1- .....5 -Y V--11 1 - % I u (is cussed by experts in these field-s at tlie Citizenship school t o Il(. hld '1'h ursday morning and a fternoon, October 27, at the WWneta 'on - .in's club. Ail those. attcnding the secho-ol will take -Up these >ubjects jný open) forums, after the probleins have îeein thoroughly present-ed bv the. Trhe conducti ig.. of thrve titizen- hip schocois in varions parts of the T.,enthi district throughout the vear is, the project of the ctzîsîpcoin-, îuî1ttCe of the district. of wliich Mr.. Miaurice H. Lieber of Winetkaa auitliority on- parliamentary lawv, is cliairmnani.The second sclool xvill >e lieM ini February at thc Rogers 1I->ark \\mnsclub. 'l'lie \Xinetka school, icxt vcelj w'ill open at 10 o'clock -Tlursday îniorning. wîth, an introductory vwel- coule 1),% Mrs. Rollin D. WVood, presi- dent of the XVWinncitka,\\Voînians clubi. :ttI( Mrs. Jasper King., president of tle Wininetka League of Wornen \oters. ' Mrs. -Ivor Jeffreys. president1 ti lie Teni district. wil speak onz issutes of the canipaiguî Of N oveni- lier 8,9 ill be presented at the mornu- 'ig. session by Mrs. Laura Hughie s Lunde of Edison Park. Mr.s. Lunde, a lboard mreniber of the \Woran's ~îyclub and of thé l.ea'tue of \\Vôm eni Voters, is a noted speaker- onp cuvic affairs. Her 'talk will be. fol- i *h~ÇIby an open forum, and thenE 11luncon at 12:30 o'ciock. Reserva- ii 11011S for lun-cheon are to be madeF with Mrs.. Lieber. *'l'lie aftejrnoon session \villI <'inat 1) 1 :45 o'cl-ck wli a specl l n"Tax- i (t)on" by Mrs.. B). F. Langwvortlivo \\innetka. Mrs. L.aigwortliv also is ii active ini civic al-taîrs. Suce is ai' -board inember of thit ý. J.gue ofà * \,îe 'oters and the. \Vomaiýn's w Cit.x clubl,, ad is vice-Ipresiclenti of ýthe (L in ational. organ àzation ofthél Parenit- N Teacher association.w AVn open .forui àt 2 :15.()'c lock nili iolloôw Mrs. Langwvorthv s talk. Coni- niencig a.t 2:30 o'clock. MNrs. flicher., :md MrTs. Reginald Ford, both expert Iarliamentarlans, will conduct a -~Question Box» on1 par ianentary Procedure, Notices announcing the selool sug- gest that nibens corne aîîd bring tlicir ,fiends with thenli. Lectures Mrs. Chnarles H. venis of ententajned at a tea last i Shawnee Country . club in Mrs. Antonin Sterlia of Ev member of Mrs. Dennis' artq at Shawnee. Mrs. Sterba às .()f the' Federation of Art cli &liu Lte mprtace t appuness. You who have been 'beseiged withi pleas for mnoney, food, and1 work, will you do a final act of charity ? Children, in ,whatever circuni- stances, arec.essentially the sanie. To somne food and mnoney, are taken for granted, to, others there are dreams beyond comprehension.> The childrc-n of -.both classes fonionie bôdy in > their delight ini toys. The happiness of the, latter seetns greate r. Newî toYs or old- they are. instruments of joy. Can we deny theni this pleas.ý une? Let us tak.e up anms against cub1>v holes, trunks, and closets. Rout out those hidden and desolate delight-S. Cast not: a disparaging eye on doîl houses, dilapidated and shab-by doILî, tattered and legless, and toys broken beyond nepair. WTe have.supplied our workshop with ail sorts of rejuiveli-,, ating materials. If there is anyone amiong you wlo Ivould enjoy parti 1cipating ini this ac- Ji tuvity, corne to St. Francis Xavier',,J 'auditorium an-d if you raid. thnoughi the house lias, been successful. wù will gladly receive, the loot. CongregationalCircle te Session Next, Monda y The Nortlh End ýcincle of the Coni- gregational, churcl i .ill ineet MOI- ilay 'afternootn, October. 24, vith Mrs. ' HL C. Toeppei, 1200 Elmnwood av'e- nue. Assist.ing hostesses will be Mrs. F. S. Currie -Mrs. Frederick Leisèh, . and Mrs. Lester Mee. Luncilîcon wiIl e. followed bv an a fternoon of sew- png. Thie Northiwe5.t circle wvilI hiold its nekt meeting 'at Il o'clock Fri.dav m .orning. October..28, at the hiome Of \r.Jolin Balîniian, 1524 Einwood aveniue. As.sisting tiosteses on that dav vilc r,%. Geoirge Redding and )Vins. Chiarles 3Morrisoni., I unclheon vili be served at niooni. Startts Cradie Benefits Mrs. Samuel A. RotherniçI, 8531I Valley road, Glencoe, wvas hostess last Fridav at the first of a series of vanîsinig Ilncheons to be lheli ývanston sday at Madeline 'rripp of Evaniston -was Onôr of hostess at a tea last Sunday for mcm- nston, a bers -of the Glee club at Roycemore. nunittee Ruth Osterniai- and Jane Harri5on of resident Kenilworthi are ne'nbers of the club. Tea, was followed by a concert. ANEW SERVICE Repaceentguarate. Ou *ring accidentai. eyeglass ý ens breakagýe forI a reasonable, FOLDER COYERNG DETAILS ON, REQU'S AImerCoe !icompanly 1645 ORRINGTON AVE. EVANSTON-. CHICAiGO STORES- 105 N. WABASH- AVE. M8E. JACKSON OLVD. 1S. LA SALLE ST. Mathew Francis A nnounces THE FORMAL OPENING 0OF HIS NEWSTUDIO. Diring G olden 'Harvest Days. Offering This Most' Amazing Value. -e PI- MATHEW FIUNcis STI. 2nd Floor of the Wilmette Theatre Building. * Let"@ Go te StveetheartToton