad as their week-j Mrs. R. M. Camnpbell of 631 Ccii- icorrespondent of the Provident, 1226 Ashland avenue, visitéd their end guests, Mr. and Mrs, Harlaii !tral avenue is leaving the Iast of tuai Life Inqurance company of: daufghten, Mrs. John H. T'rue. in Shaw, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sittigi-, this week to, visit her dauightcr in ladelphia. .lavenpont, Iowa,. last weoed f Lombard, 111. Newark, N. J.