Hess President The Byroni C. Stolp Assembly club had its regular meeting on1 Tuesday, October 4. .We elected our officers at the meeting and. sang. under the direction -of- M rs. Clark. We' selected our candidates froil the. nominees who hiadt been namred, three for each 'office, at. a previous ýmeeting. The resuits of the election were as foiiows:' president, Ed ward He ss; vice-president, Dav'id Geppert; secre- tary, Phiil Rogers, and treasurer, Shirley Patterson. The president and secretary are choseu froin the eighthi grades.; and the vice-presiden't' and treasurer froni the' seventh grades. Because' of tiie registration ploli held in thegym, We 'had ne meeting October 13. Duriig, our1 meeting on1 October 18 we instailed our niew offi- cers. We.think they are geod euies and hope they wiii fil! their offices veI. The club' wili continue uîu.iler the same Iruiing as iii former vears, un- less word couies froni Mlr. Harper ini regard te înmaking -a ehauge.-ino- gene Kaufînan, Stoip I-C.ý Boys of E."i Win- Game by Playing Like DemQns Our teani, E-1,. hadit first gaine Friday, October 7, an w me afl 'piayed like demon s. The battie was a score- iess tie up unitil the fourth quarter and there were about etiree minutes left to play. Theiî Kramner on fourth down took the bail frein our 40-yard l ine for a touclidoivn. Teami E-1i-won 7 teà 0, and, E-2 boys ere gtood lesers. -Charles Haigh, Howard .8-A. H4oward 8A Newspaper ýNets Profit in lst Issue The 8-A newspaper has netted the room about. $3.50 profit for the first edition. We are using N-1r. Todd's The eighth grade girls of Howard had a practice kickball game in the gym Monday, October 10, as it was raining outdoors ' Teain 8-B piayed 8-C, and 8-B won, se it played 8-A. Team 8-B was up to bat first and played for seven minutes, n matter- how maiiy outs it 'made. In tlîat in- ning, Team 8-B made 13 runs.. Teain 8-A then came up to.l)at and made only 12 runs. Those who played, on 8-A's teai were Dorothy -Davis, Virginia Marslî,' Louise, Schreiber, Bessie Bouchikas, Grace Ceutifanto, jean Ntaédonald, Alice Wagner, Edfia Baughman and Marjorie Hill.-Mý\arjorie Hill, How- ard 8-A. Pupils Have Opportun»t to Join. Band at Sehool The band. lias st'arted for. the vear.* Mr.. Fair said ive are playing. verjy well, only we have tiot enough instru- ments. If we do not get môre instru- mejits, we shall. bave octets.. V have six trumnpets, foutr clarinets, two flutes, one soprano saxophone, one C saxophone, one bass and one. drum. Any one wlîo plavs anv, of. these Îinstrumienits and wvants to. be ii the band is urged to attend rehearsals:011 Tuesdays anîd Fridays, at 12 o'clock, at Howard school ini the auditorjunii. =James Aîîdersouù, Howard 8-A. Highcrest Pupils Hold Achievement Meeting Members of the Highicrest school lîeld their general achievemeut ineet- ing on Friday, October 14. At the close, of the meeting, îve. had fine entertainment. - Mr. Murphy, princi- pal of our school, piayed songs on the banjo. Then three girls sang. WVe served refreshments before adjourl-. ing. Itwas a Very successful meet- ing, led. by, Dorothy Dittmari -piresi- dent, of -the .club.-Pearl Mountai.n. Highcrest school.- Art Students Designý 1Mathemnaties Covers This year in art the, eighîth grades are making several different. covers. to Victory in 2nd Hall Hfoward E-3 playedj its first gaie on Friday against Stoip E-i. We scheduled the gaine secoid i the afternoon, so that we coid( orgýaize and be ready to pIa%,,as sooni as the first game was over.- By, the, tinie it was. ou r turn, we were rea(iy. .we thought that, it w ould be a, liard game to win, but by. the first hiaîf we saw that E-i. could *not stop ý'Us. .WIe played çaSily in the last hiaîf and won 19 to 0. .1 think thiat our teami is the strongest in' the E, lass.-Wiiliami Graham, Howard 8-A. Three Coaches: Instruct-I Wilmette Football1 Teams Mr. Davis is cogacingii the 1ieavy- weight; teains, Nvith two fulil teanî,s represented. Mr.: GathercoalI is coaching the 'lightweighits, aIse îvith two teains. Mr. Stone is coaching pee-wees, with four teams eout.. Nr, Gathercoal is determiîîed 'to l .avethe best ightweighits of dt l ast thiree years. .Mr. . Stonie wiII l ave a liard time picking-his first teami. Mr. Da- vis has good material for a wenderful football team tis ,earHarol.ci Borre, Howard 8-C. Letters From.WilMette Will Go Across Ocean In composition eaclî pupil %vas te choose a foreigni chiid te write te. and inaîy selecte<1 the lianie of a' child ont of the niagazine, Open Road for Boys. Miss Perring chose this project te Shomw us iiow te. learîx te c orrespondj with foreigii persous ini a friendiv wav. . We hope they lviiI wxant te be frienids and xviii \rite us back. - Barbara Amiec Thompson, Stoip 2-C. Howard F-i Conquers Stolp F«2 Grjd Team Howard F-Il)edat Stolp - 20 t() 7 in football recenitiy. TFoin, Kivland 'is captain of Howard F-i and the lue- up for his teani is: John Hale, right end and right tackle; Bol) Hoffmneyer, right guard: Mar-tin Kresçre. center: Prom CoaI Lump 'lfli depressioni gardens are a lot ofiito miake and keep. Finid yourself a disii and get twý%o or three chuniks of coat After washing t le . coal. thoroughily, put it .in i the disli. Take ivo tablespoons, of, wa- ter, two tablespoons -of bluing, and two of salt---and mixweil. Pour tlîis mnixtu .re. over vo ur ceai, after pÙttiig* a drop of miercuir.chromie on eacli lump of ceai. Tie second(l (av put a.tab lespoon of sait. and onie of, vater on the -coal. Tie thirdi (aYput thie sanie.on witli a drop of mercurochrome, on each lump. Every otiier day put sait a nd water on vour garden and watch it. grow..-Wiliam Hayt, Howard 7-B. Many Pledge Loyalty to, Sehool Gic Club Mrs. 'Clark orgaîiized the glee club last Thursday anid Friday. There are about seventy girls~ and S'eventy boys. Most or aIl of the eiglhth grad.ers who could c£arry a tune are in the glee club. At the first practice, Mrs. Clark passe(I out slips on whiéh ve. signed- our nanies. Signiug '. these slips meant. tlat %ý'e- couldabsolù:tely neot quit the giee club, uuless we w.eré put out for misbelîavior .by Mr s:. Clark.-Heleu Born, Howard> 8-C. Heavyweights Prepare to Battie Des Plaines The heavies are in goed -'shape for our first gamie with Des Plaines, at the Village Green Saturday meruiing at 9 o'clock. We had tWenty-sone, fellows out for practice, se therie were. enonuIgli boys for tve teais. Mr. Davis'pickedl the first teaifogo thirough thé signais. l'lier second teamr was te, break threugh ttue first team's hune and get" the tackile.---Rob- ert. Steffens, Howard 8-C. Gridders of D-1 Start. Season With Victory Teain D-1 canme tlirouzl'h ts firsat thie nrst edition and got thirtyzsix yard at Wiim'ette avenue .and Si subscriptions for a month or two. I teenth street. We have a lot cf ft hope we seli as mnany copies next because we get practice ini taking t week as we have this week.-Jean bail and iu tackling. Hanv Macdonald, Howard 8-A. Steffens, Howard - 8-C. Wednesday, October 12, 8-A girls VISIT CURTISS FIELD played 8-Bl. The winning side of The kindergarten of Howard scheol that game was te play 8-C, and 8-A wiii go te Curtiss field Tuesday carried off all the honors by Winning' xnorning at 9,o'ciock.-Bessie.Bouichi- both games.-Edna Baughman, How- kas,,Howard 8-A.. ard 8-A.,