Sunday Morfilng a. m rjl a.m.1! Mrs. May Belle Hagenow-Jack-on director of music Speclal music--October 23 Prelude-Largo .... ;........... Handel Athem-.Jubllate ln D ... West Of.............rDunham Postind-Allegro .... . Ferrata Today. (Thuréday> the women will nifet, at the church from 10o'clock in thé rnorning ta 4 in the afternoon to sew, for the Emergency Relief. The choir will hold ha rehearsal thi 1s evenlng at-8 o'clock at the church. Tomnorrow evening (Friday October 21). at 8 oIclock the Luther league will hold Its monthly devotional and busi- ness8 meeting at the church. We hope, to see al Luther leaguers present. The Conltrnlation clas wlill meet Monday afternoon at 4 o'cloek at the church. It la with great p leasure that we an- nounce that we have. aecured a very fine teacher for the Junior GWIs in our Sùnday school ln the persop of Miss Caroline Eickstaedt. You are always given a hearty wel- corne at the frlendly church where The Way la nmade plain. Metkodist iC/zrck The sermon theme for the il o)'clock worship service next Sunday xorning will ho "The Waiting Creation," The minister, who la now ln attendanoe at a meeting of the editorial comimittee of the Hymnal commission at Nashville, Tetin., will be ln the pulpit. The music for next Sunday inîrning isas foliows: Organ Prelude-"By the Waters of Ba.bylon' . ...............Karg-Elert .......Tschaikowsky *ranPostlude-'Toccatta' (V gyni- phony> -...ý...... ........... Widor The Antheni by the Chùr--"I ain Alpha and Omega"........Stainer Solo by Mrs. poster ike-"1{e That Dweileth ln the ýSiecret Places of theé Most 11gh"......Meleîi The. Ilgh Sehool league wiil -îýtt this Sunday evening at 5 :30 at the'hm of Mriam West. 723 Ashlanid avenute. Book Review "1larry"; n:umie,:.Rob)ert Geiger of Nôrthwester*n,,univtersiit-*on 'his musical saw. Alil high ~h41su dents are cordially invite.d. The'Young People's <ltpartinent ivill rea to> The Annuai Ilarvest Hloie dinner will be held ffiday evenlng, October 128. Reservations should be made by bTuesday evening, October..25 with one of the division chairnien or with Mrs;> E. M.* Stafford, Wlletté 4082. Ail fam- illes'ila the' church are asked to ,réserve this date and, to place. their reqërva- tiens irnmediately. The Chicago,*Methodist Social Union wNlD hold Its faîl banquet on Tuesday, October 25, at the Medinah Athletie club. *Blshop Ernest Lynn Waldorf will make bis Initial bow before Chicago Mtýethocdlm. It lm hOped that thère *ill be at least one thousand guests at this banquet. The union la net sellilng mem- berships this year, but lm selling tickets foDr'eaeh individual. occasion., Reserva- tions shoiuld be made with Thomas H. West*, and, R., G. Kîmblil, or at the' church office.- Remember the. date- Tuesdây, October 25, -at Me. v Mèdinah Athîetileclub. The Sixth 'division will ' 1eet Tu es- diay, October 25, at 10 :30 at the' home of Mrs. IR. W. Fairevhildl, 651 Brier strevt, Kenllwôrth. Thiursday. October 27 lm Division day. The follouing dîvislôns wiil meet: First-2 P. M.-Exchange party-Mrs. T. L. Grisamore, 411 Lake avenue, Second-l0 :30 A. -r. Fredericl< Bird, 515 Eleventh street. Third-lO :30 A. M.-at the church. Fourth-10 :30 A. M.-Mrs. Wlllard H*. Thayer, 121 Robsart road, Kenllworth. ,Flfth-10 :30 A. M.-Mrs. E. S. Young- berg, 428 Niath street. The fal meeting of the North Shore group of the' Methodist Women's as- soclati-en of Rock River Conference will be heid Yriday, October 28, at 10 o'clock at the Hemnenway church ln Evansteti. First Con gregational Johin G. H-indl.ey, miaister Our worship service is' held at Il ôeloc-k. Next Sunday moraing r 1indley wlll pýrcach.on,,the thenw, "h tlpwar-d Swing.," The music fer nexi Sunda-y will be- Prelude: «"Mefrning Song',"....... HollinS Anthin-"O Lord, How 'Manifold are Thyr Works" ....... Bariiby Oftertory Duet-"Lord, Bow Thine Ear"...........--.....Mendelssohn Mrs. Edwa.rds and Mrs. Wishover Soie-"Behoid! Wha.t Manner of Love!1"................. MaeDermid Lester Smiith Thie through-the-week activities for boys and girls are scheduled as, fol- Iowa,. Tuesday-4 p). în.--Camp Fire Girls, Girl scouts Tuesday-7 :30 p., m.-TroopNo 2, Boy Scouts Thursdavy-4 p.. ui.-Juaior Choir rte- hearsal Tbursdàay-7 :liÇp., n.-Senior Choir re- bear-sal Friday-3 :15 P. nm.-flrown led; Fr Priday-7 :30 p. rn.-S4enlor Camip F Girls Fridayý-7 :30 p. nm.-Troop N o. 1, ýBoy Scouts Saturdayr.-30 a. m-Cubs, S.John's Lutheran Wlimaette and Park avenuieq, Willwette Hterman' W. .1eyer, M. A., pastor 406 Prairie avenue Telephone 1396 Cliurch Telephione ;.A79 Servieeg 9 :15 -C. m.-First Service and Scrlnîon 9:0a. » lti-,qufday school afld' Riblo classs Il a. m.-Second service ad sermon xEETINGS Friday, 7 :45 p).in. - Junior Walther league Saturday, 9 a. ni-Ciasses for children Ifondày-Choir rehearsal Wednesday-Cla"ses for cildren The' Ladies' Aid and 'Missionary so- ciety la meeting this .afterneon In the Sunday school room t.1te sew for ýthe* United Charities. We are sure that there will bec a geod attçfldancte as these ladies all. enjoy the -sewlng circle meet- ing and especial'ly when sewing foi, such a wortliy cause. The Junior Walther lbague3 will have another lnteresting meeting on Friday of tbis week. The spirit shown by these young people this falbas been a great pleasure for the older miembers of the churchi and shoinld be an Inspiration to all the young taenbers to come and muake this mneeting a success. St. John's church exteads a cordial invitation te ail new residents of Wil- mette. 'Adequate fac-iltiés forý religious education are provided and the Sunm day morning services are d evotional ad uplifting. It la a pleasture to bave youj worship witb us! Ispeaker. itridge Wheati mp Gri c la to îai Life cton - lirector.-Wi- whom many Is te be mir "Dratna." The AdtitLc14jLsHallowe'fn. party wil1 be held at the' church on Friday ew(- ning of this week. It ls a costuime patrty hut rather the' opposite of "fancy"' dress. Come rt'ady. for' a -lot 'of fun.. The. you ig peop>le will. have thei r iu- mission the church on Fir day evening at 7 :30, ln Children"s hall, following which there ilbeapry plannd bythe Fellowship commission. Afnneuncemient will be made, through the Sunday bulletin of the Weman's ~, ciety LItik meetings next week. First Presbyterian., Wcénian's club rooms Tentli ztreet at Greenleaf avenu.- James T. Veneklasen, mninister, Our worsbil) service is held a t Il o'clock S'unday'mornin.g. The ainister will preaeh on the theme, "od < Happine'-s-Self-Disclpline.". This is the' Qecond in the' series of. a tudies of th( Beatitudes, Jesus' great-llst of thost- whr. fifid happliiess. We ilnvite you te orh[ with lus. Our Suiiday ýschool meets at :£v or' study c*f the' Bible. We have depairt- niente',afnd Classes for ail ages. M74 in- vite you to Join usQ* T'l'i'e'Bible clasa meets a1.t 9 :40 o'clec'k for the study of t.he Gospel or John. Wc. invite the men of the com- Junior chuî'ch la held at il o'elock, during the' rnorning worship hour 'to care for' the childrea whose parents ws to attend weorship. The Christian Endeavor society, which la increasi ng weekly in attendance andl Robert J. Bennett, 1033 .Ashland e. nue at 5 :30 o'ciock. The topie fer di.s: cussio)n Nwill .l)e : "Hew Dees the Teacli- ing o)f j.esus Change Business?" Frnuk Enger, Jr., will lead the meeting. Thé spokes cf the Womnan's socjet y will incet-at foliows: ,No. ý2 with Ms H. R. BeCk%%ith,ý 603 Central avenue, a t 1 O'Cioek Tuesday; No. 10ý with iNIs. Nfiiton Baî'k.r, 730 Central.avenue, at 1 t)<I(kTuesday; No.. 12 with Mr. J-frr Pie,2143 Beechwoodj avenue, it i1 o'elock, with Mrs. Harold Cni Our î'l'ae eting is held on. el neSdayý evening at the Womnan's clui> rooms, at S o'clock. We: will study this week the flrst of the "*Psalms offte A Ruaimage sale Is' belag sponsorec hi by thie Woman's, Aid soclety today and bE tomorrow, Thursds4y. and Friday. Ail S. mwomea of the church areasked to leave VÇ a. l. ...'ýmnnary meting oethie utan- d On Friday, Saturday and Suniday, Vatssers for' the' coming anniual vanivass, of October 28, 29, ad 30, our Illinôls Bap- was heid Mîdyeveign'h ltrl d. tiat State convention rneets at Cham- officets. a ati lue psign. Dr. Ailisen la te deliver two of rthe addresses. Perhaps a goodly number A delegattion of St. Augustinle's 0- of our people can make the trip. Chu reh school teachers will attend the' J. regular session of the nerth shore S. October 23 la the beginning of Girl school for teachers tenlght at Chris-t id Scout week. We have two, fine troops chureh Parish b ouse, Wlpnetka. i