he About Meetings'- Troop 1 Tethemne of this week's troop The fourth meeting of the new sea- meetings seems to be Ieaves-'and son was held Thursday 'evening. The certainly they do leîîd color andci Vi main part- of the meeting was spent idness to scout rooms when arranged in gamnes and first-class work, partic- about the walls, or hung up .a s spiat- ularly signaling. Several girls are. ter-prints and blue-prints. hopig 1to pass their first-class v ery Troop. 7 lias active plans for the soon. ,next few weeks. At present, the girls Ormeigls ekws'edl .are making'spiatter-prinits of leaves,te Or meeofg ast-lck sppa thei ,each scout working.on a different. h oi faptlc uprýa h kidof leaf .so that the troop wiîî home of Mrs. Haskin. Our camp fire have a: complete collection. For Girlsrie~a el u-fdos Scout> week, iin addition to eachl girl's Saturday, October 8, a number of wearing lier scout uniformi to.school, girls ini the',troop wcnt on a "bicycle the trotop is. goiing to- present a- play Iike." 'They left carly, and' cooked at. Howard school: and the,,same their breakfast out. From 'al week. oni October 27 there will be a appearances they liad a great time. Hallowe'en- party.> Eugenia 'May Friday, October 14, the troop took Church: is the busy, scribe for a trip to the National Broadcastmng Troop 7.4 st dio. This is.ofie of the many rp Troo 12 iasbeeninsaîlig .planined for the, coming season. oficers-treasurer aind, scribe, Nancyl Our plan, lu general, this yrear'is to Arns .is to hiandle.al of the money- IorN o frst-class as much as pos-. Nancy. hopes tere wl ea ltt ile a hkes and trips whenever hiandle. Chierry Sue Orr is to wield convenlient. tlhe peu for the troop, ani. declares, We've had a good crowd so far that it is up to lier fellowv-scouts toland the meetings have been worth see that she lias eîîough miaterial.1 while. Keep up the good work, Nor is Tfroop 12, neglecting nature;scouts, and show thiem what' a troop work-at the last meeting, 'they also t we have., Sec you inext--week,!-Isa- workd wth eavs, the three pàtr.o s el Haskin.: scribe. holding a, contest to-süec wblich was the best 'at namîng the variouis kiinds.11 Troop 24 Laurels went to Patrol One. The meieting of Troop 24, the Girl Trop 2 tok avaîtag oftîî~eScouts of St. Francis' schiool, wvas Inidiani sunîmiier (lays to "stage" a hile hield ini théadtru oe 0 on Saturday afternoon, with the for 1 - M~trplytg agaet nd s aiig est pres'erve as destination,. and leaf- , .1 "ctd___ame Winnetka Girl Scouts will mneet at Skokie school at, 10 o'clock Saturday mnorîîing for a cross- country hike. Each' girl is asked to bring lier own ltsncheoni and five cents for bot chocolate. MIrs. Sieck' aîdMiss Grobbeii wilIl be i charge of the hike. we cho se as patrol1 leaders Mary Macfarland, Barbara Duncombe, Bet- ty ýRos s and Jane H-amilton; scribe, Suzanne 'Strau'b; treasurer, Eunice Thorpe. We had our supper in the. panisl bouse. We had planneid a hke, but it was spoiled by, the rain. Weprepared our supper of potatoes, hamburgers on rolîs, chocolate nîilk,l and'chocolate eclaires. For our third meetinig Mrs. Brown was away, -so Mrs. White -taughtu some woodcraf t signs. At 4:45 i n'clork ve bad Ito leave the scout to Be Celebrated October 23 to 29 The popular conception of the Girl Scout as a camper who is inactive as soon as she goes, indoors, is annuaily shattered, by, the celebration of, Girl S.cout week. The.week, wblich is, oh- served thé last days of October, usu- aily inicludes. lallowe'en, thé birthdav of the founder, Juliette Low. This year, however,,. the."sevelî service days" of Girl' Scout wcek be- gin . with, Sundayr,. October 23, -tvhii Girl. Scouts, Will turiu outý for churchi parades,' attendiig' services of the religions, they persona'lly profcss. The.balance of the week will he (le- vofeil to -deionstrations of the activi- tics which make: up the varic(l Girl Scout. program and exemplify the (;irl ScQtt promise and laws. D&y Of Hme-unaldng rooni, because the choir, boys had to1 Monday1 is homie-making day. f or use it;. We wvent up to. the 'senotît.ithe -business of running a hIouisc ms. office and Made our patrol jok. perhaps the most imnportant part ofa Suzanne Straub, scrible. :GirlI Scout's regulaf schedule. On this day she shows how well she cami Kemilworth Troop cook or care for the baby, by relie-v - At our last meeting Wedniesdla\-.îng bler mother in ber own honte, or. October 12, the.'KeniilwNorth tenieb -by helping ini settlement bouses ati foot girls learned about trees__and niurserîes. leaves for their. second-class require- il)cmonstrations of Girl Scout Ihan- nment. Miss Ilanson, cooking and,dicraft wvhîch includes cverytliiig sewving teachier at .josephb Sears front puppet-making to beadwork school, taught the second-class girls will occupy ail of Tuesday. Wedneës- to cati. WXe canncd peaches, plums day %vill be given over to the practice and tonlatoes. It waý very inteÉest- Ofthtrift ini wbich the Girl Scout ing to us.-Ruith Sprenger, acting 'shows ber sk'ill by the ability to draw scribe. up budgets, balance banik accoimt iand not only save, but buy wiselv. beieves that' al hikes shouli have an ' bulal ' "IIILqalu u.V I "object"-are tlicy wrong?)., Nomi decided to have 'a food 'sale at c ut Wflimette Leadero.so 'Hstesa ned el lowcoofu te eaesarand Nord,' October 15. Tuesday, .~Tlîursday is 1-ostess day, whieil. if and tîhe girls cliallengecî one anotlier October 18, we ivere to meet Mrs. heLJscuss A ctivitieSshse is fortunate enougb to .bavc.a lit- to find the. largest, the smnallest and Edey, the -national president of th The Wilmette Leaders' association tIc bouse of ber own, she plays thie the reddest. l'le leaves thecy gatîî- Girl' Scouts. October' 23 will be Comi- hclld its first Vneeting Tuesday, Octo- role:of lhostess to hier parents and erd retobeusdii tei ntuemunion. Sunday. October 29 we are. ber 11, at the WTilmette Metbodist friends., Fri'day is Commnunity Seri- notebooks and are 'a bright spot for ha,,aealw'n at ith brb."m day. wblen she chooses for hierseif their second-class- nature work. After school auditorium.. Wc closcd' our Simîce h was the day before Colum- the best possible way of hclping lier leaf-gatbie ring came firemiakinig and Meeting with.ý "Taps..".,'.\.Margaret bus day,' the theme of the meeting own'I towvn.. Saturday is Healtli day. thé scouts leaned how to Iav a id!M'anesri. was the challenge of Colum bus ini the wbeîî the Girl Scout hikes. PiyUn- liglt à eal coutfire Mor of hispoemn by Joaquin î Miller - '*On! der the sky-that is ber motto,. and ligt ral cot ire Mreof hi ' Troop 18 Sail. on 1" " shie docs it on aIl possible occasions.'- nn. -iFirst we liad patrol' corners. Each 'The leaders divided into groups, for she knows that the best hiealtlî Troop24 romed.1hejsreetl of rote a note to lier mother ask filled' out a questionnaire, and each insurance to be biad comes froin bav~- \Viimette looking for gay tree "cal- yu "_2r1js!' apermission t go on our week- group, provided 'with secret orders, îng as muchi sun, air, exercise and 1 à. 8JKIMU -jean Clark, scribe. wishing to ride 'to work for the Troop 10 may have her Troop 10 met first on September emeits with Mrs. 27. We chose patrols and talked"over a, 35(A patrol colors. Our, second meetingt Girl nette c on given fc acau- J1'noon -at the ýawnee Country club. ':1