Merchants Observe Golden arvest SEEK BIDS, NOW Com.murnty Chest. TsHpyTroWl ON WATIERWORK S Drive.:Starts Soon See Puru aeFee .,Vilmette's an nùua I Comhmunity That "croochil". gaine bct we en Chest ,campaign,, the villageè-wide the Boiemkr fPru u Wih R.F COurhse o unified drive to. raise funids. for the Xorthwestern WVildcats will E $600 Revenue Bonds Work charity, and welfare purposeýs, will be be doubly enjoyale for tire Will Begin Within Month conducted this. year during the week readers of WVitm~errE. I1 , ho ______of November 13 to 19, it bas bée"t carried awvay first honors in the Xithin a nionth work will be startdaoced by officers of the Chest,,Tz Iie Football Côntest on the construction of' Wilmctte 's i . i organization.apern inat ekssueo waerors n wtc splysyte, Plans for thé intensive campaign this publication. o if the prescut plans of the Village are now beingfruae yteo- 'lchpyti oatn h hoar(l are carried out., Announcement ficers and' directors.>j big game as guest.i (f W 1iNitTTIP that thie Reconstruction Finance cor- Mrs. Leslie F. Gates' is president 1 àp comprises: l)oration lias apl)roved*a lban of $580,- of the Com ntyCetaoiton William J. Flynn, 1515 Walnut a 000 to the Village througli thé purchase iRalph Durham, vice-president, ardi avene tfiswatcr revenue bonds removed the Dewe Adrsot srr Bob Mathes132 apevee tsadms'ifiotft btce Vane Sol.e, 915 Lake avnue las ad os ipotat bsace. The board of __directors inicludes i Dtiso h ix otal cc Thei Village board at, its, regular Charles McCoy, Robert M. Johuiston,I contest sponsored hY' WILlMETTE qt mneet ing Tuesday nighit passed an ordi- Frank J. Seng, Dewey- AndersonA Lire will appear in the issue of nance autliôrizing the advertising for L4yman M Drake, A. B. Seibold, lurd-'Otba 7 Vinr hfids on h ui ldngo te wae w rs. dson F. Stone, Mrs. 0. E. Thaleg, in this contest will receiv-e free ýC Ths hd.will lic opened at the No- t venhler .15 mecetin g of the board, a ud Chiarles Burrows, Hector. Dodds, tickets to the Ohito State-Nortli- th the contract for the c)stliction i work George Redding, I_. C. Torrey, Mrs. western game at Dyche- stadiumn wil l) le tht wek iti.~expcte. Lr.e. Gates, and Ralpli Durhi. on Saturdav, No%,embcr 5. Get Masiy Bide pi After Wilnictte voturs ampplroved tuec Distribute Funds From SÔOO0 odissue to finance -the %vater; Economy Shop Proceeds1 Kenilworth to Pension ors contruction at the special elec tion Last l)eccinbcr, thec Village I)board At a board meceting of the Woman's! Two Veteran'Policemen L1) asked for lids on the constructi4 %; work club Of Wilnictte b1eld last 'uesday Two mnibers of the Kenilworth 1CI and on thue purchase of the bonds. There niorning it wvas annouinced that the fol- Police (lepartinent, Capt. Patrick J. C( ,wece plenty of bids on the building job, lowing sumns of mioney wiil bc dis- Murray and Officer Thonias Napier, M, butth Vilae ws nsucesfu . tributed to v-arions organizations by %vill be retired on pension Noveniber 1, fiuding a purchaser for the bonds, and the cluxb throughi the Eeo'nomy shop, 'of under the ternis of a police pension.c the construction compnies' bi ds were which .Mrs. Henry Ctier is ciirman: ordiniance passed at a recent meieting D; returned. $0 tote megcvRlef f und,lof the Kenliwo-(rthi Village board. ÉhrougiteefrsofVlaePei $100, to the phila tlrp depirtment. Captain i\utrray lias been a memberV deu C. . Dbhs nd illae Ator-$58 th~.le ex-service colnmittee,' $50 1 of the departmcent about 21 vears, en.i O ney WilsD ane h to the Wýilimette Health. Center, $25 toJ tering the su.rvice ii Déeiebr. 1911. appeared before tîh 'e ontrcRonthé,.Infanlt Welfare, $25 to Arden Oficer Napier, bas been a. Kenilworth Finance corporation , iu. Washîington Shoýre,, $25* to the Sarah Hackett policeman for .more than 18 years. an * ndth copraio o ohe Vllg Memrial, $10 to the cod liver oit. fuid- In addition to receivine-pensioinsthe -Tiil.,hlaf rmth iace cor-, at the Wilmette. Health Center,* and $7 twvo men will lie given an opportuanity th, ioationh was finally secuired. to the Park igeSholfor Grl. to'do part tinie seil ok uc sf Relieve Unemployment Hr guarding school crossings. The Kenil- thi ic Village hopes, tlirough the in Na e.M m r wortli pensioni board, which took th@ diN waterworl<s project, to lie able to pro-Knn N m d.M m r acincligorherrtrmnmt * vde.Nvork for a large number of un of Recreation Board, concurrently with the Village br)ard at enmloyed rusidents of Wjlinette. Ai: Truiste Harry C. Kinne %vas ap_ its last meeting. thouigh whatever i.ontractor is g ven the pointed Tucsday night by Village Presi- -, . Ar ~ys $.TORES COBN IN RECORD SALE EntPrise Termed "igiest Cooperative. Sales Evelnt", in Village History Claaceizdas the- "biggest co-.. 4Pierativ .sales. cvent ever h idnl Vilie t.~ scores of _progressive merchauts this week are.-observifig Go1dcný Harvest Days s ponsored jointlY by Wilmette business people nu the Chamber of Commerce. This issue of WiI.-mETTË LIez con- tains, announcemnents of 'an unpre- zedented, variety of money-saving oality nierchandise offered by local ;tres and shopÉ. The enterp<rise, aincbed on Tuesday, and which will -arry through the week-end, hias aken, on a truly festive atmosphere !at is being encouragingly reflected, n a 'highlv satisfactory response 011 île part (J. th.e 'Vilmnette, shopping Cites Aima of Bargaîn Days 'lie purpose of Golden Harvest ias basleeli aptly put by B. T1. ilark, sucretary of the Chanîber of omnnierce in the following state- nent: -This sale Nhich your local mer- 'ants demi to cal: Golden Harvest )ays is ivithout a doubt the biggest ooperativc sales event ever beld in.. Vllniettc. lu magnitude and the co-. )perative spirit displayed it eclipses Mr semni-annual Dollar Days. "W\hen approached by represeluta- ves of the Chamber of Commerce: nd local mierchants about taking ýa-t in this great event, scarcely ivas here a lbusiness5 man who Ldid miot all Nvlolelieartedly into the spirit of. t idea and lu every case these in- viduals put their shoulders to the 7heel and worked as hard as those ýho started the ball rollino. Plans and specifications for the i- [ provenient are on file at the 'Village hall and ili the office of the engineers,. PTearse, Greeley and Hansen, 6 N. Mihgnavenue, Chicago.L .ie ......48 'age ............32 ter News...... 26-27 Page ...........34 BACK FROM EUROPEt Mmiie. Gilderoy Scott,1. director of iusic at the Wilmette Baptistt hureli, with her (latgbter, Joani, hass turned from a summer spent with; er parent s lu England. gotten for your n to shoppers that' sent themii with qi at prices comýlipar,â ,existing tday." to the mowest . - M. 1 . . 1 . , 1 . . 1 , il