IN FU ELD'S EVANSTON STORE REPRESENTAI-IVE VALUES Playing cards, 4 decks for.......S 80 lO t0...........$3-95 Field'S ToileT'so sait$ dozen .S Field's Olive Ou castile.soap, dozen 75c Preservim and j911i05S, 6 for -" . si Assorted sulted nuts, the pound. . 50C WooI crepes, the yard........95C Girls' and boys' hoseè the pair .25C Misses' .nd women's collar and ciaif sets . si Conway tiset tissuae# 2000 sheets, doz. roll. Si1.15 Kleenex, 4 for .. ..........5C Green eriar colfee., 3 pounds i 85c Children'1s ploysuits, 2 to 6 years $ 5.95 Dinnev sets, 32 pieces, service for 6 $2.65 Girls" flannel slcirts..........2.75 Girls' campus coats in assorted plaids. $4.95 Gil'sweater blouses; gold, brigand, red $1 .95 Wool-AIled cémf*,ters; 72 x 84 . 5 3.65 Ruffled grenadine curtuigis; polka, dot, pr. 95C Crosse &e BlackwelPs orange marmelade, 5 jars..... ........$1 Modess; i dozen to the. boxi.spec!i,. boxe$............S Wamsutta percale sheets, 90.0-108 oinly, 'with plain hemn, 52.50, keinstitched .$1275 Pleici si ki blouses; 6 styls alcors - 1.95 Wrap.iroundskirts, basket weaves, 26to 32 $ 1.95 Novelty ostrich wool frocksi 14 to, 40 .$5: Men's overcoats or English.drape suits $ 28.50 Men's skirts . .. .. .. ... si Women's millinery, turbans . .* . $5 Stutlonery, note or letter size .. 25c, 50c ?ewter; selection of pieces; tach .. . , S-I Ne Secials to augment our 300 Featu>eValues for. the final days of Noth- Sho re Week LINGERIE $65 N ON PANY & c