T1his stateinent was made hy Edward l, Ryersoti, Jr., chairnian oif the Illi- nois ýiiiergency Relief commission in a dîscussiol c>f the bond issue before the .Clicago Rotarv club T'ucslay. of this week. "I.a.st Fehruary, teIlliuois General Assembly -passed ,a levy (f.$25,00,00 to l)e'collectibie iii 1933. Revendie notes to the extent of $18,750,.O0 wre solà against this Ievy,' and the iunds de- rived f rom this salé have becuî used in furnishing relief .ini Cool, and ili 39 (lownvlstate counties. .The voters of Illitiois have an ûp.- portt nity to .decide %vlîthier this tax %vill. bc collected, One of. the bis eassed l)y the legislature1 last Febru- ary provided -for a $20,000,000 :bond issue referenldumi.,If this bond issue is approved, Ille inicomeironm the salei of the bonds Nvll retire the revenue notes sold against the 1vv "lie bonthenele &ilure- tire( I v that share of the ,asý tax Whicfi go(es to co fties that have beeîî ass sted through tle fun<I oô $1-50. 000. 'l'le cost of retivinsg the boudsj 1Freddrick .'. Kahler of IV 1ù-ý ,u'Itki, -dcai of bbys al New T'rier' Iliqia scJaool, Iast îweck .was 'c- clccrted /'residénit of the Suburban le'aguc board of coul roi for . th 1932-1433, terni. This athilie, Icanu, r<<,n îc'd Di198,comprises six çiob-laeisclioos-Nc.Vw Trier. J>ar, ~,-okw.ami. Ji<orfopj. VIA 'V t>J'~ L~IVi Ii>Ig<je*<~<u~I GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS ..,n the hasis of the aid thîey bave re-, 1;I - t" On Mondas' afternoon, eeîvd. J'hi mens tat acb ouiy Otober 17, at 3 o'clock, is the sub- ~~ih pa 1<<r he id t las ctuil ejct of the first of next week's guide- cCived.' cct ure tours for the general public Ni. ve'~nstated tlîat the ofs ut Field Muscuni of Natural H 1istorv. retîîaîz tu hmls ~îllreprsen buta il other (lav at the saine hour u) pnal art o<f tliegastxn> on jects w1il be: Tuesday, "African i le) colimties. *Ote'isi u ieetHilitat Groupls":Xednesday, "Eski- motu tu ta cult~jî i~. ii u cse o Ehihts";'hursda3r a general \%Ill aycimuf -Vt pa' '<Imun as onue- tour of anthropologicai, botanical, * ba1 fi its 4hare 4ef 1hw igas ta\ for geological and zoological exhibits' ttbu rut 'renient i totbu'i1 I<q <<lsh de- anid Fridav,' "Stones of Econornije and clared. becorative Value." Trîese lectures by »Tlreis a (0);ilnurioligaio metnhers of the mruseumn staff, illus- ý u the part of C(ouk cùunity to s,,iii)ort,,trated bv nialerial itheé xhlibits, are this. issue. W/Vhen we appualud, to the, "pel, to ail niuseurn visitors. Parties législature last witr t downstate assenible inside the north entrance. J niùenîbers 'voted iblis tax with f nit knôNvledge that most of the finid lit M1rs.. David Nelsomi, 821 Elnîwood woud mke v~nah1 wold e uedavenue, lias takeai lier daughter,, ,rs. ini Cook- coutity. If Cook count\ fai l i C., E. McAlvey of Gleuîcoe, to the.! to.voe fr he sse, heres le' Mayo clinic in Rochester, Miin., for state will justlv accuse :us of ý4iirkifîg observation. Mrs. McAlvey lias been ounr responsibilities. W/enust prevent ini ilI .healtli for somne tume. M fr s, qnch Ian occurrence by supporting the Nelsonî and ber daughiter left for. bond lRochester, \Vednesdav. Your personal inspection is' cordiaIIy ;nvifed. W. M. DEWEY, Managng Direcfor Classes '1 Weekly No Int.rest -No Carryiusg Charge Don*t ueci eOjur Oye.1 Cëi.N pr*scr.iebsd glans ,wi Ilwegil« puOe comorlas .11asove proto e. Choose sma.$ app.ariog glass.,fîrou O. & e. rge ,sehoe. Fiffloga ave carfuty ad sl.ulflallmoide. ,hI cose IWO lffeAnd b Worth se <mmd,. JEWELERSOPTICIANS 614 DAVIS.ST., EVANSTON PATR:ONIZE, OUR. ADIVERTISERS STEINWAY TONE cie&J ~u-amfluy Oflacledc9earts Wabasil Avenue at Jackson Bonulevard 870 E. 63rd St. 4022 Milwaukee Avç. 4710 Lincolft Ave. Oak Park. 123 N. Marion St. Esanston: 615 Davis St. f