Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1932, p. 52

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1cents a.Unln n one paper. 26 cents a line ln any two Pape 1ru. Rates- ' 3*IU HAG N 3cents a Une ln ail thre papers.MIMU ChREOi D>OLLAR. Average offIve words to tihe Une. No black face type used. 16% discount en ail cash wlth eider advertlsements wheu brougbt to oui oele. *t logoCentral Ave., WlImette, or M 1Lincoln A-Ve., wnetka. Deadlie forlnsertions-cepted. p to a esdAy 9 P.w 'M.eutc WILUKrTTE' LIFE, or ail three papers; Wedn esday , 9. P., WINNETKA. TALK and Thuraday 5 -P. M. for .GLENCOE NEWS. Trelepliones: Wilinette'4300. Wlnnetka 2000. Greenleaf 4300,or Sheidrake 5687. ASSISTANCE 81101 -0RMERLjY WINNETKA stN'IN sl~iqôp. now 'located uat 29E1itRidge' Ave., Evanstoni. 1Ph. t'îivermsit.v 5( in> A. M. Perfect quiltîng ;ttd l:and- work at reasonable pt' 8 LOST AND FOUND * LOST REDL)ISH BLW '<KI 81).tnlel dog. 4 months 'îld, eide' pe4t.; $5 reward. (:îlI W'Ilot'tte _______________2LTN24-t rie:' lost early in Octplber. Aîîswers * naine *'Monal." WinnetIha ;.369. ___________________ 2fTN124 -1 t py. gray pams and <cIn'i4. Itwi C.all WViliiiette 2343. 21.1124-A.t c 140ST-l>OG. YOUNG l iSI ET 'I white -spot on breast. Iteard. P'h. Glencoe 1759. 2T2-t .9 BUSINESS SERVICE Vermin Externminated P. J. UEDELHQFEN, EXTERMINÂT- ing engineer.. Phi, Winn. 76 or North- brook 128. 9 LTN14-tfc l"m-youI' iext party or lanc4e. 3-10illil SweeU and hot. lvs>îb..WiI mette 10dG. L 4-t 9-A GOOD THINGS TO EAT 1)0 YOU KNÔW TUE C'11L' Hill Terract & Center St. As. serving home e-(ohkvd iiieils àt moi(deraite prices? 50e & 65ë for- lunchi- vons, 85e for-dinners, children under 10.haîf price. Special parties.b rsr '.at.ion. Ph. Vinneti<a .1724.. ____________________ A-L,24-Itp MICHiGAN GRAPES 7CENTS BL'SIIEL. WNETA3238. lu INSTR*UCTION DRAMATICS, ELOJUTION. PUBLIC speaklng. Class and private. N. U. '22. Mrs. Miller, Wilmnette.:259. 15LT N22-4tp 'S LAUNDRY JUST OPENED-BENSON LAUNDlrtY -Try our out.side drled Iauùndry ý;jt4s better. Al work beautifully done- by hand. Oui-' weekly lump or itein prices save you nioney. Cheaper than 1iay work doncie n your home. We call *and deliver. 562 (ireen Bay Rd., l'hl. Kenîlworth 2016. 18LTN24 -ltp WANTED - L.AUNDRY WORIC EQU *'Wé<1. and Thrs' 6 yr'.' exp. in w;asl- ing miachines and mangles. l'efs. -CaIl Mrs. 1aterson. W'%'llmèette 2448, %VANTED - WASHING TO DO AT home; cal! and. dlive: expert wprk., Reasonable prices. Phi. Wilmette 1351. ISL24-ltp) 22 MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS WhY puYIYhigh 1rat.e storage whien yous ('an place pianio m c.tefUIl hainds.. If voui have nice gr:and p)iino Will stort. it flo you in mly Ihomle nd pyf<'r moving in exchange for use, 1 ier. . mor0le. A-1 refs'. option to buy in case of sale,.l'h. Çîenue 1158. 22LTN\ RUA PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING, $3 .Upright or grand; also* repai ,r; work gugr..; 16 yrs. Steinway, N. Y.; 11. C. jThomas. Park Ridge 877-W: AD 22A-LTN21-5tp 3PAINTINGOAD.DECoRATING ,Paint, Paper. 5 Rrns., $340'50 SANITAS AND CANVASING WORK. also store and office work at reason- able prices. Rai. papered,,$4 and up; rn. wallpaper cleaned, 75c; bathrm. - .enameled, $5; kit. palnted. $6; ceiling Penson Qurelfand avold worry;sefnd date of blrth; pr'oposal will follow wit out obl gat on to you w hatever. RePresenting 'One of the largest financial institutions, assetsover $1,400,000,000. 37LTN243tp WILL PAY CASH FOR A. LIMITIE» ainount. of Skokie Country Club bonds. MNake best offer. Wlrite B-198. Box 40. Wilmette. 111, 37LTN24-2te as ON Loans, on Automobile.s Quick. CONFIDENTIAL 'SERVICE, under state supervision, legal .rates. MOTOR LOAN CO. State .Bk. Bldg.. Evansto n Gre. 3200 .~3!N2TN2tf WAINTED -A.$ 2,000 FHLSTMT . 5 years stralght, on nîy $1:')000 improved Wlnnetka proPerty. - SPONTBIITV ASSURED. Write 13-I9.7. Box 40, Wlilmette, 111. 38LTi 2-1 te. LOANS TO PROPERTY OWE . Make and buy Ist -and 2nd nortgtg"s., EVý-,ANSTON BOND & MT(,. CC), 618S (Wove St. Greenlelif i41oW 381,TN24-1tý- 41 SITUATION WANIED-FEMALEý DOMESTIC HELP No charge to employer. Efficient service for 'thé N. S. homes. We investigate refereneýes. SPECIAL NURSE DEl>AIItTMENT' Patuline's Emip. Agencies 5 Subturban Otlices 522 Center St. WVinîîetka 266243011 41 bTN24-tf1V CULTUJLED MI 1)>)-lIf) WOMAN.ý desires situation as governes.s ot' practit'al nurse, experienced Nvitil mental cs.Pli. Dav'is 181S, Mis. Ford. 41 IP24-1 t<, [HOUSEVOtl II 1E1,Y1 EI. eapable, relitble Nwonîan. Excelle(nt utok. ideal child .tinurse. Parit o<. 1,11i tinie. A-1 refs. Greenlleaf IN2.). NVIIOW --:19, IHOSPITAL Ti tA 1N VI) ntrs',wul lkeacast. or a oi ti<îi a W'ikiîh iouekeîîe. Will go lan1yoi' ('lt'aning by the daty.j lLet'ere c.<aIl M7Wllmette 4288 alter S :30.41LTN24-1ti) IIOSEKEI'RVERIYIG60D COOK, eeno:ialmanager, conscientiou. E4xelent N. S. ref. Qoo4 1home first c'onsideration. IVilnet te 494 C'ook, butiler. driver, and genera1 hiotsewvork. N. S3. ref. Wbrk a fIer sehool bours. Ph. Lakeview 0482, . ýk for Ofina. . 42LTN24-Itii j41ICENÈED CHAUFFEgU.EPEI enced mechanie, ail hotisework, refs.. smýall saalryý. ,28 years. Ph. Ravenis- Wood 6847. 42LTN24-ltp EXPER1. AND RELIABLE WHITE, mnwishes .housework:.ndgaren ing. Rlef. Ph. Wilmlette 4677,eves. 42[.TN24-lti» ii<us~ UI.E N Nt,1'ANTINC, seee salîd storm windows, attendedl to.ilteasonable. X.N. ,jref. W mette 2088. 4LN4lj EXPERL. GARDENER ANI)11(OUSE- in. lire furnaces. any (Ad jolis. N. '-*, refs. Call Wilitiette 30-43. 43 13IT. WTD.-MAL.E FEMALE FOR COUPLES CÇALL WINNETKA 2662-3017ý We place experienced help only: aijl references on file.> PAULINE'S 522 Center St. Wlm:nretkit YO UNOG GELMAN CUL . W goodý cook, man chauffeur. gztr(Ielier,. etc. 'Pli. Morton Grove 1931 or ýWil! mette 4361.. 8519 Georgiana. Ave., Morton GCrove. , 43LTN24ýLt COUPLE WANT POSITION-WO 1MAN general houseçivork, man' ebauffetur nd houseman. WiII work together or, se(-parate. nef., Ph. University 7548,. 43LTN24-Iti> H 1 A TE - EM L IPositions Open I for domestie help : if you cal: furnlsh A-i working references see us at once. Paulin-e's Ernp. Agencies 522 Center St. ýWinnetka 2662-"017 44LTN24-11te, W%'ANTrED - CULTURE» W0OMA.N with. social connections to initeresýt North Shore people ln a wond)iferful and inter-esting'new product ÏWhich peasto ail. Pleasing, work andj excellenit nossibilities for 'a good in- corne. Write B71.92. Boxc 40, Wîlm-ette, 411.44LTN24-l:tc WILMTTE GIRL WITH CHAIN gr(>cery store ëxperien(ce.. Age 22-269, Neat appeilring. Write'13-190, Box 40, MAID. WHITE, GOO.D COOK, GEN- cral lioti1ý-cwoi-k. 2 adult's. Retlned bimne. iRef: iequireA. ýWinnetka 176. eS' wi .good 14LTN *t (OOKINfj BY DAY housework. N. S. re Own 1. 1131UChicago Ave. 4-lpLATE MODfLS -COU P E S AND) UPR; sedans. Bulck, Pontiac, Foirds, Chev- ý1te*rolets. Studebake:'. Packard, Chrysier, OROpen Eves. and Siindays GRE. 7700 3218. NORTH SHORE BUICK-PONTIAC CO- l-ltp ASLTN24-ltc I 1 - . 1.1 ý

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