CLUB Pays Merchandise Diuidends on..Purchases Quer> 49 Cents Save your sales checks . hey are wo7rth> moncyl Dring them in and have- thom an littie green savings book, . k. your bank book ..which establishes your memb.rship In WIEBOLDT'S. SAVINGS CLUL. And bé- fore youknow if, this re6cord o f.your p ur-, Choses Winl earn for. yo uup to 4'0/ m ein- dise, dividends. Ask any Wieboldt employes. PURCHASE CREDIT 0F $2- tLit! be given FREE -ta t hase who WIEOLD~SSAVINGS CLUB, rnonth. join this Fashion Votes f or FUR FELT To Wear With Swagger Suits and Polo' Coats Now, we ask 'you, can you bIame t he. gay Young things for gietting ail pepped Up. about thoe . junty ouf if s with their enormous wooden' buttons witfh Scoiis in relief?- And: il waif, my:dear, untfil YOM feel the soff suedey>'swans- down fabrit of whièh theyre madle. Put on thefiner-p swagger jacket, wifh the high wrap-around collar and sfi fched poc kefs the.,co0m-fo0rtfable straighf -in. skir. you wonf be abe to resiat' if,. ithoirl nSizes, Browný and Wine Ceffainly .'.the jaunty b e refoe rigbf along witfh he ouffif t ..ail in- cluded, at $26. PoIo-Coat On Dais SreetSTORE HOURS. 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M.-SATURDAYS TO 9 P. M. WiIm.ft. I1100, Il. IX On Davis Sfreef